News - 5 Season 2 Updates You Need To Know. Warzone 2 / Mw2 Season 2 Update

ashika island warzone 2

Today I was invited on a private call with Activision and Call of Duty with a ton of other creators around the world and actually got an inside look at Call of Duty's plans for the next season, this season, and the game moving forward. I am playing the brand new Resurgence mode and Season 2. I would love for you guys to stop by now.

Let's get straight into this crazy update and start off with the first bomb show that they dropped on us, ranked play in Warzone. Now I know this has kind of been thrown around a little bit, and they actually confirmed it. That in the next upcoming season they're gonna be bringing ranked play to Warzone is kind of wild because I was kind of against that for a long time knowing that the game doesn't have a massive skill gap like we had in Warzone 1, but, honestly, at this point I am down for anything because the game kind of is stale right now and there's not a good reason to grind, and I feel like bringing in reasons to play to have a cool rank to be in the top 250 in the world like they're doing with ranked play will be a massive win for the game.

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More wins are going to change up the attacks that you can use and items you can use. Very interesting we'll see in the future, but I think this is definitely a win. something to grind for later. All that jazz was very cool, but in case you guys didn't know, up until now we've had no stats that we're tracking in war zone 2.

Now this means that starting today, you can actually track your KD, which determines your stats. All that jazz, which in my opinion is very important, is something I like to track and see how I'm improving as a player overall for the week, for the month, what guns I'm using, what stats have the best guns, and all that jazz.

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That stuff really can help you improve and show you if you're actually progressing as a player, and if you're trying to learn all that stuff, it's very important, and it's kind of something that got slipped under the rug. For a long time, we had no stats, and this is a great way to also kind of grind in a game because if you have no stats that are tracked, you have no ranked mode, and in my opinion, you're basically playing for no reason.

call of duty warzone

But now that the stats are tracking and we have a combat record back, that's a good save and a big W in my opinion that we should have had in general coming in hot with number three, and my favorite change in Warzone so far is that Call of Duty is adding plating and running now. On the developer call, they didn't specifically mention running.

They said the plating for increased movement speed didn't have an exact number for us, but they just said we had to test it out when it dropped and play it either way. I think this is the best change they are making because, right now before this update, there was no finesse ability—that's even a word—or way to maneuver around teams like you could in wars on one; now, with being able to plate and run, it's going to add a whole new dynamic to the way that your fighting teams are approaching and kind of how there's that in-between in battles.

call of duty warzone 2

The crazy thing to me is that on the previous call that we had with the devs, they actually said they wanted to have a downside to plating and basically wanted to punish players for plating, and I could understand if they were going to go that route, but why can I literally swim and Michael Phelps speed underwater and plate?

So the philosophy that the developers had with their plating and moving things was already messed up from the start, but I'm glad they're getting back on the right track. I just hope it's not too late, but hands down, number three is my favorite change that they are making because definitely adding plating and running is just going to change the way the game feels, and I hope this is almost at a full sprint rate, but we'll see how it plays today coming in hot with number four.

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Call of Duty confirmed that they are going to be doing a ton of weapon balancing and gun changes, which I think is massive and a much-needed change since the beginning of War Zone 2, where we've literally only had the RBK and the Fennec as metas. Yeah, you can throw in things like the attack 56, the vasna, and the attack V, but the best guns in the game hands down are the authenic and the rpk, and we're due for a much needed change.

cod warzone

That's like the DMR, so be on the lookout for more Joe articles; we may have a DMR meta on the horizon, which was an interesting time in the war zone, to say the least. But overall. I think this is a massive change that is much needed because we have been using the exact same guns for a very long time now, and I really do hope that they buff and nerf a ton of guns and that they change how guns feel and play.

I would love to see faster ads, from Sprint to Fire strafe to speed; as you guys know in Caldera. Rebirth, and Fortune to Keep, we had a lot of guns that had some crazy strafe speed where 80s and shooting, and I think that can really help the pace and movement of the game, and I think it's needed, so overall.

cod warzone 2

I think it's a great change, and I'm hoping they buff a lot of the Sprint to Fire ads and all that, but we'll see what the new meta is now with number five. I got some more info about the Ashika, island resurgence, and map real quick. I'm coming with a ton of content for season two; now that we know that there's going to be a brand new Resurgence and a new map dropping, I have a big, big question for the developers.

They also are going to add in a new system where, for the first time that you die, if you pick up the person's dog tag that you killed, you'll get a UAV ping for the dog tag. Rebirth, and Fortunes Keep, and it made the gameplay feel much faster and could get you those high school games. They also just released the patch notes as I was sitting here, and they had a massive one, "Change." In the patch notes, it says there is going to be plating and running, and it says global plating animation speed is increased by 25.

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This is going to help Small Map and Resurgence a ton to help us re-engage in gunfights. It also says movement speed increases while plating Massive, and players can now sprint while plating; originally, on the call, they told us it wouldn't be a sprint, but now in the patch notes, it says sprinting.

modern warfare 2

The best thing I've seen all day today is plating, and running is back. Like I was saying, I am live right now over on Twitch playing the brand new map and all the new season stuff if you guys would like to check it out.

Season 2 of Modern Warfare 2 Warzone 2 coming out Wednesday with MANY Updates including Ranked.
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