News - So, They Broke Warzone 2. But "fixed" Sbmm

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Today was probably one of the weirdest mornings of cod I've seen in the last 10+ years of covering this game on a daily basis. I'd love to have you if you'd like to join the community and finally check out my friends over at Gamer Advantage for 10% off the best blue glasses on the market, but more on that later.

For now, let's jump into what you may have missed here.

What happened with modern warfare 3 & warzone?

What happened with modern warfare 3 & warzone?

So , Call of Duty Moder Warfare 3 and subsequently war zone Well, it broke again. I didn't, but like, a lot of it was broken, but you could still play the game, so what happened? Well, apparently, it seems like there are some server outages. There were some backend issues that needed to be resolved, or whatever the case, but essentially, it just boiled down to the game being, for the most part, still playable.

We'll talk about one big portion of the game not being playable in just a second, but you could play multiplayer, you could play war zone to a degree, but you'd still have some difficulty for some stuff, like weapon classes and loadouts.

What was affected with modern warfare 3 & warzone?

Those all reset you ended up having just simply for multiplayer; default classes did not play war zone to actually see that entirely, but reset all your stuff down to your basic classes you had at like level one, which by the way you were level one, which was probably the most parent thing here with it.

bot lobbies warzone 3

It reset your operators; it reset your level; and it was something that everybody, no matter what was level one depending on if you were 450 and a true grinder or if you were a genuine level one, had all that kind of stuff; you had your weapons again reset even if you ended up logging in a little later, like when everything initially was problematic; at first, it was something that did show that your classes did reset.

But whenever I jump in, we'll touch on a second. I think I was a little bit late to the party with this, but like my stuff would show up in Crea a class, it would show up in the actual in-game menu whenever I'm loading into a game, but as soon as I selected it and I actually wanted it to play, it would switch to a default class, so that kind of stuff happened to your streaks again in that same vein; if you were there early enough, they would have reset.

bot lobby warzone

Event progress was affected here, where it doesn't seem like too much is being tracked properly. And then, as I talked about, one portion of the game that was just truly not playable was that it was taken entirely offline. As of a little bit before recording this article but that was from an official standpoint ever since these sort of outages or back end issues happened, that was something that was there you could not get into zombies, if you tried to it would end up simply clicking that tile to take you into zombies and then getting stuck on the sort of transition screen that said Modern Warfare 3 get stuck there for about like 2 minutes and then it would say you couldn't get into a game and so thus it's simply been taken offline if I'm not mistaken I think ranked also is like that might still be but all of that could be also said for war zone not just necessarily Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer and the Modern Warfare 3 core experience, tutorials, and everything for War Zone would even pop up if you went to choose Plunder or Battle Royale.

Those initial articles you'd get were something that would play again even if you'd never played the game before. So, this was something that affected basically every facet of Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone to some degree again, for the most part. A lot of it was playable, but also not exactly how you'd want it, if that makes sense.

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I don't know if you could jump in and play the game and it wasn't broken to the degree that the game just wouldn't load or something, but I mean, basically, all of the game was broken, but actually, you know what wasn't, the shop.

Hilariously, matchmaking was also "broken" (but good broken)

Hilariously, matchmaking was also "broken" (but good broken)

Going to you, you can do with that what you will, but anyway, the ironic and kind of funny part here out of this is that if you did kind of be like, okay. I don't care about using my custom classes whatever you just jump into multiplayer or something. It appeared for a long time that skill-based matchmaking, retention-based matchmaking, engagement-based optimization—whatever you want to call it—was turned on.

cod modern warfare 3

Off, now I think I might have gotten in a little too late, but at the same time, maybe not because 6v6 matches were better and I definitely got things like kills that I should not have, but also because people voted for Crown Raceway over rust. But the Haymaker meta was still there and stuff, so you really couldn't tell it was actually a genuine mix, seemingly not necessarily all super sweaty but also not all super body, like I couldn't tell you the last time that four people swung on me at once in a 6v6 game mode, but that happened too in ground war, though, like I think I've actually found literal bots, so while ground war usually has like less or less restrictive matchmaking just because there's so many people that have to account for.

I mean that's kind of one of the things that you take an already loosened matchmaking system and then loosen it even more and, it's kind of crazy it was fun and that kind of makes sense to a degree as well because like if the game, reset everybody air quote on reset everybody to level one that stuff will be reinstated we'll touch on in a second but if it reset everybody down to level one it was almost like it was a launch day or pre-release, thing where everybody's still stuck in that first couple of matches where it ends up figuring out your skill level and then the matchmaking algorithm kicks in that's something that can be seen every single year if you end up getting the game early at all if you end up getting it like either in the New Zealand trick or something like that usually you don't see the matchmaking really truly turn on until 900 p.

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M pacific midnight eastern time during that happens every single year but that year really sticks out to me cuz like it was the most apparent like it was truly the mid midnight Eastern Mark for me where I was like my God my lobbies are like now an entire night and day like I'm sweating at this point but anyways I digress if you ended up getting in and playing during some of this, it seems like well matchmaking.

It appears this is now "fixed" in modern warfare 3

It appears this is now "fixed" in modern warfare 3

was ranked 313, and I'm still ranked 313. As of after this once, everything was air quote fixed, so that might be the same case here for you, which kind of makes sense when you think about it. Challenge tracking and stuff like event tracking weren't working, so it seems like things were just not tracking on the back end.

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