News - How To Dominate Control Warzone. Tips & Tricks



Hey YouTube family, I hope you all got some great sleep last night. I want to go ahead and dive into how to dominate control. If at any point you feel like I deserve it, drop a like and let's get into it. You know, starting off with where to land, there's a little cach.


Between these two trees, I usually land to get the money to buy my weapon.

Unfortunately, here I don't get the weapon, but I do get the pistol. Kill something I like to say here is to always start with a couple of HIIT fires and then go to your ads when they're up close, and it ended up working out for me there. Now that I have my weapon, I can definitely.

Moving early

Get to work in here.

I see there's some guys on the main side low on my mini map, so I'm going to go ahead and hop down. My teammate gets this kill, but I'm going to keep on pushing through either way. I spot this guy lying down; that's easy enough. I'm going to go ahead and get my reload in, and I realized there's some guys on the small side as well here.

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This guy, easygoing enough, was chasing my teammate. I get the easy shots off before he can get me damaged literally at all. This guy's landing on me; I'm not sure what he's doing.

Door plays

He actually does get a couple of shots on me, which almost took all my plates off, which made me have to obviously do a couple of door plays here.

Line of sight

Line of sight

And that's something I like to highlight about control: there's a lot of doors and different ways you can move around to sort of break the line of sight that people have on you.


One thing also about control is that there's a lot of verticality to it, so you're going to have people dropping down just like that guy was, and you're going to be easily catching them off guard if you're ready and they're not.

The keyword is being ready. There's a lot of different spots to be ready for people flying in landing at the top of this tower to my left. Usually, if somebody's up there, honestly, you just want to get off the roof because they're going to be an issue no matter what.


Another thing you have to think about with control is this boat area over here.

Unfortunately for this guy, we caught him just slacking on the stairs here.

Class setups

Now, y'all need this build right here. This superi build will have you moving extremely fast, and honestly, with the way people play this game, as you can see here, look how close these guys were to each other, and I have the mobility to maneuver around them, even when I accidentally mantle there.



Mantle does tend to screw you sometimes, but it does help a lot of the time, so it's definitely a setting you guys might want to play with.


With Black Ops 6 coming out, we have Omni Movement, by the way. I'm not sure what this guy was doing. Obviously, I think we're all going to have to wait till we actually get our hands on it in this middle section here at.

Middle bridge

Control is also a really hot spot. You see, the bridge has windows you can jump in and out of.

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Want to run? Also down these stairs.

Big stairs

Speaking of down these stairs, there are a lot of crevices, and the stairs that go up to your left here are also a hot spot for people. You see me checking that spot; a lot of people love to sit there.

Button layout

I close the doors as I run through them. Another thing you might want to try and get good at if you don't have a setup where it's easy to do on your controller is might want to try a different button layout.

I tried a bunch of different stuff. Obviously, I use a Scuff Invision Pro, which has four paddles on it, so I used all my different buttons for different things, but you sort of have to find what works for you. This jump up right here is also a super common spot for people to try and surprise you, but as you can see if you catch them mantling , they're pretty easy.



Kill stems is something I always recommend. Obviously, it helped me get that kill, not only by breaking the guy's camera but also by helping me recover some of the fall damage I might have taken from falling off the roof.

Sound cue

Something that I think people definitely underestimated too is the sound CU. Like this guy, I heard him move into this corner and recommend looking up your best audio set for your setup, no matter if you're on a console or PC. Just because you might be underestimating How important it really is as you can see, I haven't left control yet, and I'm on 16 kills right here.

Quick peeking

Quick-peaking rooms is another thing you definitely want to try and do; just run in them and run back out of them real quick to see if somebody shoots. Just because you did that, I tend to catch.

Mini map

There are a lot of people sitting in corners that way, and if it's something you're not aware of already, if you look on your mini map, there'll be an arrow.

best close range gun

Above or below, the enemy, if they're above or below you, if there's no Arrow, is on the same level as you, so that could really help you in a place like this where there's a lot of verticality. As you can see, I'm never staying still for very long. There was somebody sitting down in the corner there.

I'm going to check and see if he's still there. Obviously, not let's slide and see if he's coming this way. not, but I knew this guy was chasing my teammate. This guy's hungrier than a shark, but we're going to go ahead and get him down. I get high alertness in the back, so I know somebody's chasing me, and my teammate also live pings him, which makes it a little bit easier for me to hit a couple of shots.

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As you can see, they're still stacked up. That guy just comes out of nowhere, but he's also going to go down this Bouncing Betty is going to throw me off a little bit, but that's nothing to worry about. Control really can just be a mess of literally anything, this guy. I definitely heard him picking up the weapons. The sound cues in this, like I said, are very important.

Bonus tip

Bonus tip

As long as you guys become familiar with the different spots people are normally going to be, you can find yourself getting a lot more kills under control, but there's one thing I want you to never forget: there's always somebody in that corner.


hopefully I helped you all learn a couple of things about control, and if I did, I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys dropped a sub. I hope you all get some great sleep tonight and peace.

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