News - Warzone's Anti-cheat Appears To Be Entirely Offline, Seriously

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Warzone has always had issues with cheaters. Any free-to-play game will have that with no barrier. Ventury to minimize repeat offenders after accounts get banned is always an issue you'll encounter with these types of games, but War Zone may have mitigated it a bit over the last few years in spurts, but the problem has come back up again and in a very apparent way recently, and what's worse, it seems like Ricochet, the proprietary anti-cheat by the Call of Duty franchise, might not even be active at the moment.

That's not exaggerating. Today we're running down this influx of cheating and talking about what you should know and what needs to be done as we go along. How have your games been recently? If you run into any of these things, here we'll talk about whatever the case. Consider subscribing to stay up-to-date with all things Moder Warfare 3 war zone X defyant and other FPS content, and check out my friends over at GF for up to 30% off your entire order.

But more on that a little later. For now, let's talk about the cheating issues at hand within the war zone.

The types of cheats running rampant right now in warzone

The types of cheats running rampant right now in warzone

So on screen, you'll be seeing a compilation of clips sourced from around the community, some from other streamers, some from Reddit posts, and a few things in between. It's not any 10-minute article compilation of clips or anything insane like that; this is actually unbelievable.

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But I think it's enough to get the point across that this isn't any sort of isolated incident at the moment, but War Zone is at this moment overrun with cheaters. To date, there's been a handful of types that I've seen either clips of reported on or in-game against me in my squad; there's speed hackers.

Rockets and explosive hackers and even people flying around the maps at super speed, which just reminds me of that iconic flying car clip on Rebirth Island back in the day, if you know, but this is on top of things already like Aimbot wall hacks and things, so chap providers seem to be getting a bit more creative with everything, but right now it's just abundant.


The most common of the clips that I've seen here that seem to be reported the most are these speed hacks, which seem to be utilizing the powerups from the boys events and the ltms, which are still left over in the game assets, and actually, come to think of it. I've seen some clips utilizing other things like the super strength and that added armor benefit, and I've also seen clips of the laser vision power up outside of that boy's LTM as well, which, if I can be caned.

I didn't like that we had that boy's LTM come back in the first place. We saw people getting their hands on the ray gun ahead of the vortex event and LTM in season 1, and how problematic that was for the standard multiplayer experience. But not only was I not a fan of the LTM this time around to begin with, but I just knew this would be happening again.

But I did not expect it to come in such a large quantity. But anyways, if the name or the clips weren't a dead giveaway already, this cheat in particular makes you insanely fast, something that with zero skin in the game cuz I just don't care a assist can still keep up with, which is kind of funny if you cheese it right, but it makes for a massively unfair advantage in getting around the map, getting in or out of gunfights, you name it next, the explosive hacks.

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This is the first full-auto RPG clip I've seen. I've seen infinite bouncing. Betty Clips There's a few here that I've seen, and for this one, I couldn't tell you the root cause of it. I don't know if there's anything underlying, like, again, those boys assets and perks you got within the game modes and ltms there.

All I know is that if this were to happen to me, I'd probably lose my mind because I just get insanely annoyed by explosive damage to begin with, only to be spammed with that. Yeah, that would put me over the edge, probably the flying around hack. I mean. I don't really know how super practical this one is, but yeah, weird for sure to see somebody in a swimming animation flying around the map, but those again are all running rampant, right now within war zone.

Ricochet actually appears to be offline in warzone

Ricochet actually appears to be offline in warzone

And what's crazy is that it seems like Ricochet is not only not picking up on these, but Ricochet as a whole may have been and still might be down for a little while.

According to data miners and those more familiar, it appears that Ricochet is the antiche here for War Zone, Modern Warfare 3, and all of Cod 2.0. It's just completely offline at the moment, meaning that even if there were the same number of cheaters out there as when it was turned on, none of them would have taken any action, so there's just nothing happening to mitigate this.

In the past, it's been a situation like the antiche, where sometimes you need some time to learn the cheats and adapt and recognize them, then ban them, but for this, it just appears to be turned off entirely. And that kind of makes sense because, with these clips other than that, how would, in theory, it happen because I know it does happen?

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How would a cheater get into the top 250 of renters? How does one again in theory because it happens? How does one evade reports that much and go that long because of the top 250 and a stay there? Beyond getting in is just a massive grind and time commitment of itself, so like, how does one do that to get there, and all along that time frame does not have any reports that either put them into a shadow band or just actually removes them from the game entirely ?.

What do we do now?

What do we do now?

So, what's next, I guess, because if Ricochet is not there, how do we get around this?

It kind of sounds silly to say, Why bring this up if you don't have any solutions? But honestly, I don't think it is silly to mention that, but I also recognize that I'm not nearly qualified enough to give genuine answers. I'm sure that there are those that are qualified that are aware of this and that are already working on what's happening, or at least.

I'd hope, are working on getting things up and running again, but I guess I bring this up in hopes of two things. Number one is to let you know that if you've seen an uptick in cheating, you're not crazy. A lot of the time, it's often a knee-jerk reaction, like that guy's definitely cheating, or if you only watch a kill cam, it could be something that makes it look a little fishy or suspenseful.

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Kill cams have always been and will always be terrible to gauge gameplay. They often times lag lit crazy and try to compensate, catching up to give the player the look of that kill in that allotted a couple seconds time frame, and because of that, the Laughin, like lag, speed back up and then snap to perfect aim.

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