News - The Bryson 800 Is The Best Pump Shotgun Warzone 2. Gun Guide Ep. 47
I think the base shotgun is far superior for slugs. The Bryson 800 is not bad in the slug department for 6v6 maps, at least. On bigger maps or in extremely long-range situations, you're definitely not going to have the same sort of potential as the Lockwood 300. As you can see there, our maximum one-shot kill potential to the body requires an upper torso shot, and this extends out to about 32 meters, which is fairly easy to navigate these standard maps in this game with, but if you're trying to play ground war or something like that, or if you're trying to snipe somebody across the map, you're not going to have nearly as much success with the slug on the Bryson 800 compared to the Lockwood 300; and then finally. Of course, with the explosive slugs, we do get slightly better ranges than the standard slug, but just remember, like with all of the other shotguns, if the enemy is using a bomb squad, even a point-blank headshot won't kill them, so that renders the explosive slug essentially useless.
All around build
Additionally, we've got the VLK seven milliwatt laser to help with sprint out time and our aim down sight time since in many situations we will want to get aim down sight with this, and we have the sawdust stock mod to help as much as possible with sprint out time as well as aim down sight time again.
Then finally, the demo X50 tactical, pump This is to give us a faster rate of fire overall, and you can see some tuning values. I worked with her as well to improve this gun and just make it a little bit better. You don't really need to tune, but you can make things slightly better if you do, and with this, we have an aim down site time of 405 milliseconds, which again for a one-shot kill weapon if you're treating this kind of like a quick scoping gun, which you'll often want to do if you're not right up close and personal, is 405 milliseconds.
Milliseconds is actually not bad in that case, and our sprint out time is incredibly fast at 90 milliseconds. That is nearly instant in this game, which is excellent and allows you to run around the map quite freely, and when it comes to our range values With this, you can see we have a very consistent one-shot kill where it's almost guaranteed, as long as you're hitting at least half of your pellets.
This will extend out to about 8 meters, and our one-shot kill potential is now 18 meters. It almost feels like you're using a slug when you snipe somebody at 18 meters with this shotgun, and that just allows this gun to be very versatile, and that's why I love this setup so much. If you find yourself right up close and personal, don't bother aiming down; just get that hip-fire shot off as fast as possible. As soon as you start to notice you're stretching that range, you can actually stretch out really far and still put people down, and as long as you aim down sight So, there we go.
Slug build
That's the first one, and like I said, that's the one I'm going to be using the vast majority of the time. However.
Once again, we have the VLK laser at 7 milliwatts, which is primarily to help with aim down sight time and aiming stability. In this case, we've got a Slimline Pro optic on there; obviously, you can swap that out for whatever optic you're comfortable with, but with this sort of setup, I like the Slimline Pro.
Finally, of course, we have the 12-gauge slug, and again, I did share some tuning values. there that I have done for this particular setup and, the big thing to point out with this is our aim down sight spread is very significantly tightened up with this setup at 25 meters you should still be very accurate on your target at distance.
which is excellent, our aim down sight time is a little bit slower than the previous build but not by too much it's still very reasonable for a One-shot kill gun, our aim down sight time unfortunately didn't improve a whole lot with this and therefore this isn't the type of gun you're going to be sprinting around like crazy with.
You're more likely going to want to play this a bit more defensively and pick people off. It's also worth noting that with the combination of that barrel and the Bryson choke, we actually get a very nice range boost here, and now our upper torso one-shot kill potential extends out to about 38 meters, which is very nice overall.
With a build like this, you still have to be very aware of the ranges in which you're going to be challenging enemies. You can't be sniping people the same way that you can with a Lockwood slug, but as long as you're controlling your engagement distances nicely, you can be putting people down very effectively with this slug build, and , with that, we're finally going to wrap up today's gun guide on the Bryson 800, and when it comes to my thoughts on this shotgun.
Wrapping up
I really enjoy using it. I do think once you get certain attachments on it, it really starts to excel out of the box. I think it can be a bit inconsistent, a little bit shaky, and I don't like using it without attachments. But once you get the right attachments on there. I actually find you can find a ton of success with this gun.
I absolutely love stretching out to like 15 meters or more and still picking people off without even having to use a slug now. If you guys have missed any of the previous episodes, we've almost covered every gun in the game now; we've just got one more shotgun and then the pistols to cover. If you enjoyed this one, a like rating is always appreciated, and don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already.
I'll talk to you guys next time