News - Everything Wrong With Call Of Duty: Warzone 2. 0

call of duty warzone

War Zone 2 since its release has been absolutely riddled with bugs, errors, crashes, glitches, and so much more, but the game is also incredibly fun to play with mechanics that make it easy to pick up for anyone that can get their hands on it. Because of that. I've decided it was time to give you all my comprehensive review of Call of Duty: War Zone 2, and for this review specifically.

I've split things into three categories: the good, the bad, and the ugly. So let's get started with the good, and the first thing I'd like to mention under the good category is the map design itself. Other than a few areas, it's phenomenal because there are multiple routes into and throughout buildings to reach the different environments.

You can find yourself in, and even how much better the colors are than in both calderas. And Verdana, it's a masterpiece. But with that said. I also think it's probably one of the most important qualities Battle Royale needs to nail because if they don't, we could end up losing a ton of audience like we did with Caldera, although luckily I've not really heard any complaints in this area.

cod warzone

One area where I have heard some complaints is the new in-game mechanics, but I think the changes are great, and that's why they've made it into the good section. Not only did we get dolphin diving back after around 10 years, but swimming has finally made a return to Call of Duty, along with a brand new mechanic, ledge hanging.

While I didn't originally care for ledge hanging, as I've played a lot more Warzone over the past few weeks than I had the chance to play Modern Warfare 2, it's actually been pretty cool. I like that it allows you to go places you wouldn't have been able to in the original war zone, but it also allows you to shoot over walls with a pistol and drop right back down when needed; that's definitely a "w" in my book.

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However, along with the new mechanics, they also decided to take away some of the old ones, like slide canceling and bunny hopping. Although the old ones weren't exactly mechanics, they were originally intended by the developers, and while they may have sanctioned them after some time and were even happy they were part of the game, it was just a bit of advanced movement that was found and utilized by the higher skilled players.


Luckily for us, they tried to win back our hearts with an FOV slider for all platforms about time, proximity, and chat, which has been an absolute blast. If you're looking for some content with proximity chat, be sure to check out some of my other Warzone 2 articles next. I'm very happy they've added so many different vehicles, and vehicle mechanics like popping tires, repairing, and refueling, and leaning out windows, and climbing to the roof of any land vehicle moving, past all the obviously good changes, we find ourselves at some of the questionable changes that I personally think are over time going to be better for the casual player base, and I recognize that while many people think it's wrong to pander to the casual players, it's pretty important to do so as they basically pay to keep this game alive.

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Making sure they're having fun is the only reason Call of Duty breaks records year after year within this category. The first thing is that the low time to kill in Warzone 1 changed over time; their time to kill went from being low to being pretty high. A lower TTK will help the casual players more than anything.

The vocal players are always the ones complaining, but they're also usually pretty good and therefore passionate about the game because, heck, they put a ton of time and effort into being as good as they are. However, the casuals are, like I said, the ones that keep the game alive, and to be honest, most of them can't aim very well with a lower time to kill.

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This means they have to get fewer bullets on the target and are going to get more excitement and eliminations than they would have with a higher TTK. Past that, we have the new loot and inventory systems. While going through the bags is a pain, especially for those on controller, being able to carry a ton of any specific item and even an extra of something your teammates may need has been hugely impactful, in a positive way, to the gameplay.


Yes, I recognize that it is annoying that players can spam self-revives. In the past. I've spoken about how Warzone was built for controller players, and if you're someone that's tried both inputs and fully understands how to utilize both kinds of aim assists, but specifically rotational ones, you likely know why I've said that, but in Warzone 2, they've done a great job and made it more even for both input types.

It feels like playing close range happens much less often, and gunfights tend to stay around mid-range. Now of course if you're a controller player, it's your job to force the close range battles, but with mouse and keyboard players trying to do the opposite and not having to work too hard to make that happen, it feels more balanced than in previous Call of Duties on top of that the Looting and inventory system is slightly faster for those on mouse and keyboard, which means they're less likely to be caught in a bag.

is warzone 2 a different game

However, it does tend to be a bit harder to get out of them for some reason. Now that we've talked about some of the great features and innovations that came with Warzone 2, it is time to talk about the bad ones, and while we do that. I'm going to do my best to make recommendations on how to fix a lot of these to begin with.

Certain areas of the map are pretty much impossible to play in; for example, anytime you make it into the desert area near the Rohan oil well, you have basically no cover. I think adding in some smaller and larger rocks throughout the area would help make the gunfights a bit more challenging and less annoying.

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Beyond the map, I have to talk about the clunky movement mechanics. First, the slow movement while plating has to go, or at the very least be altered so that after one plate you move faster or something similar. On top of that, there shouldn't be a time where we're in a buy station or a bag trying to select something, and if someone decides to shoot at us, we're completely stuck and pretty much guaranteed.

is warzone 2 bad

To die An easy fix for this would be to add an option in the settings to immediately close menus upon movement. Another bad change would have to be the removal of reloading and canceling. Personally. I like it this way as it slows down gunfights and makes games last a little longer, but I think it adds more issues for those that have learned the game in specific ways and have to fully adapt their playstyle to not cancel their reload.

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