News - Warzone 2 Is Better Than Modern Warfare 3


Now I want you guys to think about this question very carefully. It's time that we go ahead and discuss everything. I'm kind of in the middle, but this is a very big butt. I would not be opposed to speeding up the time to kill and kind of having it more in line with current Modern Warfare 2. Let me go ahead and explain why I feel the time to kill in Modern Warfare 3 is very inconsistent.

Now I do understand that it's just a beta and a lot of things can change, and we have limited access to all of the weapons and attachments, as well as the perk system, the gloves, and the vest system that we're going to have in the game at full release, but during the beta. I found the gunfights, and that's going to be very important.

The gunfights were incredibly, and I mean incredibly, inconsistent. That's something that I did not have an issue with here in Modern Warfare 2, and I also did not have that issue during the Modern Warfare 2 Beta. For me personally, consistency is key in all aspects of life, not just article games, so having the gunfights be kind of a tossup on whether you're going to win it or lose it—I'm not really a huge fan of it.

cod modern warfare 3

Because it is a beta, a lot of things can change, but again. I feel that at the very least you should be able to get hands on with everything in the beta; that's what they're for, so everybody can get hands on with everything that they're giving us. I felt like I could not do this that time around with the only weapons I felt confident in.

In getting into a gunfight and I'm talking about just a gunfight at regular ranges for the MCW, as well as the striker and I feel like that's kind of an issue I would not be opposed if they went ahead and drop the time to kill a little bit I should say technically speed it up drop the health from 150, we have currently to 125, to go ahead and just give the game a little bit more of a consistent feel and not having it feel like you have to shoot 8 n 10 bullets I understand that's not what's happening but it sure as hell does feel like that this game has a time to kill very similar to Black Ops Cold War and in Black Ops Cold War it took a little bit to get used to the time to kill but I don't remember being this much of a shell shock during that game's beta now, if you played Vanguard and jumped right to this game this is going to be completely.

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10 shots to kill, and you know if I'm making that analogy, something is definitely kind of off within this Call of Duty because I'm always trying to build class setups. With the fastest time to kill, and I had a problem with that in this Call of Duty. I'm not going to lie; at least in the beta again, a lot of things can change, but I think the time to kill is a little off this time around.

Now something else is going to go ahead and be discussed. The game's current state is going to be the spawn system. The spawns in this Call of Duty are very off now. This kind of goes hand in hand with the time to kill and how the gunfights play now. Considering the fact that we have the OG maps from Modern Warfare 2 back in 2009.

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I did anticipate the spawns to be somewhat similar; they're not; they're very different, and I think they went ahead and changed up the spawns to kind of protect some of the newer players from getting destroyed by players that may have played Modern Warfare 2 back in 2009. Now. I also think they went ahead and adjusted the time to kill to give newer players a chance to get out of the bad situation and time to react against other players who might have the jump on them because they've been playing Call of Duty since 2009.

I think these systems are working hand in hand. In trying to protect not necessarily bad players but newer players, and honestly. I don't really think they should be doing that considering the fact that 2009 was a very, very long time ago. I mean, a lot of people who are playing Call of Duty right now have never played.

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Modern Warfare 2, so it really shouldn't matter. I mean, at some point we all had to go ahead and learn how to maneuver on the map, how to use weapons properly, how to control weapon recoil, and, overall, just understand the gunplay feel of the game. Why can't people do that nowadays? I never understood that.

modern warfare 2

Just don't make any sense; it's not necessarily a prevenge spawn system where they're spawning people legitimately behind you around the corner, but it feels like it feels like a squad spawn system where people are popping up on random parts of the map, and I'm telling you guys this right now. I have never been killed, and I've watched so many kill cams where I've seen either.

The player that I just killed me, dying in the kill cam, spawning up and running within two seconds, and knocking me off my streak. I believe the spawns just need to be reworked, and that's something that I do feel goes hand in hand with the time to kill with them trying to cater to players who have not played Modern Warfare 2.

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Back in 2009, that's going to be my major concern with this Call of Duty. Not huge concerns, but I do feel that they could be game-altering concerns because obviously gun playay and how the map flows are very important and crucial to a Call of Duty's life cycle. I have to go ahead and speak on that right now, and let's see if [__] Tamer Games is going to make adjustments before the game's official release.

modern warfare 3

Hey, we're on top of this, we're making changes here, or hey, we're going to leave things the way they are in this Avenue, which honestly. I think is a massive W. Now let's talk about some of the things that I do like about Modern Warfare 3 because this does outweigh the negatives. I don't think this is a bad game at all, so don't think that I think Modern Warfare 3 is a good game, but again, we have to be honest and voice our thoughts and concerns.

Now, something I've really enjoyed about this Call of Duty is the movement. I think the movement is fantastic, and it's one of the saving graces we have within this game. Now, if we had Modern Warfare 2 movement with the time to kill in the spawns, I think we'd be in some serious [__] here because this game would definitely feel a lot worse than it actually does.

modern warfare 3 2023

It doesn't really feel bad, but I'm just saying it would literally feel terrible. The movement is phenomenal; we can easily get around the maps quickly and efficiently and transition from gunfight to gunfight. Yes, the time to kill is slower, but because we can slide cancel, they've actually gone ahead and sped up the transition from sliding and aiming, so we can get out of a bad situation a little bit easier now.

Modern Warfare 2 is BETTER than Modern Warfare 3. Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Gameplay Review after the MW3 Beta Weekend 2.
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