News - Warzone Season 1 Reloaded Meta. New Attachment Changes Everything



Yesterday's update may have broken the game, but they did do a quick turnaround to fix a lot of the issues, so the game is playable.

Explain new attachment and how to get it

We were able to unlock and test the new stuff like this HRM. 9, which is actually pretty solid, but the other thing I wanted to point out because it changes a lot of loadouts is this new little unlockable.

Within that same little square of the battle pass is an aftermarket par called the Jack BFB, and the reason it's so interesting is because of its pros and cons. If you actually look at the recoil control section, you can see it is significantly improving this, which makes a lot of guns that would normally or ordinarily be nonviable or non-meta a little bit more likely to slip into the mix.

It does also have this ad speed penalty, which isn't really a big deal depending on the weapon you're using it on, but the other part is this increased radar detection, so if you're going to be using this in some of the loadouts and you're comfortable with being on the mini map, this thing is going to be huge, as you can see right here in the side-by-side comparison.

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You can see how it impacts the ones you're popping up on the mini map.

Updated ttks from notes/testing/tgd

Updated ttks from notes/testing/tgd

Bas-b and mcw conversion class setups

If you want to keep a little bit of a copy for yourself, I did a decent amount of weapon balancing, particularly multiplayer. This is specifically for the war zone, and we'll go ahead and kind of go through some of the various options. Some I do like more than others, and there's some that you may like more than others.

Certain attachments do come down to preference, and I'll give you examples throughout, and it kind of comes back to whether you want to be suppressed. Well, certain class setups might not be for you; another class might just swap it up for your individual preference, but more often than not, a lot of these you can go Ahad and kind of take them and just use them as is or tweak them to fit your preference.


definitely viable is the MCW. With the conversion kit. I know the MCW got a buff, but not really a buff that it needed; it definitely needs more juice to actually even be viable within the current meta, but we can go ahead and see here the solo MCW. I say solo is the 40-round mag that can get the job done in solos and duos, but it gets a little tricky after that, and it gives a solo sniper support.

And we go ahead and combine that with the bass P, which can be used as a sniper support or long range You can make it a little bit faster if you want, but keep in mind that you will have more recoil penalties associated with that MCW. With the conversion kit, this particular build is primarily built for a little bit of mobility and recoil control; it's kind of a little bit set there, and in some instances, you might prefer optics over iron sights.

In those cases, you're going to have to make a judgment call on what you want to remove from the loadout. Then we got the BBY, which is kind of all-around good. You can, like I said, use this casse break, which is kind of the normal one that a lot of people are going to use, or this brand new Jack BFB.

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Which is insane, so you can kind of go ahead and pick and choose which works best for you. I think a lot of people make the transition to that if they're already on the mini-map. What's the big deal? Just go ahead and shoot straight. I'm not necessarily a fan of the iron sights of this; I would prefer it even if it were a reflex sight, but it gets kind of tricky.

Sva 545 and striker class setups

Sva 545 and striker class setups

What do you drop next? This is one that I don't think we will really be receiving any touches on in the meantime, which is the SVA. It's a very solid low-recoil weapon, easy to use, not overly dominant in the TTK department, but pretty much anyone can use this weapon combined with a very low recoil and no stock.

Striker, obviously everyone goes for mobility, but to go no stock, it was a little bit tricky to maintain that recoil with that new muzzle. It makes it that much easier because, like I mentioned, if you remember in the original build where I explained the differences, you want that horizontal recoil with this gun for whatever reason around 11, or lower, and this allows you to get there versus some other options that didn't allow for it, and with this, you can still maintain insane mobility.

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You may not get the fastest time, but you're still going to be able to control it and have that mobility of the no stock without having the insane recil penalty the no stock gives you, and like I said, you can mix and match any long or short range. I'm just giving you multiple meta-options. We're going to have a clearly defined meta as we go towards the end, but it will be preference-based.

This is the SVA build again. This is low recoil; you could go ahead and fire it just full auto; it doesn't have the fastest ttk. But you kind of sometimes that third bullet will fire depending on how fast your trigger finger is or whatever it's sometimes easier just to have a smoother recoil, that does not move when you spam the trigger you can almost look away go AFK and the bullets kind of go where you want them to go which is a pretty nice thing especially if you struggle with recoil management brings up to our next couple guns and this is a one that did receive a little bit of Nerf but it's still pretty solid and if you go with that new Muzzle you can actually get like no recoil but overall this gun doesn't have a ton of recoil it's just a lower firing gun so it punishes you for lack of accuracy.

Mtz 762 and amr9 class setups

Mtz 762 and amr9 class setups

And it rewards you for that accuracy because it still hits hard enough to get a decent DTK. If you get the head shot in the mix, you're going to be killing faster because, see, it's not going to move a ton. 30 round mag can be a little bit sketchy at times, but overall, pretty good option. Then we get the buffed AMR, and you can go with the 100-round mag or the 50-round mag.

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This particular build is built for a 50-round mag, keeping in mind that it kind of has one of these faux or fake ttks that's super fast, very similar to the hurricane, where you need to get a head shot. In this particular case, if somebody does a bunny hop into a doorway and you shoot the legs once, it raises the ttk almost to 700, which makes it very non-competitive.

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So you have to keep that in mind. It will feel good most of the time, but if you shoot the leg ever, it'll feel like what the heck happened? Why did it feel so slow? So you have to keep that in mind, but it is a very fun gun in terms of being able to mix it up, and I think that's what they've done with this current update.

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