News - Secret Buff "kastov 74u" Is Broken Warzone 2. Best Kastov 74u Class Setup" Warzone 2


I was one kill away from my advanced UAV, and then I missed a lot of bullets. It's my fault; whatever happens, I'll take the blame for it. It's crazy good. It's crazy good. I also dove in like instantly, and I kind of made a article on that yesterday, and you guys could check it out. We're going to get straight into the class setup for this, and we're just going to go from there.

So the first thing is stem-shot proximity. Mine is for the perk packages.

Perk package 1 package

Perk package 1 package

I'm working double time as a scavenger, a cold-blooded vampire, and a ghost. Now you're going to notice in the gameplay that I didn't really use Scavenger that much, like I should have run over the dead bodies that I killed and whatnot. I ran out of bullets, and that's kind of what caused me to die right before getting that advanced UAV, but either way, it's really nice, and then there's Dead Silence, which, if you're playing shipment, you don't really need; it's kind of useless, to be honest with you, but that's what I had on regardless.

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Now in the class setup, tuning is really important on this one; it's probably more important than the attachments, but what I really like is when you look at all these attachments. Now at the top left corner of the attachment, it shows you if it's tunable, so if you have an attachment that's not tunable, for example, like this here, it's not going to show the little tuning symbol, so now you know what you are able to tune.


I like that, but yeah, this is the gun, and these are the attachments on the gun; let's get into the first one. The first one we're going to talk about is the barrel, and that is the Br-209.

Br209 barrel

Barrel for movement speed and ad speed, we want to make this gun as close as possible to an SMG; we do lose recoil control and bullet velocity, but if you're playing shipment.

So ad and recoil setting this for the tuning on the barrel, you want to put that to the max, especially on the smaller maps; damage range doesn't matter, you're playing small maps like I said, so set it to that. The next attachment is going to be the Echolus 80 muzzle, and the reason I chose this one is because you actually get damage range, bullet velocity, recoil smoothness, which I find better than recoil control because it makes it a lot easier to actually control, and sound suppression.

Now you lose ads, and you lose a bit of aiming stability. yada doesn't really matter. Let's get into that tuning, and the tuning for this one, to the max bullet, is slightly higher than aiming for idle stability. You're not going to be idle aiming down sights too often, so you don't really need that as much as the bullet velocity.

So like I said, bullet velocity is kind of useless, but just make a more accurate hit scan if you can, so we might as well throw that up there. Going down to the next attachment, we've got the 45-round mags.

45 round mag

45 round mag

I wish there was a 60-round option. It's definitely noticeable, but that's not bad if you ask me, so let's see something if we take leg shots there and I hit two. Ah, you know what? Let's add it to single-fire in a sec. There we go: boom, bang, all right, let's just kill him completely and hold him up.

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Three, he's still standing, and now it takes four shots where it used to take three back in the day, but now let's test if it actually works, so one, two. Two, three, it still works okay, so that's really good, and then at long range, let's see, one, two. Three four five is really not bad at all; five is actually a little bit, which is enough for those long shots.

You'll probably end up using ten rather than five because you will miss a few, let's be honest, but it's more than enough going down to the rear grip.

True-tac grip

True-tac grip

We got the True Tech grip, and this one right here gives you sprint to fire speed and ads; now, this is important because we recently lost those, so we definitely want to have it back. Now, you will notice that we do lose some recoil and control, but it's not enough to make me worry. It's not enough to make me say I'm not going to use this class anymore.

I got a drift on my left stick, so it moves a lot to the right for some reason, but anyway, we got Sprint to Fire and ads maxed out on this right here, what I am testing at the moment. If these tunings actually change, whether you put it to the max or not. I want to see if it's actually able. To change the way the gun plays because with the new update we got a lot of stuff updating this game, the game actually plays a lot better in my opinion, and I just want to see if it's if it's if it's better or not.

You know all right, the five final attachments.

Markeev r7 stock

On this one, it's the stock, and that's the Marquee R7 stock I used to run.

Spetsnaz s10 stock

best class

I think the specs are nice for the S10, but the marqueev. Dodge those bullets and whatnot, and overall, it's a great class, but that's going to be it for the article guys.

If you enjoy it, make sure to drop a like on this one. I would truly appreciate it if we went for 1,000.

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