News - Warzone 2. 0: Top 5 Most Overpowered Loadouts To Use. Warzone 2 Meta Weapons

Bryson 800 best loadout in warzone 2.0

Bryson 800 best loadout in warzone 2.0

And we are starting first with a bit more of a controversial take, if you will. We've got a shotgun on the list. Now, I myself am not a big fan of shotguns. I don't really love to use them. I say that, but it's kind of like an "evil laughter" type moment. I really hate when they're used against me in particular.

The Bryson 800 here is one that, up close, is going to be absurd, Now, yes, within. You know, within five meters or so, this is overpowered. Within 10 meters, this is really strong for a shotgun, though, so it's very well balanced after that range, where it's not supposed to be ridiculously good but where it is good.

best loadouts warzone 2

Fries I'm sure you've seen some clips recently. I've seen some people get killed in one shot because they got a head shot with the shotgun here. This thing is wildly strong in the war zone right now. The setup here is a shout-out to Gumi the man, the myth, the legend himself. He's got the shotgun lowered, if you will, and this is definitely something that he'd recommend here with these attachment setups that are very similar to what he's got going on there.

So first up is the start-off mod, which is going to just give you better mobility. Better ads, better Sprint to fire up super—crucial for, you know, closing that gap when you're trying to get within that, you know, 10-five-three-meter range where it could potentially be one shot right—I've got the tactical pump on here, which is for that faster reach hammering speed.

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AKA, that better fire rate; and I go ahead and tune this for that Mac sprint to fire and, also, slightly better walking steadiness. As well, we got the shark fin under the barrel on here; this is meant for stability, but basically you just get free stats out of this with a slightly better walk speed and a slightly better ad speed as well, and then it got the Bryson improved choke on there that's going to help out with the damage range a bit obviously, you want the best range possible, so we can potentially one-shot players; this also helps out the pellet spread, and you can really tune this in either direction here for the pellet spread or the Sprint to fire just comes naturally.

Down to how you want the weapon to feel, then I go for the maximum damage range as well, and lastly, on there, we got the seven milliwatt laser for that faster speed and sprint to fire as well.

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Warzone 2.0 best rapp h loadout

To take into consideration next , up here we've got the wrap and also just a little sneak peek towards the end of the article. You might want to stick around because there might be a new surprise at the end. We'll have to wait and see, but yeah, the story here—I'm not gonna lie—is that it's a gun that I initially gave a bad rap.

You see what I did there? I just asked you guys to stay until the end of the article. That pawn probably isn't helping my case, but anyway, the wrap is an absolute beast. For mid-range, it's incredibly overpowered. If you are within, like, 40 meters or closer, this thing is going to shred. The reason that, over long range, it's not necessarily as consistent is because the fire rate and the recoil here can be a bit awkward and obnoxious just because it's so fast to fire.

best setups warzone 2

And the recoil is a little bit sporadic here; it's definitely more difficult than some other choices, but when you do land your shots at this thing, it is wild. I love this thing. We're of course tuning this for the furthest eye position if. If you have an optic that you like more, maybe it's a blue dot, maybe it's the amop optic, if that's the case for you, feel free to use that optic and just tune it the same.

Basically, we have the Lochman TCG. Grip on here for that better control that'll keep the recoil a little bit easier. We tuned this for better stability, and keep in mind that stability is a huge factor in a lot of fights this year, so we definitely want to pay attention to that. Also, for better steadiness, I go ahead and throw on some high-velocity ammunition here.


I tune that for the best range and best velocity—basically some free stats, if you will, which is not too shabby. I go for the Bo52, Grip This is for better steadiness, better stabilization, and better stability in general as well, so this thing is really, really consistent. I tuned this for slightly better stabilization and slightly better stability as well, so we're getting a lot out of this under the barrel, and then I also got the Castovia, Dx90, muzzle.

This is a suppressor that helps out with control and velocity as well as not hurting your range or anything, so that's actually a really solid option there, and we tuned this for slightly better smoothness or ads like either oral work just fine there then I go for the slightly better velocity on there as well.

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The thing is insane now before we move on to our next overpowered weapon. I just want to remind you guys that if you're new to the channel, every single day I've got you covered with news updates and class setups. Turn on those post notifications. Advantage has you covered. Cheval be they've got a ton of different lens options as well as some really new and stylish ones that just dropped with the Horizon frames, which personally are my favorites.

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They've got a lot of options and a lot of customization there for you if you ever want to pick up a pair for yourself. Code Immortal, at checkout, will save you a nice chunk of change that, hey, maybe you could put towards another gift as well.

Warzone 2 best taq-v loadout

Warzone 2 best taq-v loadout

Moving on though, next up we've got the Tactical Battle Rifle. This thing is also a powerhouse, and just like the rep, maybe not the easiest to use in terms of recoil, but after you master it and figure out where it works, which is mainly in the mid-range, you know, we're talking like 25 to 60 meters; they're the same deal as the wrap; it's going to fry there because the thing is just such a powerhouse that it's going to absolutely rip through opponents, so here again.

Schlager. 3.4 times the optic tune-in for that furthest eye position once more. I go for the combat grip's better control here as well, just like back on the wrap, and I tune for better steadiness and slightly better stability here as well. I do use the 30-round magazine; this thing comes stock with 20, and that's just not enough for anything, even solos.

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Especially because you are probably going to miss a few shots when spraying this thing because the recoil is a bit tougher, you definitely want to have that extended magazine on there. I got the Phase 3 grip, which helps out with stability and stabilization, and then I tuned that for even better stabilization and stability as well, if you wanted to.

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