News - Warzone 2's Broken Matchmaking Is So Annoying


It's frustrating, so that's what I want to talk about here. So lately, I've been playing a bit more Search and Destroy. Once I get my Interstellar camo, I want to go back to my favorite game mode, which of course is search. I do post a lot of respawns here on the channel because I feel like it works better for the articles that I make, like I can just go clip to clip, and if I'm showing news or articles or covering things like that, then it's a bit easier as compared to a full-length game of Search and Destroy.

I just feel like it's easier to like splice in clips and stuff like that because I definitely jump around a lot in my articles, but I do love to play search. Going all the way back to Call of Duty: World at War, like I grew up on Sege, it's my favorite game mode, but one of the things I've noticed about it playing here in Modern Warfare 3 is that apparently it's been something that's been happening a lot in recent years, but it seems like it's definitely ramped up this year.

The sheer number of people who quit games. And then the matchmaking doesn't put anybody else back in there, and it just makes the match feel terrible, like if the other team gets butt hurt, they leave, the game's over pretty much, or people on your team quit, well, the game's over, and nobody's ever going to backfill.

activision sbmm

What ended up happening the other night was that I had my best match of Search and Destroy so far here with Modern Warfare 3. It's nothing Marksman-level or anything, but here's the score: I win 17 kills and three deaths with three plants. It was a pretty good match, and I was really enjoying it, but unfortunately.

It wasn't recorded because my computer is dying right now, and I have all these random encoding errors whenever I try to record. It's a real crap shoot as to whether or not my matches get recorded; it's pretty damn frustrating. But right after that, we got into another game, and people didn't leave nearly as much.

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Of course, I had a good match, so skill-based matchmaking had to kick in and give us terrible teammates. It was a 5v5 the entire match, but we got blown out. I mean In fairness, they were all using MCWs, because that's the only gun anyone ever really knows how to use in Search and Destroy, but yeah, we got blown out.

activision sbmm statement

The very next game, skill-based matchmaking, of course, is going to be skill-based matchmaking. The very next game, we go up against another party, mind you, just me and my buddy James playing here, and our teammates end up leaving even though we were up like 3 0 3-1 at one point in the game. Our teammates left for one reason or another.

And we never got anymore, so we're then left in a situation where eventually it just becomes a two-on-one with like four rounds to go and we never get a teammate until the very end of the match, like once the match was over, then they're like. Hey, let's just throw one more teammate in here because, why not?

modern warfare 3

I mean, I don't understand why matchmaking is important, especially in Search and Destroy. Just doesn't work half the time like if you are like four rounds into a game right let's say the game is 2 to2 the score limit is six obviously the game is 2 to2 therefore potentially you still have seven rounds to go if it's 2 to2 and people leave on your team or on the other team, they're never going to get backfilled the game's like nah people don't want to join games late I don't know and then everyone in the lobby is kind of left to suffer the match is then boring you don't want to play it anymore you want to back out yourself and it just it defeats the entire purpose of the entire system we find ourselves in a situation, where not only in Search and Destroy this happens all the time I'm sure you guys have seen it in game modes like domination hardpoint whatever we find ourselves in a situ sitation where if people leave on your team you're just undermanned, the rest of the game and at that point it's like well why even try to win if we're down you know 4 V6 3v6, or whatever or on the flip side of things if you're winning.

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And people on the other team end up leaving and now you're playing a six on three a six on four six on two, it's just like what's even the point this is boring we should probably back out and we're in this spot where skill-based, matchmaking is making more people than ever want to back out of their games if they get into a Lobby and they're not having fun people are sweaty on the other team or they're trying to do challenges but it's not working out or they don't like the map or they accident went to the wrong game mode or whatever people just back out now I mean people don't care about stats they don't care about their win loss ratios anymore because all that is completely hidden there's no longer a public combat record like we had back in the day so Activision.

Sledgehammer, like all the studios right, is working on skill-based matchmaking; they're making it as thick as possible here with Modern Warfare 3, which is causing people to want to back out. But then once those people end up backing out due to the stupid skill-based matchmaking nonsense, the game doesn't give you any more teammates in your game; it just ruins the entire thing, like if people are backing out, that's something they have to address, right?

modern warfare iii multiplayer

They're backing out because of skill-based matchmaking, or whatever the reason may be. Well, then that's on the matchmaking to actually put more people into the game, but instead they just don't ever do that, and you find yourselves just playing a game where it's 6 V4 6 V5 4v4. I mean, have you ever played a game of dominance?

You're playing 6v6. It's on a decently sized map; it's called an afghan or whatever, and now it's suddenly 4v4, and nobody's joining the lobby despite the fact that the game makes hundreds of millions of dollars every single year. How does that even work? I don't get it, so that's been happening a lot lately, and I truly do think it comes down to skill-based matchmaking.

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I truly think it comes down to just the inherent problem of skill-based matchmaking itself, which is just even more fuel for the fire that entire system needs to go, and mind you, here we are almost at the end of December. Back at the very beginning of December, when season 1 came out, activ said they were going to be talking to us about skill-based matchmaking.


They said they were going to be going into more detail and explaining why these things work, why they do it, and how the system has evolved over time. Well, here we see the system being ramped up to infinity. Matchmaking is not putting anybody in the lobby if somebody ends up backing out, and it's been almost a month since they said they were going to talk to us about skill-based matchmaking, but it's been radio silence the entire time.

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