News - My Brutally Honest Opinion Of Warzone 2i & The Beta Week 1 - What I'd Like To See For Week 2
So far, what I've seen with this beta of Old Gen PS4 Pro hasn't been the greatest experience, so I'm being truthful in my articles. There's more negative than positive in my opinion, so I've been focusing on that, and I wanted to get away from that for a article because it's not all bad, like yes, the bad right now outweighs the good, but there is some good here, man.
I can already tell you for sure that I like this game more than modern warfare. I like this game more than Vanguard. I know that's a really low bar to hit, but I can already tell you that I like this game more than a lot of these games we've been getting lately. Man. I would say it's kind of like right now, and this is me playing a broken as hell, very unoptimized game, with the version on PS4 Pro feeling like a free-to-play game, hit markers sounding like a [__] Cod mobile game, and [__] like just a very unoptimized version of this game running like [__] with connection, and all of that.
I would probably put it on par with a cold war because I already know there's maps coming that I really like. There are some good maps that are on their way, fellas. We might not get them in the beta, but we're going to get High-rise, which is a really good map. We're not going to get to see these other maps until we get the full game, but there are maps that are coming that are good, and Sledgehammer Games listens more than infinity.
There's some good change here, so I want to support those good changes. I don't think they deserve praise. I don't think we should be praising developers and giving a [__] back that we've had since I started in Call of Duty back in COD 4. I don't think it deserves praise, but I will support it. I will support a developer who wants to see movement in their game as opposed to slow tactical, campy, and, as hell, boring time-limit game plays.
I will support that, so there is good here, and when I get into a game where my bullets are working, people are moving around, and [__] is just trying to have fun. I'm actually having fun with this beta, but those games have been very few and far between, though usually it's sweaty as Usually connections are a problem; hit detection is a problem that arises.
Visibility the whole nine, like I said, the bad outweighs the good here, but when I do get that game here and there where my bolets are working and [__] and the gunfights feel fair. I'm actually having a good time with this beta. I can't even lie, man; it's here. There is a fun factor here. I still stand by everything I've already said.
I think a lot of people are going to get bored with this game very quickly. I think this game should be free to play on old Genen consoles. From what I've seen so far, I think it feels very empty, soulless, and hollow, but I also see a game here that just speaks for itself. If Sledgehammer listens to the community and keeps up on it, we get some patches and some fixes.
They fix the problems that I've noticed so far with this game, and they don't ruin it with the [__] later adding stupid [__] overpowered as hell perks that are broken as [__] I see potential. A playable cod for me for the year. Remember, I'm just talking about myself. I still stand by everything else.
People are going to get bored with it real quick. People are going to get in here and see a very empty, hollow shell of a game. They're going to get in here. get bored and dip I stand by all that, but for me personally, if Sledgehammer Games stays up with it, it fixes these problems, because some of these problems are not deal breakers, but some of these problems are deal breakers if we're 2 months in and they're not fixed.
Yeah, I'm probably out, and if I hit that point where I made up my mind that I do not like this game, this game is ass. I'm probably going to rant harder about this game than I ever ranted about Call of Duty before because this game should not exist. But if Sledgehammer Games can fix it and we get to ton down that skill-based match, we know that [__] is ridicule; it's just way too extreme like this.
We did not sign up for pro tournaments; all we did was buy a game or download a free public beta. Whatever the deal is, this is where we go for our escape. Man, we ain't buying a game to sign up for a [__] Pro tournament. the [__] down man From what I've seen in the beta, y'all got to tone that down to fix these problems, and I see a playable Cod for me for the year—a Cod that I will still get frustrated with absolutely.
But a playable Cod; nonetheless, you need to bring it for the weekend too. Sledgehammer, we already know what the map situation is looking like, so we're getting highrise, so that's good; we'll have highrise. We'll have a better map in week two than we've had for this whole week. We got highrise there, so we know we have a quality map on the way, but we need some more.
Man, we need some more guns in there, and we need some more streaks. Where's the Harrier? Where's the pavement? Where's the Chopper Gunner? Where's the AC130? You need to have the assclapper 130. You can't have me running down all these campers and all these sweats and everything else on Afghan without no ass clapper, 130.
I need that AC-130. In my life, man, please tell me you guys got that [__] in this game; it's just that it's not going to be the same without it, like we need some of these kill streaks, man, because I ain't feeling the Juggernaut. I never felt the juggernaut in these games because they were too slow.
I did like the Jugmaniac and Ghost, but you were running around with a knife, and you were running around quicker. Right, I didn't mind that, but, like, I've never been a huge fan of these Juggernaut kill streaks. They're just slow and boring to use. No, man, we need the Harrier; we need the Chopper Gunter; we need Pavo; we need the Ass Clapper.
130, but anyway, that is it for me on this one.