News - The Warzone 2. 0 Meta. Every Weapon Ranked

It's all that crazy; it is really good for close range, but it's an LMG, so you're not going to be using that realistically in close range fights. Its fire rate and recoil over range are just not practical. Its damage per magazine is not nearly as good as the other LMGs, and I'm not a huge fan of the Icarus.


Now, The Rao, I would say this one is top tier only because the RPK is absolute meta. Now, these two are by far the best LMGs; they're not even close. They are so dominant, and both pack a punch. The rail, though, is just a little too slow for my liking, like it is a top weapon for sure, that's why it's in top tier, but then there's the rpk, which to me is just so much more reliable, and I gotta have them in different categories for that reason, even though they are both fantastic choices, and then finally we got the wrap, which I would say is also probably average with the Icarus.

I mean, the rap and the Icarus are pretty close to being below average, maybe the rap more so than the Icarus, but either of those are not really ones that I would love to use in game. They're all right, and if you get in the right gunfight, they're going to be just fine, but for general versatility and overall competitiveness, they're just not.

All marksman rifles ranked in wz2

All marksman rifles ranked in wz2

Then we get to the marksman rifles in the EBR top tier, and in my opinion, this thing's got crazy, good damage. I can kill with three to four shots from mid-range.

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I love this thing. We talked about it already in one of the top loadout articles; it's easily a top-tier choice; the only thing holding it back is the fact that it uses sniper ammo, like the SPAR does. Competitive I'm glad that it's not as dominant as it was in multiplayer; obviously, the increased health here has definitely brought that thing into balance.

cod mw2

The MK2 is, I would say, just average. This thing's not really doing anything crazy here in the warzone with that increased health. It's fun to use with the way that it behaves in the game, but it's not anything that's seriously The metaconversation, the LMS. I would also probably say is competitive; the thing can be spammed a little bit more; it's very FAL-like, if you will, from war zone one, so I'd say competitive is an appropriate place for it to land a good headshot multiplier as well.

Sab 50 is something that is close to the SP, but I don't think it's on the same level as the SP, so I'm going to drop that down into average. I wouldn't have those in the same category if I was going to use the SP every single time over the Sab 50, then the attack M also, on average. I mean, the thing has a slow fire rate and really, really good damage, but it's not super.

Every sniper ranked in wz 2.0

Every sniper ranked in wz 2.0

Practical to use, and getting into the snipers again, this is a super competitive category because, honestly, they're all pretty consistent, so I would say McPR. I would go competitive at the very least, and that's borderline top tier, though signal, which I do think is a competitive choice just because it's got that slightly lower damage and can be spammed a little bit more, but to me.

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I like the bolt action snipers a little bit more for their fuel victor, which in my opinion is top tier. This out of all the snipers is the one that I think feels the most natural, the most smooth, and the easiest to use in terms of predicting the bullet lead and the bullet drop, so to me, the victus is the go-to sniper right now.

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The Lab50 and the SPX basically feel like the same sniper to me, and I think they're both competitive at the very least. Now we get into some of the more niche areas. The knife is obviously not a serious competitive weapon whatsoever; you're using it to have fun; it's a niche weapon for sure. Same deal with the riot shield; no surprises there then.

All pistols ranked in warzone 2

We move on to the pistols, and things get interesting here. The P890 is consistent. For close range, I've been using it at Kimbo, and it's got some decent damage. I would say this one is probably going to fall into competitive in terms of a pistol; obviously, we have all these guns in competitive, and you're not comparing the Pa 90 to the Attack V or to the McPr300.

But for what the pistol is supposed to do, it's competitive for sure. The deagle is probably going to be our first weapon, and it's below average. It's not terrible, but you gotta have good accuracy to use it, and it's just not nearly as realistic as any of the other pistol options here (X12), so we're going to throw it into average It's your starting pistol.

cod warzone 2

It's nothing crazy, but it can get the job done, Basilisk. is probably going to be average just because of snake shots; they're not nearly as lethal as they are in multiplayer because of their increased health, but I'd take the Basilisk over the Dagger any day of the week, then the x13 auto. I'm going to say it's competitive either as a Kimbo or a single; having that fully automatic pistol is nice, and having, sort of, that pocket SMG is nice to have as that backup now.

Every launcher ranked in warzone 2 meta

Every launcher ranked in warzone 2 meta

The launchers, obviously, are all going to fall into Niche here. You're not using any of these realistically in any sort of meta way whatsoever, so no surprises there.

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That's pretty much how it's always been throughout the war zone.

Warzone 2 meta every rifle ranked

one as well, and then lastly we've got our rifles, and things are going to be interesting here because they landed in a lot of different categories, so first up is the Lockman 556. I'm going to say this one is competitive simply because it has a low recoil and is very easy to use.

Damage though is a bit lacking, which is why it won't be top tier absolute meta probably anytime soon for M13. Here's where I'm torn: In multiplayer. I think it's a very good gun because it has solo recoil and is so easy to use that you're going to have a really good realistic ttk, and it's the same deal here in Warzone, but there are also other low-recoil rifles like the Lochman that make me want to almost put this one in average.


I'm not going to lie; it's borderline competitive and average, for sure. I think because of The damage is a little bit lower, but it's going to stay around average for now. As much as I love the feel of the M13, it's easily the easiest weapon to use. Cheval now the OG built for mid-range, I think, is top tier, as well as the OG rifle, obviously.

Super-low recoil is really consistent in those mid-range gunfights. It's not really great for long range or for super close range, but for sniper support and for those mid-range engagements, it's a beast, ah, the M16. It's bad in multiplayer; maybe I'm a bit too harsh on it in multiplayer, however.

In Warzone, it is absolutely a garbage-tier choice. Its damage is just nowhere near being competitive at all in the rifle conversation or the general meta conversation. It's just not something you should be using right now. Now that I've cast off Sony for you, I'm going top tier as well, and the only thing holding it back from being an absolute meta is its mid-range.

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