News - Massive Discovery. Every Warzone Player Needs To Know This. Best Perks For Warzone

And then my health takes a little bit of damage and that would have slowed my overall progression of Health regeneration, which I hate so I pretty much never run anything other than Mountaineer for that reason because one I want to be able to jump off the rooftops not worry about breaking my legs but two I want my health to regenerate faster because this 5 sixc Health regeneration takes so long another reason why I pair Mountaineer, with quick fix so that covers two out of our four perks what about the other ones okay I'm going to cover both of those as well but this one is probably the one that no one is talking about and it's a radiated, but not for the reason that you think check it out okay so we know that a radiator allows us to live longer in the gas so here I am in the same gas the same Zone and you can see.

modern warfare 3

The radiated allows me to live about 4 seconds longer in the gas than the default does, and frankly, 4 seconds is a substantial amount of time if we were to try to make a gas mask rotation that allows us to cover quite a bit of distance, but that's not really the big game changer here now. We also know from the clip in the background that a radiator allows us to put in plates while we're in the gas, so if we are getting held, we're still going to be stuck to the same amount of base health in the gas.

But it also allows us to throw on some plates so that maybe if someone's taking pot shots at us, we could be a little bit longer. There was a bug there for a while where a quick fix caused a radiated effect when your plates were put in quick fix to restore your health, but that is no longer the case.


A radiated gets crazy for this reason okay, as we know whenever we take damage in this game it interrupts our plating so as we move across the map and as you see here this guy shoots me so I try to throw in some plates in the moment I take damage it stops me from plating I try to Plate up again I take damage and it stops me from plating if we take damage in this game we're not allowed to play up that is unless we have a radiated equipped and this combined with quick fix is going to allow us to finesse, like none other check out this clip right here I was trying to do some testing, but unfortunately I have to do all this testing in live Lobby, so I end up running into a nice guy, can you help me out with something?

and I'm like, Yo, can you help me out with something? Yo, what up, Ice Man? He recognizes my name. I'm coming on to you right now. I'm right behind you. This guy was a nice guy. He stopped in the middle of a solo game to help me out. Nice guy thanks for helping me with the testing here. Ben, so I think there's a bug with a radiated, where, if I take damage, I can plate up while I take damage, so that's the premise: I can plate up while I take damage.

mw3 perks

Now, I tested this by throwing a Molotov on the ground, and I could play it up during the molotov. I tested it with a gas grenade as well, and obviously, we know it can work in the actual gas itself, but I wanted to see if it worked with enemy bullets. Like you know, this normally can plate up in this gas because I'm using it.

I'm plating up inside of that gas, so I have him shoot me. Just keep shooing me. Keep shooing me. And as you can see, even though I'm taking damage. I'm able to plate shoot me and keep shooting me; he continues to shoot me, and there seems to be a cap where either if you get to full health you will stop plating or if you played up three times, you're allowed to continue plating as well, but as you can see.

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I hit that third plate, and I can just keep throwing in plates even though I'm taking damage, which is going to make it to where someone is going to run out of ammo while I'm trying to finesse. I even bring it all the way to see if I can combine it with a quick fix, and it works. This is where it gets insane.


Watch every single time I throw in a plate, my health comes back. Sh, health regen, health regen, it keeps improving my health. Okay, you're a beast. I don't know. I'm literally out of money. I don't know how to repay you. I don't know how to repay him. Well, my way of repaying him is by shouting him out in this article.

I don't know if that's planned or not; that is not in the description of the perk, but the fact that you can plate up while you're taking damage and combine that with a quick fix is going to be a finessing. Dream. As you try to work your way across the map in Escape, whether it's popping a smoke at your feet and combining with that, I mean, you are going to be unkillable.

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Obviously, if players are racking up consistent shots, you can't out plate and out heal the damage output, but still, it's going to save your life. So with that in mind, what is the dream four-perk package? Well, for me, it is Mountaineer because it helps reduce my fall damage as well as helps prevent that partial fall damage that stops my health regeneration.

I am irradiated, so I can live longer in the gas but also play up while I'm actively taking damage. We have Quick Fix because it is infinitely better than tempered, and on top of that, it also allows us to pair that with a radiator to constantly be plating up and regening our health, and then finally I go ahead and throw in either.

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Flex or high alert: For me personally, I prefer Flex, and let me tell you why. Obviously, it gives me a better ability to hear enemies around me, but probably the best part of Flex is its delays and explosions. So if you run into a room with a proximity mine or a cluster mine, normally things that would be instant death traps, you'll hear it pop, like you'll hear the sound of it triggering, but then you have about 2–3 seconds to turn around and get the heck out of Dodge before you give an enemy a free kill.

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A lot of people like to rock high alert, but I've noticed more and more players are running cold-blooded, and when someone's running cold-blooded and they look at you, it doesn't proctor the high alert, so for me. I would rather be aware, especially since I'm an aggressive player of things I am chasing down, not just players that are looking at me with high alert, and the real kicker is that delayed explosive.

So this, for all of the numbers and stats that I ran, is my dream four-perk package, if you appreciate the fact that I went through all these numbers and didn't just whip up a gun loadout article screenshot. I spent like four or five hours testing all of this, and this is the way to go. Okay, if you like this article, do me a favor and drop a like on this article.

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If you're interested in Focus Fuel, try it for yourself. Okay, it is my dream product. I'm really thrilled with how it turned out. You guys should definitely try it out. So if you want to catch me live over on Twitch, share your thanks and hang out a little bit. Come join me over there. I hope you learned something new.

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