News - This Campaign Runs Like Trash & Cheeks. Warzone 2i Part 8 - Danger Close (ac130)


Ghost and so prevented a disaster at the dam. They stopped moving. You need to do the same with Far and Alex. We will you and Graves are on the same team. John, don't forget that I don't forget anything about looking good, boys. We are going for pre-checks. Shadow Gold Eagle The actual Shadow is on station Shadow.

One ground team is at Rally Point Boneyard. You'll provide air cover while they locate the chemicals and hunt down the macaroon copy. In actual Shadow 1, we got our AC130 mission: The assclapper 130 stand gun confir visual on the ground team copy visual marking ground team we have visual on you copy our targets are the two hangers we move on your signal marking threats in the Boneyard ground hold position we'll clear the area gun early down cover fire take out those threats let's take them out down work I don't have one man.

Hurry up and reload that [__]. There we go. We got it. Con is targeting us. Hit that samite with a missile. The target-destroyed team is pushing through the boneyard. Keep cover, Rog. Shadow's watching over moving into the bone yard, and one team is in contact with the stand-fire copy that we're on, Gunner.

modern warfare

Shadow cont Shadow copies, we're on it, hell yeah, can't hide from the eye in the sky ground team, you're clear to move copy that we're moving out cover Shadow copy actual enemies pushing in from the south marking, we one in contact taking effective fire start sending ground copy kilo we're working on it that's what I'm talking about damn Making a splash Like the Homie Chris Smooth, good hit Keep the coming ground.

The team is pushing up; we got you, Hit that jet before it's airborne. All right, man, crew. Let's get on it. Enemy jets destroyed air superiority. Shadow enemies pushing across the tarmac ground multiple Cony on the tarmac, get to cover, and we'll clear your path. The copy ground team is holding Southwest Keep that ground team secure.

Also read:

Do not fire on the hangers. Good impact nice black on Ammo. Stand by one down. Get the big one. We're going right here. That shouldn't hit that hanger, all right? good cover The building does not fire on the hangers until the chemicals are located. We don't want to hand off a wind ground team until they reach the hangers.

modern warfare 3

One move it internal got threats coming out of those structures to the south side of the base mark gun do not let con get near that hang good, Shot Copy that enemy closing in on the hanger. One actual ground team gave me a hanger. One is a dry hole with no chemicals. Our entire chemical stock piles on that basin; they're not in that basin.

Be sure before you push on cop we'll keep searching the hanger sh the one keep us covered we're not going anywhere kilo good, effect all station negative on chemical hanger One is a dry hole ground team push to hanger two shadows keeping covered Roger Gold Eagle, we got your ground C moving to hang to M fires incoming from the Northwest Gunner.

Target those mortars, take them out, and take out their Mort team. Mao destroys his whole base to keep those chemicals he'll be in the next hanger he might be to RPGs. No, all stations Hangar two is cleared; be advised, we've located the chemicals; Macarrov is negative; he's not here; it could be close ground neutralizing those chemicals.

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Shadow maintains OverWatch. Keep the ground team secure until the job's done. Copy that gold eagle. All stations should be advised. Intel's picking up Coney Communications from off base. They're scrambling armored vehicles and reinforcements, expecting heavy contact. Copy that—the actual enemy tank on the north side of the base.

Shadow one, do not let that tank destroy those chemicals. Gunner, you heard the general eliminate that tank and drop a missile on that [__] where the radio tower is. Were enemy tanks destroyed? I hate those things eny theop, marking taric pushing enemy hilos taken off from the Northwest incoming.

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I got them. Hilo's marked cutter knocked those birds out of the What do you think the multiplayer is going to run like, right? that I talked about in my articles, ranting about those [__] enemy tanks directly to our north. Shadow, Don't let that tank hit the chemicals; take it out. You know what to do.

modern warfare iii

Some quick enemy vehicles are incoming into the fuel depot at all stations. M up to re-attack; let's bury them. Shadow one be advised door's opening on a building to the west end of the runway near the Boneyard the Westway This is to wipe it off. Let's get on it. He gets there because we have a big problem taking off.

That's right jet number two is down outside. Put some [__] chalk around all stations. This is the actual signature. Marov is on the base; he's going to make a play for the chemical ground team. Are you ready to Negative chemicals are still active; we need more time to copy them to keep him secure and great to maintain.

In Overwatch, you see Marov. You put him down. Check Gold Eagle Shadow; one's ready, and there, shoot down. Don't let him hit the chemical enemy. Hilo's coming down. We got your ass hookline and [__]. Staker all stations, enemy bird is down. Vladimir Marov is ekia copy that chemicals rendered safe pushing out of the hanger now there's no way Marov was in that Chopper, have your man drop a missile on that hanger.

modern warfare iii campaign playthrough

Barry Marov and his [__] chemicals copy that shadow one ground team is clear level hanger Gunner sends, Good effect hangers down; that's how we get her done. Shadows be upon you, Vladimir. There are three things you cannot outrun in this world, folks: death taxes and my pleasure doing business with you boys and girls.

actual mrtb out here Roger, that shadow—that's some big league work out there. Blue Sky Son appreciates the assist shadow; six to all stations that kill are not confirmed. I say again that kill is not confirmed; we need to search the site for p on Marov. Gold Eagle At all stations, your orders are to stand down.

Also read:

We have nothing but fire and brimstone out there, and that's all the confirmation we need. Go to one. Go for six. It's over, John. We nailed that bastard to hell and were gone. Yeah, that's what we said about your little shadow. Graves, yeah, Marov is dead, Captain. Don't let him live inside your head, eagle.


Out, Shepherd only sees what he wants: his name on a win, another medal on his chest. What do you see? It's what I don't see that worries me. If he's alive, he'll let us know where and when. We owe a debt of gratitude to our task force and to the Ulf for our success against Vladimir Marov and his private army.

Much has been said about the UF. Farah Kareim and her soldiers are a terror organization. Farah Kareim is and always has been an ally of the United States and our Western partners in the region. How did Commander Kareem obtain American armor for nearly a decade? I sent weapons to Commander Kareem to support her missions against Alcat and Russian incursions into Ekhan.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Campaign Playthrough Part 8. Danger Close AC-130. Xbox Series S.
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