News - Is Warzone 2i Going To Be Good. What About The Future Of Warzone. Warzone 2i Beta Review


The Modern Warfare 3 beta has come and gone, and after many hours of gameplay, these are going to be my initial thoughts on what we know, and also because we are a war zone channel. I will be relating what I know to what I think is going to happen in the war zone. The first thing we're going to talk about is movement, because that is everyone's number one question when it comes to my live streams.

There are some issues we will hit on in the con section of this article towards the end, but the movement is light years better than it was in Modern Warfare 2, but it's still kind of under the bar compared to Modern Warfare 2019, or War Zone. One movement allows players of all skill levels to get out of sticky situations.

There's a massive misconception that movement only benefits good players, and that couldn't be further from the truth. Anything in the game that creates a skill gap can be learned and mastered by everyone. Just because you always see sweat slide canceling doesn't mean there aren't lower-skilled players out there utilizing that same feature on us too, so before you guys are like my movements back.


I'm not playing this card. Surprisingly, too, when they decided to bring back 16 of the OG maps, I honestly hated the idea. I thought it was stupid. I'm not much for nostalgia, and honestly. I want to create new memories on new maps and experience new things, but because of the faster-paced play style, these maps do feel a lot different and, in a good way, a lot less campy.

Now that you're going to have your Call of Duty campers, you always will, but looking back at the days of OG Modern Warfare 2, it's a lot faster-paced, which makes it a lot more enjoyable. I actually found myself having fun and playing multiplayer for the first time. Since Black Ops 3, it's been that long since I've really enjoyed Call of Duty multiplayer.

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The reason why I've never been invited to [__] and I'm always going to keep it 100 with you, whether it's an opinion or a fact, is that I'm always going to tell you what's on my mind and be as real as possible. I'm not doing this for clout. I'm not doing this for invites. I could give a [__]. Less about a box with some socks in it; I just want you guys to be aware of what to expect going in, so saying all that, I'm actually a fan of this game.

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To my surprise, while playing on these OG maps, it was really nice to see that I did not have any connection issues. Hit detection consists of a bunch of different variables, usually talking about latency and desync, which involve your connection because my connection was a lot better. I really didn't feel like there was any disconnect.

Maybe once or twice within the 50 hours I put in the beta, I might have felt like that shot should have hit, but overall, this was actually a very well-done game. The servers were on point, the hit detection was on point, and I was never left scratching my head unless I got stacked by a team of five campers.

Then I'm like, Why the hell are you sitting in a building? It's beta get out there and try things a segue off of hit detection 2 ttk, It has been a massive issue of mind throughout all of Modern Warfare 2 and War Zone 2. It's so fast it encourages campers, and honestly, it just needed to be sped up, and because of the extra 50 HP in multiplayer alone, it has given you the ability to actually turn on an enemy should you get caught out by somebody sitting on a corner.

cod gameplay

Are you always going to be able to outshoot him? No, but the chance is now there for you guys, which makes it a lot more playable coming from Modern Warfare 2019 and War Zone 1 to Modern Warfare 2 and War Zone 2. The camping just got ridiculous, the four stacking got ridiculous, and all in all, to be fair, it was because of the high ttk.

Here on the channel, we spectate a lot of randoms, and what we see from these players is them just sitting in the building because they're too afraid to step out the door, get shot a few times, and die before they can react. This longer ttk allows players of lower skill levels to actually survive a tad bit longer; that way they can actually look at the enemy and maybe, again, outplay or at least practice tracking and snapping before they actually die, whereas in Modern Warfare 2, the moment a bot gets shot from behind, he's dead.

cod livestream

There's really nothing he can do about it, so I'm a massive fan of the addition of ttk, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens in War Zone with that as well. When it comes to the graphics of the game, of course, as we evolve through Call of Duty's history, they've always gotten better, so that's to say that the visuals are pretty nice.

There are some skins that are difficult to see, but it's still not impossible. And I'm just really hoping they don't give us another Groot skin or Rose skin when it comes to War Zone or even multiplayer in Modern Warfare 3. I'm all for cool creative skins, but let's keep the visibility. That way, people don't waste $20 or $30 on this skin just for Activision to nerf it later on in the season or even the year now.

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One of my favorite features, guys, is going to be the mini map. I am a huge fan of the mini map update, and this is going to bring a lot of different aspects to multiplayer as well as the meta in War Zone, but currently on the mini map, you will show up if you use an unsuppressed weapon. Your dot will pop up, and enemies will be able to converge on you.

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Now let's talk about suppressors for a second, their use, and how this can really create a more balanced meta in the game. You guys remember War Zone 1? Most of the meta builds, in fact, probably like 90% of them, the vast majority, were all suppressed. Now if you guys go back to War Zone 1, you know that the Min map was the same way: if you shot an unsuppressed weapon, you popped up, so everyone ran suppressors.

I say all this to say that with the new mini map being like War Zone 1, as long as the developers don't make all the meta-supressed weapons, this will create a very unique experience in War Zone that we've never had before because players will have to make an educated decision: am I going to use a supressed weapon to hide from a mini map or am I going to build the weapon for better accuracy?

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better recoil control better tracking, better handling, and better ad speed, and they're actually going to have to make the balance of that themselves instead of the developers being like, you know, everyone pops the mini map, and that's going to be a huge risk versus reward, which in turn is the core foundation of Battle Royale, so I am excited to see what the developers do.

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