News - Warzone Top 5 Meta Loadouts Season 2 After Update. Warzone Best Loadouts

best 3 loadout

Today I'm going to give you guys the five best loadouts to use right now in season 2. So starting with the first loadout we are rocking course is the ram 7. Now, starting with the muzzle, you guys should be rocking the course. The C's break. This is why I feel like SC helps out a lot with that recoil control, especially at the long range, because this actually helps out with your fin aim and your fin aim and stability.

It's going to be the best muzzle for the ram now that it's coming out for the barrel attachment. I do feel like that, Cronin. Headwind long barrel is going to be the best choice for you guys, which actually does help us with your B velocity, range, firing aim and sway, and your firing aiming stability.

It's going to be the best choice for you guys now coming down for these stats, but this one, Your Efficient and your minimum damage range, is up by like +21, and your bu velocity is up by +25. This is going to be the best barrel for the Ram 7 now coming down for the magazine. Now, of course, if you guys like me like to play trails and quads or solo quads a lot, you guys should be familiar with things like 1v4, situations, or just even playing as a party.

best loadout

You guys should be rocking Quest as a 60-round mag. Now, if you're playing maybe solo and duos, probably a 40-round mag to help you guys out for more ads and movement speed, but for me. I like to play in a bigger size game mode, so of course C round is going to be the best choice now for the underbarrel attachment.

I do feel like the Bruin heavy support grip is going to be the best choice for you guys. Of course, there are some rumors that this one is going to be another good choice, the pyot vertical grip, but if you guys need to look at the stats, look how you guys can see the Reco control is literally helping out with 11%.

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The bruin, or, of course, the pyot vertical grip I still feel like the Bruin support is going to be the best choice for you guys, and I'm actually using it for my class to help you guys out now that we're coming down for the final attachment. Of course, I do feel like the best stock for this one is going to be the HDs.

best loadouts 3

34 pad, what should do help us with your gun kick control, your reco control, and of course, if you actually look at the stats, your reco control helps out by 20%, and your vertical and horizontal help out by 8%, and you guys can actually see even with like a three plate You guys can actually see how good the Reco control looks for the Ram 7.

Just look at it; it barely even moves as it should, especially with just holding down my right stick. Killed all three targets barely missed a shot. I mean, this is like one of the best builds you can actually rock right now, so our second load out where we are rocking is the HRM. Now, starting with the first attachment for my muzzle, I'm rocking the Zim 35 compensated fly hifder, which I do feel has recently been a good muzzle to rock for the SMDS.

I really don't see a lot of people rocking it for assault rifles, but I feel like for an SMG, this is going to be the best one. Now, this actually does help out with your sh and radar pinging your vertical and horizontal. It helps out a lot, and of course, it helps out with your fine-aiming stability as well.

hrm 9

If you guys want to look at the stats for this one, vertical helps out with 15%, and horizontal helps out with 5%. Coming down for the barrel attachment, now I'm rocking. Quest is the Thor 90 barrel West; it does help out with your aiming down sight speed, your sprint of fire, and your sprint speed as well.

Our third attachment on the list we're rocking is the 50-round mag, especially for something like an SMG. The 20-round mag is not going to be enough, and I know the default is like 30, but the biggest mag is going to be helpful for any size game mode, even for solos and duos, so just remember that this is going to be the best mag choice for the HRM 9 and 4.

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For the test on the list for the stock, I'm course rocking the folding stock, which actually helps out with your recoil control, your gun kick control, and your fting aim stability. This SC is like one of the best stocks for the HRM 9, which actually does help us with your recoil control with the 9%, and your vertical and horizontal help out with a negative.


14% this is going to be one of the best stock choices for the HRM R9, now coming out for the final attachments, of course, for my underbarrel. I like the SC rock as a Dr. 6 hand stop for an SMG. Now, this actually does help us with your aiming walking speed, your aiming sight speed, your sprint and fire speed, and your movement speed this going to be one of the best underbarrel choices for the gun and of course this is what it looks like in a fire range of course you guys see from like close and medium range the Reco control could be somewhat there but just remember man like once you get to like those long range fights it can be a little bit iffy but remind you this is an SMG, not long range now's H right into the third loadout.

The third loadout on the list we have is the BP50. Now, this is not one of the best assault rifles, but it can be somewhat long-range and could be somewhat of a good hybrid. AR smg build now I'm going to be explaining, like, a good setup to help out with that long range to help you guys out, so starting with the muzzle, of course you guys should be rocking.


Quest is the BT7. Suppressor, this actually does help with that vle control your bu velocity and damage R, and you actually be heading off the radar a lot, especially with this attachment coming down for the barrel attachment. You guys should be rocking a see-low, non-heavy barrel, which actually does help with your B velocity and range gun kick control, your reco control, and your fining aim and stability.

Now, of course, coming out for the stats, but this one you guys can get 15% efficient and minimum damage, and it helps up with the B velocity with a plus 18%. With the Reco control helping out with the 5% and your vertical and horizontal helping out with the 8 and 7%, the chance coming out for you guys should be rocking.

meta 3

The course is 45 rounds since it is the biggest mag for this weapon, but it could be somewhat good and somewhat bad. I know a lot of people like a bigger magazine, like a 60-round, but the 45 is going to be the best choice now for the underbar attachment for this one. I did say before that the Bruin heavy support grip is like the best choice for the ram 7, but I do feel like for the BP, the pyot is going to be the best choice for you guys.

Now the reason why I'm going to say this is because the vehicle control with the negative is 16%. It helps out a lot, especially at range with this gun, and that vertical helps out with the % as well, but the horizontal is going to be somewhat easy to manage, especially with the next couple attachments I'm going to be explaining later.

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