News - Leaked/missing Perks For Warzone 2i


As for the next gloves that were leaked these are the assault gloves and these have been leaked in the past with a completely different description so either something changed, or one of these is just straight up incorrect but previously with our leaks the Assa assault glove's description said that while jumping your accuracy and time to aim down sight is improved so it eliminates or reduces that aim down sight penalty while jump shotting, whereas now in the most recent leaks apparently the assault gloves improve your Sprint to fire speed and it is worth noting in the beta we had an attachment, that gave us a reduction to that aim down sight speed penalty it was in the form of a laser attachment so perhaps what they did is move that over to a laser attachment instead and then just pivoted on what the assault gloves do so they help with Sprint out time now but I really don't know at this stage what the assault gloves are going to end up doing and now let's get into another set of gloves that was with this recent leak that hasn't been corroborated by any other leaks. And this is the impact resistant gloves that apparently, increase your melee speed and range so sounds a whole lot like Commando from the original Modern Warfare 2 hopefully if these do exist they're nowhere near the level of Commando from back in the day or who knows maybe these just work for like zombies for instance and that would be totally fine for something like zombies, and then finally there was another set of gloves that don't look like they will be applying to multiplayer at all these are the triage gloves which Auto equips armor that you pick up again we don't have armor in multiplayer so I think this is more likely for something like zombies , after that let's move into the boots category and we actually had access to a good number of boots throughout the beta so there's only a couple other ones that have been leaked and one of them actually fully confirmed within the beta menus themselves, and these are the running sneakers.




If you have a look at the description for the infantry vest, it says that duplicate effects do not stack if equipped with running sneakers. Therefore, by running sneakers in the game, you will instead gain the effects of lightweight boots. And with the leaks, it mentions that running sneakers will increase your tax sprint duration and reduce the refresh time of your tax sprint, which is exactly the effect that you get with the infantry vest that won't stack with running sneakers. So this is already effectively confirmed by the game itself, and therefore unless they decide to change something between beta and launch running sneakers are already confirmed in the game, however there's one other set of boots that came with this recent leak and these are called suspension pads that apparently reduce Flinch while aiming down sight which is a bit strange and one of the reasons I'm questioning these leaks, because that's effectively the exact same perk we just talked about that was leaked in the glove category, now perhaps what we're seeing here is maybe these leaks were data mined and a lot of times when you data mine things you end up finding things that were actually scrapped or changed from an earlier build, so maybe at one point these were boots and they decided to move them to gloves or vice versa maybe these were gloves at one point and they decided to move them to boots I do have my doubts though that we're going to be seeing the same perk apply to both of these perk categories, though so I think one of these may be accurate but I don't think both.



And then, finally, let's get into the gear section. We've actually got a lot of pieces of gear here, and let's start this off with one of them that was confirmed in the game again. Are deploying with maximum ammo and improved reload speed and the leaked version of Mag holster is improved reload speed and I know a lot of people were really wishing they had a perk for this so they didn't have to use the Gunner vest for a fast reload, it looks like this is going to be the mag holster and it's going to be in the gear section and balance-wise I think this is the right place to put a faster reloading perk instead of the gloves for instance which a lot of people were expecting to see faster reload in the gloves section contextually that would make sense but gameplay balance-wise not so much because that would immediately be by far the best gloves in the entire game and I think that would end up being a crutch in that category, additionally I want to go over some gear that wasn't in this recent leak but I have seen leaks for in the past in the gear section I have descriptions for many of these and not necessarily names though the first one is essentially tracker that shows recent enemy footsteps.

The second one is effectively coldblooded, making it undetectable by AI targeting systems and thermal optics. This one's an absolute no-brainer. Of course, we're going to have a coldblooded perk in the game. After that, there was a leak for a perk called Intel Jacker, and with this one, enemies that you kill will drop a data pad, and then collecting that data pad will generate a ping on your mini map, just like we saw as one of the perks attached to one of the new leaked vests.

And also, there was a leak for a signal jammer perk that will disrupt enemy equipment like claymor and mines, and it will also warn you of nearby equipment. Again these ones I just mentioned weren't in the recent leaks, now let's get into the ones that were in the recent leaks and I actually have a much harder time believing these ones, in fact I'd be a bit surprised if any of these ones show up but I'm still going to point them out anyway, we have the High Gain antenna, which zooms out your mini map for you and nearby allies just like that portion of one of the vests, and it also says you gain the effects of acoustic sensor and radio intercept, if a nearby Ally has the perk and it also says see nearby Ally radar pings from data Jacker and Compass indicators from nearby Ali signal Jammers, and that one just seems like a very complex and confusing perk to be adding to the game and generally they like to keep things fairly simple and easy to understand so I actually have a hard time believing this one but who knows it could be in the game after that we have one called radio intercept, which allows you to see indicators for enemy reinforcements.

On the map, so this effectively is forward Intel from like Vanguard or Cold War, and I'll be honest, as bad as the spawns were in the beta and as much as this would have helped with those really bad spawn situations. We also have evg, or enhanced vision goggles, and with these, it states that you can toggle to a view that highlights enemies that are in view, so it sounds kind of like a Target Finders type thing that will outline enemy players in red, for instance, but only when toggled on, and perhaps while toggled on, that will have some downsides, like no mini map, for instance.

Not too sure on that one, but it has been leaked, and then finally there was flame-resistant insulation, which reduces fire damage by 75%. And you show cold on thermal; again, this is just another one that's redundant; EOD already provides flame resistance, so again.

The Modern Warfare III Beta was pretty restricted in its perk selection so today, I wanted to share and discuss some perk leaks as well as a few additional perks that were confirmed in the Beta that you may have missed.
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