News - Is Warzone 2 The Worst Cod Ever. Call Of Duty Warzone 2 2023 Review

act man

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 might be the worst call of duty of all time; whether it's the incoherent and embarrassingly short campaign, my speech was actually longer than this year's Call of Duty campaign recycled multiplayer content that Activision still managed to screw up. They are there what the [__] what I spawned in got killed by a parked SUV get two kills with.

SX completes three daily challenges to unlock Seex. I have to use the seex to unlock the sex, thanks to Cod or the fact that it's a glorified DLC selling for the full price of $70. The game is an embarrassment and a slap in the face of the player base. I'm done with the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer game, so [__] how do I play this game?

I actually have it. How does he know what the [__] Modern Warfare 3 this year is? Video let's start by talking about the campaign. Boy, where do we begin? You know a campaign is terrible when IGN gives it a 4 out of 10. IGN are the people who consider a 7 out of 10 standard and average for a game, and this game's campaign got a 4.

act man cod

IGN is one of the most bought-and-paid-for reviewer companies out there. A game generally has to be just terrible for them to give it any sort of negative press at all. This campaign is laughably short, clocking in at about 4 hours to beat the pre-rendered cinematics. They do look fantastic, but as soon as you hop in to play the game, the quality is severely degraded.

It's not unacceptable. But it feels like every Call of Duty since Modern Warfare 2019. Has sort of progressively looked worse and worse it's even more apparent when you realize that the set pieces are reused sure it's cool to see for dank and the stadium again but not when their sole purpose for inclusion, is so the devs can lazily cut Corners they literally serve no other purpose but so the devs don't have to design new or interesting set pieces much of the buildings are war zone assets and it feels more like DMZ because of the Bots and the Gathering the loot the new open combat missions they call them you get to play them in the way that you want to play them no you're patting out the game because you don't have any content, they drop one sexy looking cut scene that's supposed to feel dramatic, intense and then just throw you in a recycled war zone map with Bots.

act man mw3

With the new open combat missions, do I even need to mention that the AI seems to have more chromosomes than the Special Olympics, or would that be in poor taste? Graves returns after he died in the last game, and their explanation for him being alive is just, Wasn't there? How lazy can you be as a rider?

Gathering all seven dragon balls in order to resurrect graves would be more coherent storytelling. This also happens with Alex, another character who should be dead, and the only explanation for him being alive is just, Yeah, I'm alive. How the blood-soaked Protestant hell did you do that? That's how the price gets gassed, and it literally adds nothing to it.

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Story: Stay with us. Son cody goes away; he's perfectly fine, and it doesn't change a thing with the story; it serves no purpose. It seems like maybe they wanted to add another mission there but then scrapped it, probably due to time, but of course they left the price of getting gas in the game because they needed that extra 5 minutes to carry out the campaign, as well as working with the Shadow Company who sent you the missiles.


Shadow, company, despite the fact that Shadow Company literally tried to kill all of her friends. Shadow Company, that kind of firepower, they're erron boys with this, they're allies, they allies hold on hold on hold on wa hey hey, then she never mentions that Graves is alive. They carried out a hit on my men.

call of duty

Commander Graves did this. Yeah, well, he had his orders. Yeah, from home, General Shepher. Did Shepherd send you those missiles? My weapons are my business. hey, he's a very dangerous man, Farah. We are all dangerous. Captain she couldn't care less that she's working with the people that try to murder her friends I mean thanks far you're a real homie laswell's walking simulator mission is also stupid the AI shoot at you for no reason probably just cuz you're a woman based lwell risk her life to get Intel that we don't even use again it serves no purpose whatsoever, the objective of the mission has zero outcome on the story it's entirely filler and could be removed from the game without changing, the outcome at all the updated for modern audiences, no Russian mission is laughable as well instead of making you the terrorist taking pleasure from ending the lives of civilians you're a woman who gets a bomb forcibly strapped to your chest before the game cuts to a white screen you can't even start capping civilians to roleplay as a bad person you don't even have to play the mission setting the controller down has the same outcome the mission just plays out the exact same way the only part of the mission that's actually entertaining, is when they say that the Middle Eastern woman looks like a terrorist are you a terrorist.

call of duty modern warfare 3

No, you look like one. A little bit of casual racism is always fun, but this wouldn't even be racist enough for it to be in one of my Twitter posts. Follow Me by the way soap's death is also [ __ ] marov Sprints up shoots him in the head shoots price and then scurries away like Skeletor, all while the rest of the crew watches it happened with friends like this who needs enemies, what did they stop to tie their shoe in the middle of the firefight and then look up and soap was Dead the game is completely incoherent and the plot is filled with more holes than your average brel now I could get into further detail but I don't want to because it would take way too long and we've all suffered enough but if you're interested in delving deeper bricky did a great job breaking down the campaign and I highly suggest that you watch this article also where the [ __ ] is the music during all of this wouldn't do you any.

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