News - My Honest Feedback On Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

cod modern warfare 3

I played Modern Warfare 3 and the New War Zone early, so let's talk about them, and I'm going to give you guys my first thoughts and impressions now over 150. We won the first game ever on the new war zone, and also, to my knowledge, at least we racked up the most wins total of anybody there with like four wins on the new game in the short amount of time that we actually got to play it, so that was really cool, so let's start off with the first things first, the pros.

cod warzone

We got to play it early, and I had a ton of fun, and one of the pros that we didn't even know while we were playing was that 2024 Rebirth Island and Fortune Keep are actually coming back, so if you remember clips like this, then you are going to be amazed. And you were going to be just as shocked as I am to hear that those maps are coming back for the new war zone now we don't have an exact date we do know that Fortune's Keep is coming back first which I do like fortun keep a lot but I'm very, very excited for rebirth Island to come later 202 4 for the new game I know all of us love that map I personally loved that map a ton the finessing teams the 1 v4s just the OG days we're going to feel good again with our movement back on rebirth Island another great thing that is coming back is stem boosting in war zone now all the crazy clips of when you could pop a stem and just, slide by somebody super fast that is going to be coming back to war zone it was actually kind of funny during the meeting that was kind of the pre-briefing with all the creators, and all the devs and everybody there the head Dev of War Zone came up and it was like cuz we're pretty close and we were chatting a little bit before the meeting and he's like I know we got a couple movement kings in the back and I was like wait he's talking about me like this is cool and he's like one of the things that I know you guys are excited about is we're bringing back stem boosting, now from how awful war zone 2 has been and how Infinity Ward and their devs have been all about this realism.

No movement, BS, that all of us loved. It's great to hear that the new developers and the new game developers actually want the game to be fun again, and they're bringing back stim boosting and movement now along the lines of movement. There's obviously a ton of pros; the game is much, much faster, and there is reloading and canceling again.

joewo warzone

But there is reloading and canceling again, but there are a couple cons to the movement, which I'll talk about later when we talk about the con section. But so far, the movement is an absolute improvement, with a couple tweaks here, but a massive improvement from what we have right now, touching on reloading and canceling again real quick.

We do have obviously reload canceling yying out of a reload, and we also have the really cool feature where you could obviously jump and start to reload and then slide as you're reloading. That's also coming back, so as you know, you could really finesse teams very well if you knock two people and there's a third person chasing you.

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You could jump slide around the corner and continue your reload, finish it, and then obviously side-cancel CH again, so even little things like that are going to make the game feel much faster than what we have right now, so touching on the guns is really quick. Another W is that we have less visual recoil coming to the new war zone.

joewo warzone 2

Obviously, in War Zone 2, whenever you shoot your gun, there's smoke and just a lot of visual clutter while you're shooting. The new war zone that's going to be going away, as you've seen me play, has less visual recoil, which I know my mouse and keyboard players are going to love because it's very hard to shoot on War Zone 2, but obviously even controller players like us love that too.

But we do have a little bit or a lot of a bit of advantage, with aim assist, so the visual doesn't really bother us that much now, but with the new war zone, that's definitely a big help to mouse and keyboard players because when you're shooting your gun, it's just a normal gun; it's not all this clutter and realism, like they push so much a lot less, which is great.

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The other thing is that even though these were on-the-ground loot weapons, we couldn't use or tune any of our weapons. For the new war zone, we had default loadouts and default perk packages, so we didn't even get to use our own personal loadouts that we would have built for the new game and the new Moder Warfare 3 guns, which means even less visual.

joewo warzone aimbot

Whenever I give you guys the sauce and the best new builds, it'll be even less than what you saw when we played early. So a great thing too is that a lot of the good changes from war zone 1 are going to be coming into the new game, like we kind of have right now in war zone 2 where there's obviously going to be goog tokens and redeploy tokens; they're changing all the plates to blue; and another great change that I think we've been waiting on forever is a manual gas mask, so no more if the gas touches you, you put on your gas mask even if you're fighting somebody, and it causes that awkward engagement.

modern warfare

Where like you're shooting somebody then your gas mask goes on you're hip firing and like all of us have probably died to that 100 times and it's so frustrating now you have a manual gas mask that you can put on whenever the zone is coming or as you're in the zone and take it off whenever you want, which is great because it's going to save a lot of gunfights it's going to take a little bit to get used to but either way that's a great change and I think it's going to save a lot of us from being enraged when we put on our gas mask when we don't want to and lose a fight because of that so touching on movement real quick again a lot of the things that you do in the game from going up zip lines which is incredibly.

Fast now, climbing ladders, mantling. Everything is much faster and smoother, which is a great, great change when we're going into the new game, something I'm honestly so excited for because right now, obviously, when you're mantling stuff, when you're jumping on stuff, even taking. Like ladders and zip lines, everything is like you have to latch on, do five pull-ups at your setup, run around the setup, and do a back F.

modern warfare 2

There's so much extra stuff; there's just something we don't need in the game, just BS. Now, when you're climbing ladders and zip lines, everything is just much smoother and much faster, which is great now that we've got a lot of the pros that I saw personally, let's get into. The bad thing about the new war zone is that there are a couple things that are bad about the New Movement.

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