News - Is Warzone 2 The Worst Cod Ever. Call Of Duty Warzone 2 2023 Review

call of duty review

Good, it's basically non-existent, and when you do notice it, it's the most bland and generic music ever, and you'll immediately forget any part of it that you. Hear multiplayers just recycled maps from the OG Modern Warfare 2 that the devs still manag to [ __ ] up how do you take maps that have been around for years and still manage to [ __ ] up the spawns it's honestly Beyond me contrl c contrl v and you're done seriously the spawns are [ __ ] horrendous, if you kill someone your best bet is to turn around because those'll probably spawn about 10 ft behind you I think it's the same spawn system as in Vanguard but it was dog [ __ ] in Vanguard too my theory with the spawns is that they do this so the [ __ ] can get free kills because they spawn directly behind someone the skill-based matchmaking in this game is actually wild if you go on a win streak and have a few games in a row that are good it'll actually take forever to find a match and when you do you have like 150, ping now to give some credit to Sledgehammer, they are extremely faithful map remakes.


I mean, the details in them are basically perfect. However with the movement changes that are in this game of course the maps play completely different than they did back in the day I see a lot of children Wondering Why Us in the retirement, community hold some Nostalgia for these maps and they're calling these Maps mid but they don't realize that they play completely differently from back in the day a lot of the best maps from the OG Modern Warfare 2 still play great but a lot of them do actually play worse than before favella is a good example of this it played very well in the OG modern Warfare 2 but it's kind of mediocre in this game skid row on the other hand was kind of mediocre, back in the OG Modern Warfare 2 not terrible, but it actually plays very well in this game I'm so glad that they got rid of weapon tuning in this game as well it was an interesting idea but it was just far too complex and convoluted.

cod modern warfare 3

Normally, they act like they should. Ground War is something that I couldn't really care less about it's the same as the last couple years where it's a large map cut from a chunk of the war zone map and they throw more players into it of course nothing particularly exciting or interesting, the war mode is great for leveling up guns but kind of sucks the big one otherwise hey I have an interesting idea let's funnel the players up three tight corridors and block any other possible route because we want to tell you how to play they copied the mode from Call of Duty World War II and then flipped some other assets from Cod 4 maps and one map from Modern Warfare 2019.

I can't remember the name of the overall game, but the gameplay does feel incredibly smooth, and the movement has basically been reverted back to Modern Warfare 2019's movement. I didn't think that I would miss that movement in Modern Warfare 2019. But Modern Warfare 2 felt so slow, and bringing this back, you really notice the difference.

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We are already seeing the return of the movement Kings on to Talk as well. The multiplayer isn't terrible overall, but the main issue is that it's just entirely recycled content; there's zero originality. It doesn't play badly, and you can certainly have fun while you're playing it, but the lack of new content is just disrespectful to the player base.

cod mw3 review

So much of this game has been recycled from past games, and the core gameplay is recycled from Modern Warfare 2019. It's no wonder that the game is. Min match, so of course I lost all of the [__] that I worked towards. I had a time where the server just died, but Activision was at least smart enough to recognize that was their fault, so I didn't lose all of my [ __ At that time, one weird thing as well was that I also had a time where my controller died.

It disabled my ability to turn side to side; everything else worked, but I just couldn't turn side to side at all. It was really weird, and because I was in the middle of a match, I had to unplug my controller, quickly switch the input to mouse and key, and then extract. On Mouse and Key, unplugging your controller and changing your settings to Mouse and Key while trying not to die to zombies is definitely a little bit of a challenge, so I guess I should think about thanking Activision for keeping me on my toes.

cod zombies

The War Zone gameplay was extremely smooth, and War Zone generally ran well for me in the little bit that I've played it. When Rebirth comes back, I'll probably play and grind that a lot. I generally prefer the Resurgence over the actual War Zone because I don't like my game just being over from bad luck or just some Timmy sitting in a corner randomly.

The new war zone map seems okay; they definitely went back to a more dance-like feel with the layout. Like I said, it generally ran fine for me, and I generally had high, consistent frame rates, but there was occasional packet loss randomly, but it wasn't too often. Cheaters are still rampant, though there are still tons of people live streaming themselves cheating on Tik Tok all the time.

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It's actually hilarious that they're so brave about it and that they have zero fears of repercussions. The weapon balancing is awful, and at the time of recording, the snake shots are broken. Again, this is about the 10th time. Why is it that every time a new Call of Duty comes out, the snake shots are just extremely broken, like god-tier-level guns?

modern warfare 3

It's every single time, generally, that it seems clear that most of the effort that went into the game went into the war zone specifically, which is no surprise. This is what Call of Duty is now multiplayer only exists to be a place to level up guns for war zone it was leaked when Modern Warfare 2 came out that Call of Duty would be on a 2-year cycle and it's clear that was the plan but maybe because Modern Warfare 2 sucked so much Activision wanted another annual release or maybe Activision just wanted to add to that money pile that they roll around in I swear the Activision headquarters, they have to look like Scrooge McD diving into a pile of gold either way they told Sledgehammer to fart out a full game as quickly as possible and it shows in the final product you can certainly have fun on the game but it's insulting that they tried to get away with recycling, this much content and selling it for full price if you're a hardcore Call of Duty player you probably already own this game so this review would be pretty pointless but if you're a casual player and thinking about buying the game don't maybe if it's heavily discounted, or if Microsoft does end up adding it to games pass try it out then but it's not worth anything near $70, [__] Activision, [__] this game and [__] you too if you try to defend this [__] as well.

modern warfare 3 2023

Anyway, guys, this has been your boy Drinker again. Subscribe, turn on post notifications, all that good. But as always, this has been your boy, Drinker, and I am out of here in peace.

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