News - Top 10 Tips For Warzone 2 Ranked Play (classes, Settings, Movement)

Class setups

Class setups

best ranked player mw3

With MW3-ranked play, I've got 10 tips that every top 250 player uses to farm Sr. Starting with number one, make sure you have the right classes. Number one pro Shi uses this rival 9-class setup. All right so now let's get into our classes here so with the Rival 9 class here we have dr6, hand stop this just makes it so you you're faster so you can strafe more you aim down your sights faster with this your movement speeds faster with the purifier muzzle so this is going to make a shoot straighter because it's not going left and right and then let's go over to the Rival clear shot Barrel this is what everybody uses the aiming Idol sway makes so your gun doesn't sway as much which is great for a sub you don't want your sub to sway longer range kills are easier, with the marauder stock again we have gun kick control just makes it so it's not kicking as much and aiming idle sway same thing you don't want to be swaying your gun with a sub especially you want your sub to just be a straight, beam and with the Rival Vice assault grip you got a gun kick control same thing as before this grip is just going to help you control your gun easier, so if you're using the MCW.

Here, I use the match compensator. This makes your gun more of a hit-and-scan gun. The vertical recoil means it's not going up or down and shooting nice and straight. Now I use the skeletal vertical grip the skeletal vertical grip you'll see a lot of Pros use dr6 hand stop but I personally, will use the skeletal vertical grip main thing with this attachment is you have your gun up quick especially if you get caught sprinting you want to be able to pull up your gun nice and quick that's what the Sprint of fire time is going to do for you so with the barrel here we have the Cyclone long barrel everybody uses this one bullet velocity and range, mean idle sway, your gun's not going to be swaying.

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Perfect you want that on every gun to fire and aim stability. The same thing you want is that on every single gun, you want this gun to shoot as straight as possible. It's all personal. I like the blue dot. I think the blue dot's really nice. There's no cons to running a sight. So the last is the Regal heavy stock.

This is mostly what you'll see in every single class. The Regal heavy stock is all just to control. Make sure your gun is not moving.

Recoil control

Recoil control

So the recoil if you shoot your gun, like if I'm not shooting with any control of my stick, I'm just going to shoot it normally. It's going to go straight up like that; it's G to go up like this; just nice and straight; it's not really doing anything crazy; it's not really going left to right very much, so this is pretty easy to control, so shooting the Rival 9, you just got to hold, like if you're aiming in, barely hold your stick down a little bit to the left; you don't have to do it very much; it is very subtle; just hold it down to the left, and it's not going to move as much, and you can just hold it down on the Guy, and it makes it a lot easier.

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Just learning the recoil pattern on your guns will turn you into a much better player. You make your shot so much better, so now let's talk about the MCW controlling the recoil on the MCW. Here, let's just shoot it without touching our whole right, Stick. They're pretty similar, but they're the same thing.

Just learn the rectangle pattern and where you need to put your stick. I'm just showing it for my class. Though it's pretty similar, it's pretty similar to the Rival 9. It's going to be the exact same as I made it, so it's the exact same as the Rival 9, so it doesn't feel any different shooting the MCW, so you're going to slightly hold it down the left going to shoot nice and straight.

Controller settings

Controller settings

So controller settings are all personal, but shooting with your bumpers is a lot faster than shooting with your triggers, which you would kick and flip, Or if you don't want it, you turn it off.

best ranked settings

Edit button layout: I play tactical. Always make sure your controller vibration though is off cuz you don't want any you don't want your controller to be vibrating while you're shooting your gun trigger effect you want a full haptics on so dead zone is all, you want it as low as possible so if you have a new controller you're going to start low and then once you get more stick drift you're going to want to go more so right now it's testing them and you can see my sticks they're pretty much staying, on their spot it's not moving but say it was moving like this a little bit a little bit on the right stick here it would tell you what you should be changing it to down here on the bottom right to make it so your sticks are not moving all right now let's get into the aiming so since like I said this is all perfect personal preference I like a fast sense that's just personally what I run typically you will see a professional player run around 66.

77 i run 1111. And this is also a personal one; it's just the default. But you'll see some people go even lower, so this is just like when you're aiming in, you'll decide how fast you're like going back and forth while aiming, so I run dynamic aim assist Aimbot; it's really it's really good, and then Black Ops aim assist is really good in this game in this game, if you're not running Black Ops a assist has been nerfed a whole lot but in this game if you're not running Black Ops aim assist you're insane because this just gives you so much aim assist; it's so easy to use for game play.

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I run single tap, which makes it nice and easy to get your tactical sprint up and get your speed momentum going. If you run double tap, that means you have to click your stick in twice. I personally like single-tap running because it makes it so your controller doesn't break as easily, and it also helps it so you don't have to sprint because you can just push your stick in and not have to worry about going into an automatic sprint.

I prefer it over automatic. I think automatics can mess you up a lot. You always want a grounded mantle that is partial. You always want a partial mantle that makes it so. You're not automatically manipulating slide-only behavior. This is very important. Make sure you have slides only, because if you don't have slides only, your slide cancellation is going to be a lot harder.

Having the dive on isn't as useful in this game as in MW2. It makes your slide cancellation a lot easier, and that's pretty much it for the game. Play all the rest; you should just keep it original; don't touch anything else.

The BEST PRO Tips Class Sets, Controller and Graphic Settings, Movement, for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Ranked Play to hit Diamond, Crimson, Iridescent, and TOP 250.
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