News - Warzone: New Best Long Range Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Weapons

New best long range meta weapons & loadouts in warzone 3!

New best long range meta weapons & loadouts in warzone 3!

Ladies and gentlemen.

Warzone best katt amr sniper loadout

High velocity, believe it or not, does help out quite a bit with our velocity at 20%. Then beyond that. I just want to make the weapon feel a little bit more aggressive, so I do go for the tack pad stock; this helps out with some general 8-s speed, and then just behind the face cam here.

I've got the quick bolt; that way. I can get my shots off a little bit faster back to back to back, so you got over 1, 000 velocities with this thing, which means over really any range you're going to be able to consistently, lead for those head shots, it'll be relatively easy to hit those, and you'll be knocking players left, right, and center all day every day.

Warzone 3 best mors long range sniper loadout

Warzone 3 best mors long range sniper loadout

Now the MORIS also has the capability to knock at extremely long distances over range, and you could also build out the MORIS to be more of a mid-range, aggressive player. 70 M sniper just like this stalker, and I would consider those more aggressive-based snipers and not long-range snipers, obviously since 70 to 80 M would be your cap there, so my focus today is on the cat in the MO who is really dominating long-range, and with this Mor setup here, the keys are going to be really your antimaterial.

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Slug rounds here increase the damage, and the ton-heavy barrel just makes it a lot easier with the bullet velocity there, bringing that up some, so that's a good choice. The Emperor's long barrel would be good too. You could mess around at the photonic charge one if you really wanted to get crazy I think it's a little bit more inconsistent, to use just because you do have to fully charge it up and some players aren't going to be able to consistently, do that, but Emperor long ton heavy or photonic all would be viable options for a longrange sniper build here I do go for these super light 90 stock speeds up the ads the general movement a ton here just behind the face cam again we go ahead and we use the quick bolt to get our shots off faster, then I also go for the 980 grip that's an option for a faster ads speed you could also use the razor Hawk laser site as well that would help out a decent amount too so that's just a level of preference do you care about a laser showing, do you like having the laser as like a guider sort of when you're adsing. Again, preference-based, but either way, this is a great long-range sniper as well.

Warzone best soa subverter loadout after update

Warzone best soa subverter loadout after update

We've talked about this one a lot lately, but the subverter—this thing goes crazy in the mid- to long-range; it's got a phenomenal ttk. It's incredibly easy to use as well; it's one of my personal favorites this season, without a doubt.

long range meta

Really, just focusing on control with this setup here makes it as easy as possible. CIS breaks going to attack that horizontal recoil, making that a lot more predictable and ruining heavy support even after the Nerf also attacks that horizontal recoil. It also adds in some firing aim stability and idle sway benefits as well, so just making the gun a lot more predictable, those are 90 long barrels doing it all range velocity control firing aim stability again really increasing that efficiency in the mid to long range 50 round ex cinemag, then I go for the heavy stock on here just because this thing's got such clean iron sights I can use this at long ranges and still feel very accurate, if you wanted to use, you know, a 3.4, times optic, and 2.5, times optic, or anything like that.

You know, I'd probably recommend switching out either the stock or the underbarrel. Whatever one you feel like you don't need on there, that's what I would switch out for, but personally, with these irons.

Warzone 3 best sva 545 loadout

I feel like you got to take advantage of how easy you can make this thing now with the SVA 545, which is still doing so well here in season 3; it's just kind of a Do-it all rifle; it is so reliable if you want to use it in hyperb burst or full auto conveniently enough.

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I'd be using the same exact setup, and it just comes down to how you want the gun to feel full auto; it's obviously got more recoil, but it's still very easy, and it's a lot more reliable to use just for spraying and preing. Hyperb burst has no recoil, but you have to be good at spamming your trigger and staying on target at the same time.

Either way you want to go about it, this setup works well. We got the spirit fire suppressor. Obviously extending our range and our velocity and giving us a little bit of control and keeping us off the map, we got the Precision Barrel better range velocity control and idle sway benefits there too ruin heavy support yet again 60 round extend mag very basic and then I go for the 2.5, times Eagle ey optic by far my favorite optic of choice for any mid to long range engagements, nice and clean picture there or scope there like I said this thing, it's just Old Reliable now the hogre 55, 6 does have a really solid ttk.

Warzone best holger 556 loadout for season 3

Warzone best holger 556 loadout for season 3

Across the board it's especially good in the mid-range but over long range within the rifle category it can hold its own very well, the plus side of this thing is just how easy it is to use there's like no recoil on this thing the downside of this thing is that the 40 round mag accent mag is your maximum option here there is no 50 no 60 so the damage per mag is not great that to me is a bit of a drawback, for sure and something very noticeable in game, but with how accurate this thing is you can still get by with using this in pretty much any you know Squad mode mod solos Duos trios quads, and you because you're going to be putting shots on target so easily and so efficiently, the ammo is very valuable here, if that makes any sense I got the glassless optic on here I really do like this for all ranges as well plus it gives you firing aim stability which is a nice added bonus.

Warzone 3 best bp50 loadout after update

Warzone 3 best bp50 loadout after update

Next up, we have one of my favorite weapons in the game right now, the BP50. This thing is so versatile; it's actually got the best ttk in the rifle category over the long range, which is really nice as well. There's a couple of different setups I've been running with, so this is my first base one.

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It's got the spirit fire suppressor, a very basic lower nine, a heavy barrel, better range, better velocity, better control, and better firing aim stability. MK3 reflector sight glassless would work here too. 2.5 times would work, honestly. Mode 40 stock helps out with some gun kicks but also some better movement as well.

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