News - Warzone 2 Is Genuinely Terrible

is dead

To be brutally honest, Modern Warfare 3 is seriously awful. As a fan of Call of Duty since the MW2 and World at War Days, seeing the stats the Call of Duty franchise is in now is really sad to see but also frustrating. At the same time, let's dive into why MW3 is so bad and why the Call of Duty franchise is getting worse.

As always, these are my straight-forward, honest thoughts with no BS. I'm sure not all of you will agree, but you need to see the points made in this article, as I feel lot of channels here on YouTube. Shy Away from the true state of the Cod franchise, let's dive straight into this first of all skill-based matchmaking.

This isn't a surprise. There are a number of reasons why I think MW3 is bad, and all the recent cods have been seriously bad. Skill-based matchmaking is definitely one of the main issues with these games, and it produces issues of its own, for example, playing with sweaty players 24/7, which is the most overused statement by Cod players, but it's overused for a damn reason, so for those who don't know, skill-based matchmaking is where the game does its best to only put you in lobbies who have similar, if not better, stats than you.


This is to keep things competitive and to stop noobs from being obliterated. It sounds like a good idea on the surface, but for years, players have complained about it countless times, as it has become the reason you either give up playing or just lose interest. Altogether, playing a game of cod should not be a sweat-infested 10 minutes of hell where you can't sit back and relax.

Don't get me wrong; you can say, Just shut the hell up. you utter donk and sit on the other side of the room where your TV's about 20 mil away and don't really care about trying just play it and enjoy yourself, yes, you can say that, but be prepared to be killed countless. Times, and let's be honest, I myself and lots of you out there don't exactly enjoy being killed by absolute sweats over and over.

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There's no point of playing, and lots of players out there combat this by camping, which we also complain about now. If you strip everything away from Call of Duty, the point of playing is to get as many kills as possible with as fewer deaths as possible. You want to be at the top of the leaderboard.

modern warfare 3

Skill-based matchmaking has made it impossible to just hop on and enjoy it. Instead, you are forced to drench your controller in sweat and try hard beyond belief unless you don't mind being obliterated over and over or don't mind camping in a corner like an outer knob. I spawn i spawn, and there's gas.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

I spawned, and there's gas in my face, and we are getting, at, dude, , I. The older cods never had this issue. Yes you might get the odd noob in your game who will only get one kill and 56 deaths and I do slightly feel bad for those people but as they play more and more they're going to get better at the game you don't need to punish the whole player base and make their games a Cod tournament with yanan's life on the line allow some variety, there has to be some sort of skill-based matchmaking system here and those who say get rid of entirely haven't thought it through properly older games like Black Ops 2 and NW2 back in the day did not have as many highly skilled players as we do now that is a fact so there does have to be some sort of arrangement but whatever system they have been using for the last few years clearly doesn't work so please change it Making skill-based matchmaking more relaxed might be a good idea, but I seriously think it needs redesigning.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's move on to the next point: no innovation. This is a huge factor, and it sums up Call of Duty in the last 5 to 8 years. Think about it. As soon as you mention the old titles like MW2, people get mixed up with the recently released MW2. So now you have to state that I'm talking about the 2009 release.

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Why do we not have new maps that are actually well designed? Why do they have to keep remastering? old maps in every single Call of Duty release. Why aren't their new characters, who are actually interesting and written better than the ones 10 years ago? If anything, the campaign has never topped or gotten close to the stories in the classics; this should not be the case.

modern warfare 3 leaks

Welcome to pull the trigger. 101 private Allen There is going to be a quick weapons demonstration to show the locals how it's done. No offense, but I see a lot of you guys firing from the hip and spraying bullets all over the range. You don't end up hitting the damn thing, and it makes you look like an ass.

Call of Duty needs innovation; it should not need to rely on the past; it should be making new memories and being its own thing. What happens 10 years from now? Do they just keep reusing old Maps characters and titles? Surely not MW3. Is it lazy? There is something about the new Modern Warfare 3 that I think people haven't spoken enough about.

This game is literally MW2; it's seriously a $70 update. The game mechanics are exactly the same, the menus are the same, and it's the laziest release in Call of Duty history. The reviews for the game say it all: They've essentially merged. NW2, and NW3, together, it's hard to even tell them apart.

modern warfare 3 sbmm

The menu screens are also linked, and I've never seen two Call of Duty games merge together like this. To name it after an absolute classic in the Modern Warfare Trilogy is an absolute insult. This should have been an update for NW2. It doesn't deserve to have its own title if this is a sign of what's to come.

I'm seriously worried about what happened to every Cod release, which has its own unique look and feel that has seemingly vanished from the campaign. I think the less said about this, the better. I'm sure a lot of you know already. The campaign in this game is terrible. It's actually one of the worst campaigns ever in Call of Duty history.

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Not only is it really short, it's boring as hell, and as mentioned previously, they are once again reusing old characters from previous Call of Duty games because they aren't able to make new characters that are interesting. It's the same old stuff, and I could only play about two or three missions before I had to turn it off.


It is that bad. I'm not really too bothered about campaigns in Call of Duty games anyway, as in my opinion they've been bad for a number of years, so I'm never expecting a really good story, but sadly, once again, it falls short, and this isn't a game you want to get if you care about the story mode and only want to play it offline.

Microtransactions boy, here we go. I understand that Not Just Call of Duty takes the Mickey out the mouse by tempting players with in-game purchases, but come on, what the hell has Cod become? You can literally run around as bloody Nicki Minaj or lonel Messi for Christ's sake; it's almost like they are trying to copy Fortnite by adding in the most ridiculous Skins to rob the asses of little kids.

Do NOT Buy Call of Duty MW3! It is terrible! Here is a video explaining why COD MW3 is awful and how the Call of Duty franchise is seriously going downhill.
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