News - New Long Range Meta Warzone Season 2 Reloaded. Bruen & Holger Buffed

New metric to compare long range metas (br vs resurgence)

New metric to compare long range metas (br vs resurgence)

today we're going to actually talk about a couple different things when it comes to the long range meta because it is pretty nuanced obviously if you're a br player some of those engagements will be a little bit further than if you're on Resurgence and you're dedicated only to Resurgence and maybe even if you're on plunder maybe You' Go a different route as well on the spreadsheet that we have of the various ttks it is updated with the season 2.5 using true game data's information, just went and populated everything but I also added this other one I'm seeing if this is actually something worthwhile, you can see right here it says 40 to 55 M I took the average ttk of that range because that is probably where the majority of your gunfights will happen at long range especially on Resurgence and it'll be less than that most of the time in a majority of the gunfights there are occasions where maybe you want to shoot somebody at 80 M maybe even 100 m but the guns typically don't have the bullet velocity that we had in Modern Warfare 1 where was like 1, 400.

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M/s most of them hover right around 950.

Top long range stats compared head to head

Top long range stats compared head to head


And the main thing we're going to look at is all the different guns we're going to check out through the article, but the focus I wanted to go ahead and kind of take a look at is some of the comparisons. Of what separates these guns for long range and maybe the stats that you want to solve for we get fire rate which is pretty important more for close range engag not so much for long range but it does kind of allow you to kind of track your target if you're getting hit markers shooting people out of the sky, lot easier with good bullet velocity and Fast Fire rate so you can kind of see how these lay out for these guns that we're going to be looking at and keep in mind that the meta is as close as it's ever been there's not really like a hard like you have to use this or you get gunned by everything not like we had a month ago or even all of last year with rpk, and those types of things this is gives you a little bit of variety and some things will come down to preference there are guns on this list that other people like that I don't and vice versa.

And you're going to kind of have to pick what makes the most sense, and I'm going to give you tons of options for the mag size, which could be pretty important. Obviously, if you're playing something like quads, it could be a little tricky to use a 30-round mag with the MTZ, unless you have the bug version with a 40-round SVA, which could be good at 60.

The Hogar 40 round gets a little bit sketchy if you're using the 5.56. And the Brewing we can get the 100 or we can do the 60 but then you're losing an attach attachment so that's where sometimes lmgs get an advantage they get like a free attachment if the mag is already big enough you see the reload times all pretty comparable, except for the Brewin so maybe with the Brewin you might want to try slide a hand to see kind of how much that is helping you out not really a big deal at range but it is still kind of important to kind of look at and compare and you can see the bullet velocities I've kind of built all these out, with around 900 is up to about a thousand, depending on how the gun's bullet velocity worked and there's a lot of factors does it have too much recoil that you need a muzzle that helps with that well if we're going to do that do we offset that with an ammunition type and then is it still manageable.

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And I think that glassless optics have helped a little bit in that medium range. Obviously, in the longest range, you'd probably still go with the 2X or the Coro Eagle Eye or whatever, but that's kind of how that works, and then we can go and scroll down. Not all of these are important, but I did want to go and kind of point out that this bottom row, which is Target Flinch, is something that we never even talk about; I didn't even notice it, really.

Until I actually put this together—the BP50.

Breakdown of ttks head to head

Breakdown of ttks head to head

And this is with the barrel so up to that it has a ridiculously good ttk you can see it's on the lower end even as sniper support it could be the best option especially if you get the ads time down but you can kind of see the Ram comes in huge, and then after that it gets a little bit wonky but it does have pretty good bullet velocity and rate of fire which are pretty good for shooting people out of the air taking people off the head glitch if you miss you're able to recover so there's a lot of things going for it but it definitely performs better within the 53 M and then you can see it gets considerably worse than everything at long range, and we're talking about really bad, after about 65 M so if you actually look at your game play and you're using guns and you're like well how many times do I actually challenge somebody at 70 M or more, it's probably not that many kills for some of you maybe if you're sniping.

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But then those ranges would be like where you're in the sniper range, and then that's where sniping could be good, forcing engagements around the 70–80 meter range, and then you have a few other odd mixes in here. You can see this green one, the subverter, which is the new battle rifle. It is amazing.

But it does have a little bit of a wonky recoil. For the most part, you really won't notice, but every once in a while, it'll just do that little bit of jiggle while you're firing. And that is enough for you to miss shots. Some people struggle with the ram recoil, but that one I think is one of the easiest to control, especially once you get over the initial recoil kick, so with that, we'll go ahead and go over those loadouts.

Holger 26 class setup

Holger 26 class setup

We got the Hoger 26 lmg; it comes in stock with a bigger mag of 60; you could even go bigger, and this one's built around the recoil control and the velocity so we can reach that out and you can use multiple optics.

I like the Nidar; I think it's pretty solid; the glassless is pretty good; the Coro Eagle Eye; that's another one. It really comes down to preference on how you're going to use those, and then we're just building that out in that particular regard. I know there is the conversion kit that gives it like 1, 000 RPM, and the flame tip goes off, but, in my opinion.

I don't really think that's all that viable, especially on a controller at long range. So you can kind of see how this one goes. When I used this one, the only thing I didn't really like about it was that it felt like it should kill one shot faster at the longest range, so I still kind of lean towards some of the weapons on the top end as a super good option.

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