News - My Honest Feedback On Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Obviously, you have slide canceling back, which means you can still break cameras and really still finesse a lot, but there's a slight delay when you try to tax Sprint from a slide cancel. I don't know if that's intentional or if that's something they're going to change in the future, but obviously it's a little bit different from War Zone 1.

modern warfare 3

I don't know if they're trying to kind of prevent the spamming of scanning like circle X over and over; whatever it is. I would like to see that changed, even if it's not as fast as war zone 1. Where obviously like you can jump and stuff but you cannot tax Sprint run from a side cancel and that is really the purpose of s caning like back in war zone one, was obviously it was flashy obviously you could really finesse teams with the outplay ability and the skill gap of movement but the point at the core of side cancelling was to reset your tax R so therefore you can run across the map a lot faster, so right now I don't really like that I hope that gets changed and also there isn't be hopping in the game now obviously be hopping isn't the biggest deal the biggest, kind of problem in the world if we don't have it because if they fix the tax SP problem that's fine with me but I would love to see at least like maybe one be hop or two be hops added into the game to really kind of change how engagements feel cuz obviously back in war zone one you could sometimes have like a triple or quadruple be hop while you're fighting.

And I think that is just way too high when you're trying to have your guns again. We couldn't use any guns that we built or customized in this Alpha version, so I would have obviously loved to have custom loadouts, but either way, buying a loadout was still way too pricey, and I would like to see that changed.

modern warfare 3 2023

Another con about the game that I am not a fan of is that there's still water in the game, so there is still water fighting. But I have semi good news about that anytime you jump into the water you will get a pistol that's great and all I do love that but I'm just not a big fan of water fights I don't know why that ever got introduced I wish you could just swim, and that was it kind of like blackout was or where you could just shoot underwater would be great but you do get a pistol anytime you go into the water by default cuz obviously there was those times if it's endgame there's a water Zone and you have your loadouts and everything, somebody could just drop in from the sky from a flare or something and kill you because you don't have a pistol and that's not right again this isn't going to stop people from camping in the water with an automatic pistol and they're going to obviously kill you if you have a default pistol with your load out that still I'm not a big fan of water is still in the game.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

So a pro that I forgot to actually touch on is that there isn't any spawn protection in normal BR that I know of. Now I was shooting people and sniping people out of the sky, and I was breaking their armor and almost killing them while they were flying in, which was incredible. In my opinion, spawn protection does not belong in normal BR at all.

The saying that is because somebody could be floating and trying to land on weapons or land on loot or spam live pinging you while you're fighting their team, and there's nothing you can do about it because they have on this weird spawn protection bubble that should never be a positive for a player to be flying back in and have a Thanos.

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Right now we have all of these crazy, customizable attachments, and even if you customize them and tune them a certain way, it doesn't really change much. I wouldn't mind tuning in to the game where it could take us back to those Wars on one day where we could use an ffar. Say tuned as an SMG, or like a Milano, tuned as an AR right now.

modern warfare 3 multiplayer gameplay

If you turn something to full recoil control and then tune it to full aim-down sight sprint to fire, they're going to feel pretty much the same. I would love to see them really max that out on both ends. If you tune it to recoil control, it's going to slow down the gun a lot but actually have it where it can shoot straight, and if you tune it to ads Sprint to fire strafe speed, you can really have a crazy stfy AR.

modern warfare 3 trailer

Which, would be great but the con of that would obviously be recoil control now again I wouldn't mind tuning but they really need to fix it where whatever you tune, actually Tunes the gun how you want it that would really be cool for customizable loadouts kind of change the build Dynamic that we have right now where you could build some crazy loadouts from just tuning, again that's kind of an I know some people hate tuning some people love it but I'm kind of in the middle if they do it right I think it's fine but right now it's I don't like how tuning is in the game so the other thing that they are adding is the gear to war zone now we got to talked to a developer I'm not going to say who but, they told us that gear is coming to war zone meaning we can customize, a perk package to have the slide cancelling Boots the tack Sprint Boots the fast hand gloves all of that and that will be coming to war zone now I've also heard that will be in the game by default, and then you can have perks on top of that either way it is much needed because multiplayer.

It played so much faster than War Zone did because we didn't have these perk packages and perks that Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer had in War Zone. We still had kind of the old perk system that is in War Zone 2, so I got told that we are going to have the gear from Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer put into War Zone, which is going to make the game feel even faster whenever there's the side canceling Boots the tack sprinting all that kind of stuff with the fast hands.

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Beta, not even the full version, yet after one day of beta, there are already nerves. Day and that is the things that I love to see instead of a standoff Dev Studio like we've seen in war zone 2 that is scared to make any changes, that is things we'd love to see with war zone 2 the game, started off from the core from the day one absolutely awful and by now in season 6 it's, okay I guess but with the new war zone we love to see them actually changing stuff early and if they can build upon this core that isn't bad it's not a bad game so far i' obviously like to see stuff Chang which you'll see in today's article but from the core if they are changing stuff now I couldn't imagine, season 1 Season 2 Season 3 what all could actually be changed and how great this war zone could be the problem is I don't want to see them going backpedaling.

modern warfare iii

Changing the movement to be slower, changing the time to kill to be faster—like it's at a good spot right now, like changing things that we don't want to see—the core foundation of the game is already very good to build upon, and that is going to be even greater. Like I said, we're already seeing them make these crazy changes, even in the beta-nerfing things that are broken, changing things around, and that is honestly the transparency and consistency that we as players deserve and love to see.

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