News - Target Identification Warzone 2i Needs Work. Beta Feedback

I think we should see an update to this as well to improve fast target acquisition. And clarity between friend and foe Now, of course, these are just my opinions and experiences. With the beta so far, this is something that, to my knowledge, would be quite a quick and easy change, and I think making adjustments to this would really go a long way.


I'm quite happy to say that this is one of my biggest gameplay concerns at the moment, alongside spawns. Swarms are actually a much bigger complaint that I have, and this is something that I'm really actively working on at the moment, but it's going to take a while for my spawn feedback article to come out.

The fact that this issue that we're talking about today is probably my second biggest gameplay-related complaint with Modern Warfare 3 I'd say that's good news because, at the end of the day, it is a relatively minor thing that should be an easy fix. If you haven't already, I'll talk to you guys

One of the biggest pieces of feedback I have for the Modern Warfare III beta has to do with visibility and target identification in general as it can be difficult in many situations to quickly identify teammates from enemies.
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