News - Call Of Duty Just Completely Changed The New Warzone & Mw3

cod modern warfare 3

Call of Duty has just made massive changes to how Gunplay is going to work before the brand new War Zone and Modern Warfare 3 game releases. And today, we have our answer. Call of Duty has announced that for the brand new war zone for Modern Warfare 3 and for Modern Warfare 2. Sledgehammer Games has opted to entirely remove weapon tuning from both Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 weapons.

And this is an utterly massive change that I think is hugely going to benefit the overall health of Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 and the integration that we're going to witness in the War Zone. They've also included a super detailed status page, which I will talk about later on in this article, but before I carry on, drop a like and make sure you subscribe for more deep dive content.

We've got so much here for Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone, and we are absolutely driving to hit 200, 000 subscribers. So I've glossed over all of the things that they're doing, but let's talk about why they're doing these things and what benefits they'll actually have to both Modern Warfare 3 and Modern Warfare 2 and, of course.

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Call of Duty: War Zone. Now the first major benefit is solving the problem with mergers. Every single time we've had a Call of Duty game integrate with another one in a war zone, it has gone horrifically badly. The Cold War weapons, for example, had faster mobility reload speeds and weapon swap speeds than the Modern Warfare 2019 weapons, making the 2019 weapons completely redundant, and the Vanguard weapons were technically in some ways better than the Cold War weapons, and you ended up with this massive library of guns, which were ultimately quite useless.

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And most of them effectively felt the same and this was going to be an even more of an issue considering these are two sets of modernized weapons in the Modern Warfare 2 era and the Modern Warfare 3 era and there would be a real lack of distinction between how these weapons handled and felt, and you can see this problem clear as day just by looking at the weapon arsenals themselves why would an MCW feel any different to a lockman 556, they would be effectively the same weapon doing the same thing if Modern Warfare 2 weapons were brought in line with Modern Warfare 3 weapons, but if you leave the Modern Warfare 2 weapons with lots of visual smoke and lots of visual recoil, that the Modern Warfare 3 weapons simply don't have then you're effectively condemning that entire library to be useless anyway so you end up with this weird situation where the guns are there but there's just no point using them so by updating the Modern Warfare 2 weapons they'd solved the problem of them being redundant and not something that would be useful in the game but they then introduced a new problem which is lack of weapon distinction.

If they've been updated, they're just going to feel like the same thing, and there's no way around that. If you look at just the Modern Warfare 3 weapons, there is actually a lot of variety in terms of how those weapons handle and feel, from the MTZ to the MCW. The battle rifles feel like they have very different gameplay styles to them, and even the submachine guns seem to have different things going for them, but when you combine that with Modern Warfare 2, things get a lot messier.

cod warzone

So the solution is to remove weapon tuning. Not only does this completely DEC complicate the process of building a weapon, which, by the way, with weapon tuning, is completely sucky for the average player, but it also means that weapons are going to be more distinct. The problem weapon tuning has always introduced into Call of Duty is that people naturally just go for the things that make sense, and there are no pros or cons; it's mostly just pros.

So if you're building a certain gun to work in a certain way, you could effectively have six of the same weapon that kill people very quickly, with very little recoil, maximum bullet velocity, etc. Because whether you're tuning a weapon for multiplayer or for Battle Royale, ultimately you're looking to achieve simplistic goals.

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If you're tuning for br, you want high bullet velocity, high damage, and minimal recoil. If you're tuning for multiplayer, you want fast ads, fast reloads, and general mobility. So weapon tuning just made the whole process stupid; it was too complicated for the average player, who ended up having to watch 7, 000 Tik Toks and YouTube articles.

modern warfare 2

And it ultimately created weapon clones of one another that just lacked variety and distinction. Even at the end of the war zone Right now, most of the weapons feel fairly simple, if we're being honest, so this removal of weapon tuning for both Modern Warfare 2 weapons and Modern Warfare 3 weapons is a huge win because it's going to make these guns balance entirely differently.

It means that whether you're using an MW2 weapon or an MW3 weapon, those guns are going to have distinct feelings to them, and you're going to have to live with some of the cons of that weapon. You can't simply slap five attachments with tuning onto a gun and try to make it a super gun. If a gun has a lot of recoil by default, you're going to have to put attachments on it to counter it, and often the attachments that counter recoil end up making the weapon significantly slower or less mobile, so there's a real balancing act being done here that I think can be done in a really successful way.

modern warfare 3

Objectively speaking, the Modern Warfare 3 weapons feel better than the Modern Warfare 2 weapons because of the lack of visual clutter, smoke, and recoil. So now that we've got two weapon arsenals that don't have that problem, have no weapon tuning, and actually will have some weapon diversity to them, they could really knock this out of the park in terms of making this integration feel seamless, making the weapons feel distinct, and making sure that they don't introduce a massive balancing mess and problem for the future.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

So I'm a huge fan of this change, and I hope they carry on with it, and this leads me really nicely to my second point that Call of Duty could start getting a little bit wacky with how some of these weapons handle and operate. The 7-62 battle rifle in Modern Warfare 3, for example, is a slow-firing High recoil weapon that hits like a truck, but you also have other weapons that are high fire rate, medium damage, and have other cons, and you can really start to diversify these weapons by making them a little bit more extreme.

If you look at the SMG category, you could have high recoil and a high rate of fire; you could have low recoil and a slower rate of fire; you could have mobility builds that end up having less damage and damage builds with less mobility; and you can really start diversifying that pool by making those guns play radically differently.

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and the New Warzone on the Map Urzikstan just completely changed. Sledgehammer Games is completely rebalancing weapons in MW2 and MW3 as well as removing Weapon Tuning from the game across both sets. The new balancing system for MW3 and The new Warzone is going to greatly change how this game works on Launch.
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