News - Three Movements To Win More Gunfights. Warzone 2 Movement Tips & Guide

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Disclaimer about warzone 2

Let me start today's article with a quick disclaimer: I'm not advocating for the War Zone One movement to come back, and I'm not saying that movement should be meta in War Zone 2. I'm simply taking what they've given us and going over three simple movements that will allow you to win more gunfights.

Let's go ahead and jump into it now. The format for today's article is going to be very simple. I'm going to talk you through each of the three movements, going over when and why they are important, and then from there we're going to break down some clips. I'm going to show them to you in the game and really talk you through how they allow me to win that gunfighter and get out of the scenario that I'm in now.

Movement #1

best movement warzone 2

Let's go ahead and start off here with what I think is the most important: movement in war zone 2. It makes movement a little bit more fluid, it allows you to move quicker, and most importantly, it gives you a little bit of outplay potential in a game that does not have much outplay potential, and that is going to be dolphin diving.

Now, dolphin diving is simply jumping forward, and you do it by holding your Crouch Prone Slide button. We simply just jump forward, and it resets our tax print every single time now. I already know what a lot of you are going to say about mail. Mailing resets your tax plan as well, absolutely. And that's reason number two why I like dolphin diving: it makes you a harder target to hit if you are caught out in the opening because you're rotating, which makes you a harder target to track simply by meleeing where you're standing because you're walking, and then you reset your tax print.

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or You are a harder target to hit when you are full dolphin diving, fully jumping forward, going prone, and then resetting your tax print. It's pretty quick to reset that brain. All I'm doing, by the way, all I'm doing is tax printing, and then I go to tax printing, and then I go right, so that's all I have to do.


That makes you a much harder target to hit. I mean, with Mei Lange, you are standing vertical, you're walking, you're slowing down, and now you keep moving, you are dolphin diving, you are jumping forward, you are fully prone, and then you are going tax print again it makes you a harder Target to hit there's no doubt about it.

Number three is that it does give you a little bit of outplay potential, and I want to show you this one because this is where I think it's most valuable first. First things first, I want you to go into your settings, go to Advanced, and turn on invert. Slide and dive The behavior that puts this on inverted sliding is not very useful in this game, so instead of having to hold that button to dolphin dive, now all we have to do is tap it.

how to win more gunfights in warzone 2

It makes it a little bit quicker, and you don't have to worry about holding it and you never have to worry about sliding. But, in a scenario right here, take this guy and say he's shooting at me, and I need to get behind and cover this, which is not very quick but also makes me very easy to track versus if I need to dolphin dive.

I can dolphin dive behind cover here now; I've broken the line of sight, and I'm in a position where I can easily reset my tax brain, and keep in mind there's not much audio in this game, so I can get all the way around this corner right here on the plate. I'll reload, and then I can re-engage; he's going to have no idea where I actually went.

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So, dolphin diving allows us to jump behind cover when we are actually getting shot, and also keep in mind that this brief moment right here where I'm jumping makes me a harder target to hit if this guy is shooting at me. If I'm like right here and he's hitting headshots and I jump, he's not hitting me at all anymore, and I'm behind cover.

I broke that line of sight, so I think dolphin diving gives us a lot of outplay potential in a game that does not have much because we can constantly use it to dive behind cover and break that line of sight. Keep that in mind, like I said, guys. As soon as I'm behind this piece of cover and I dolphin dive.

I can go back to point number one, reset that tax, sprint, and keep moving, which allows me to get away much quicker, and then I can figure out what my next play is now. One thing to keep in mind with Dolphin Diving when we talk about slide canceling, if they are similar in a sense, is that the one thing we can't do with Dolphin Diving is jump and challenge somebody around the corner.

Oops, I slid. You can't challenge somebody around a corner like this because it takes forever to walk. I'm going to hold my ads blind as soon as I dive right, so I'm going to hold my ID button and see how long it takes. There's no way around that. I mean, there are some ways that people get crazy, but nothing that's actually valuable and useful in the game, so we're not using this to challenge somebody like that, not at all, so it's simply to reset our tax brain and kind of use it to get behind cover when we need to, and that's where it does differ from side-cancelling now.

Movement #2

Movement #2

Movement number two is going to be jumping, and there are a few things that I want to talk about here: jumping while shooting, and there is going to be jump padding. Corners jump-peaking Corners are the number one way that we're going to challenge people, so we can go ahead and start there. We're going to jumpy-corner, and now the one thing to know is how long the ad time is.

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see how long the ad time is, so what we're going to do is, when we jump-corner, we're actually going to hip fire because we can hip fire, and then we go ahead and ad, and that's what's going to allow us to get that first shot off. Then from there, we should be able to engage and win that gunfight, and as you probably saw in some of these clips that I'm rolling right here, it really helps.

movement guide warzone

This is also how I go about breaking cameras in a scenario where I've broken the line of sight. I can jump off this peak and get way out, and then go ahead and break that camera. I can get that kill even if I am low on health, especially with how fast this TTK is. Jumping while shooting is my second favorite thing to actually do when I'm in a gunfight.

I don't know if there are any people who are actually standing up right here, but yeah, we can use this guy. So if you notice that as I'm shooting and I jump, see how that goes to the guy's head, that just mixes in head shots and it makes you a harder target to hit if we're both shooting this spot right here, right on each other's bodies: he's shooting my stomach.

I'm shooting his stomach, and I jump now; he's shooting my legs, and I'm shooting his head. That's going to allow me to win that gunfight now. I don't use this very often. I use this a lot in war zones. I do not use this nearly as often in War Zone 2.

Today I am going over 3 simple Warzone 2 movements that will allow you to win more gunfights. Warzone 2 is more about POSITIONING than MOVEMENT but we can still use movement to our advantage.
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