News - Mw3 Hot Take: Sbmm Is A Necessary Evil Call Of Duty Warzone 2i

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Skill-based matchmaking, without a doubt, has been the hottest topic in Call of Duty for the past 5 years. Skill-based matchmaking is the number one reason that people give for not pre-ordering Modern Warfare 3. It's the number one reason why people have left the Call of Duty franchise all together, but yet you got people out here claiming that sbmm is a necessary evil in Call of Duty today.

They praise the matchmaking system for protecting them from having the Nets call in on their heads two minutes into a match back in Bo4. Yeah, you might get a sniper nest called in on your head 2 minutes into the match every now and then, but if you find yourself in a lobby that you don't like, you could just back out, search up again, and find a whole new lobby with a whole different group of people with different skill levels, and maybe you could enjoy yourself in that.

Lobby, they say they don't have time to get good at the game because they are busy with school, busy with work, and busy with a family. But yet, back in the day, when we started playing Call of Duty and we first got on the game and people were calling in attack helicopters on our heads two or three minutes into the match, we didn't have a choice but to be lazy and not try to get better.

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You know, just because we didn't have the option to get thrown into an easy lobster, we just had to protect our necks, we had to get good; there was no other way around it, and when it comes to playing a game, should a game be easy for some people and harder for others? Is that fair to everybody? Shouldn't the game be the exact same for everybody picking it up regardless of their age, experience, skill, or level?

It's the luck of the [ __ ]. If you go down to the park to play some basketball, you have to deal with whoever is on the court. There is no system to come in place and say, You're getting pwned out here. Come on, let's put you on this easy court so you can hang. It's not like that in real life; there's nowhere you can go and play a game anywhere, and the game itself changes based on who's playing it.

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That's a casino game, and that's even worse than a casino. The system that people embrace for protecting them is the same system that will thump them across the back of their heads the moment that they get any kind of competence in the game, and then they start pointing and shooting and killing people, laying them down, and finishing the game with more kills than deaths.

Then you too will feel the true misery of the algorithm, because that's all it is at the end of the day: pure. Misery anybody that's decent at Call of Duty is absolutely miserable trying to enjoy themselves in COD lately. As long as this algorithm is in the game, the game will never be what it was; it'll never be as fun as it used to be; it'll never be as popular as it used to be; hell, if sbmm was a necessary evil for Call of Duty.

Also read:

Duty: How did Call of Duty get as big as it is today because it didn't have this crippling system in it back when it started? They say it always had sbmm, and I believe that. I believe that, but it wasn't ridiculous; it didn't take precedence over connection. Performance Tim is going to be playing a totally different game from Jack and Jack is going to be playing a totally different game from Pete because, as you see.

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Jack is a good player way better than Pete, but Jack's performance is worse than Pete's performance because Pete gets to play in bot lobbies while Jack has to play in MLG lobbies, but yet they're both going to pubs and S pushing search to find a game getting put in two totally different worlds that's called ranked play that's not public, matchmaking, and that [__] don't belong in pubs, you put a system like that in rank play so you can feel what it's like to climb up a ladder and then get batted back down that [__] for over 10 years.

Call of Duty. I was the one dominating others, and then once you made it to that level, you stayed there, and it only got better because the more you played, the better you got, and the more people you were able to stomp more often. Instead of just being better than the average skill level of the population, for example, a 1.0 KD, now you've got to be better than the average skill level of the top players in the world.

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It's not the same game; it's like going to the park to play some ball, and here comes the goddamn pro team. Imagine, you pull up at the [ __ ] Park you hop out of your car you and your son to place some ball, and then a sliding door van slides open and the goddamn Bulls team come sliding out of there Scotty Pippen Michael Jordan harvis Grant Dennis Robin and all the damn dream team from the 90s imagine you had to play against them when y'all went to the park, just because yesterday when y'all was at the park y'all was dominating all the other dads and Sons that was out there now you got to play against, real [ __ ] professional players cuz you did good yesterday that's the system we dealing with and that [ __ ] ain't Fair it's not like that in no other games nothing else in the world only in [ __ ] article games nowadays, this [ __ ] is crooked, it's sleazy, it makes it to where you can't even Master the game anymore, cuz the game's constantly changing, the better you get the harder the game gets until you can't do.

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Good h do how can anybody defend a system like that, un unless you're complete dog [ __ ] at the game and you always got [ __ ] on, and now with this system in place you're protected so you can't get [ __ ] on, all right it's good for you, but the end goal of anybody playing the game is to get better and with this system, doesn't matter who you are doesn't matter that you were dog [ __ ] last month, if you get good this month your fund's [ __ ] over imagine that, like what is the point have even trying to master the game if you would never be able to the way it is it's a constant struggle, constant you no longer can get good and get out of bad situations where you're getting your ass kicked doesn't matter how good you get you could learn how to dominate the enemies in your lobby the algorithm just going to kick them [ __ ] out and find [ __ ] that's harder and let's say you [ __ ] dominate them too they going to kick them out find some [ __ ] that's harder until eventually you going to run into some [ __ ] that's going to have you looking, incompetent and [ __ ].

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