News - Mw3 Hot Take: Sbmm Is A Necessary Evil Call Of Duty Warzone 2i

modern warfare 3 beta review

Stupid and when you've been playing the game for over like damn near 20 years at this point that's unacceptable it's just like waking up one day and no you can no longer speak English you know waking up one day and damn I forgot how to walk every time I try to walk I fall down that's what it's like trying to play Call of Duty now you've been learning how to walk but every time you try to walk in the game you tripping over your feet falling, down you know how to talk but every time you open your mouth all you do is drool imagine that it drives people [ __ ] crazy knowing that you have something mastered but then all of a sudden you, don't and then right when you about to be like you know what I'm I think I'm gon sell my console I think I'm too old for games you know I think it's time to grow up then they'll throw you a bone you'll have a good game and you be like , [ __ ] okay well maybe I'm not dog [ __ ] let me play some more and then it's right back to the [ __ ] meat, grinder it's inorganic.

modern warfare 3 sbmm

Might maybe, but with 90% of the populace being box, it's not hard to find a lobster that doesn't have a big bad wolf in it. You know nobody needs to be protected in the [__] game, like what is this preschool, is this daycare, or is it this Special Olympics? When you go to the park to play basketball, are you out there trying to lower the [__] gold?

Do you need to make the goal seven feet so you can have an easier time plan? How stupid would you look trying to lower the [__] gold out on the court so you could make it easier? Layups—no other sport in the world—is like this, and I'll bring up that [__] about professional sports. This ain't professional sports; I'm not [__] scump, or none of these other pros; neither is he or she; we're regular [__] people.

Also read:

You can't compare us to LeBron James; you can compare us to the guy who goes to the park to play some golf. That's us, the guy who goes to the park to play rre ball; he's not trying to play college students, and NBA guys, he's going to the [__] park to play R ball, which has turned W ball into [__] NBA.

modern warfare iii beta review

Stomper, but you take that pub stomper with the 1.2 and throw in this matchmaking algorithm that's going to pit him up against 2.0 KD players, 3.0 KD players, 4.0, and all of this [__] because y'all had a similar performance in your recent game. Now you didn't turn the junior pubs stomp into lunch meat potted tuna and fish, and that's why sbmm is bad for Call of Duty because that my friend is going to be you.

With a little bit of practice, nobody's the best player in the world because at the top are the cheaters.

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