News - I Think It's Time To Take A Break With This Warzone 2

I feel like they see what the community wants, and it's true; it's what they want. I can't deny it, so I guess yeah, this is me just complaining, but it's what I love so much about the OG Cod games. The OG Cod games might have had like one to two very small maps, and the rest were just filled with a variety of fun ways to go about playing all of them.

modern warfare 3 stash house

From Call of Duty 4 up to Black Ops 2, all the OG goats played exactly like that. In the current date, it just seems like people's attention spans have been absolutely dumbed down to, like I said, they need instant action right in front of them: shipment status. You know. I moved around the corner; it's already Five Guys right there, and if that's not present in the game, nobody wants to learn any of it; it's just automatically chalked out, and the developers are just simply doing their jobs.

You know, the community is asking for this stuff, and I'm guessing you know again that I'm part of the smaller portion of people here when it comes to maps. The mass majority of people really, really just want a shipment to Rust Nuke Town. Dos House might be the last one, and we'll probably see a little bit more variety within the upcoming months and, you know, until the end of the game's life cycle.

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I'm not going to lie; they're really cramming them all in. I wouldn't be shocked if we end up seeing, you know, the other crossovers. What if they bring in some terrar-styled maps like I said, Nuke Town? You know, if they put Nuke Town in this game, the whole community would be happy. That's the thing.

modern warfare 3 stash house gameplay

That's the thing. You know. I would be partially sad because I would love to see something different added to the game, but I know for a fact, the whole community would just be celebrating over the introduction of Nuke Town; it just is what it is in these current days of Call of Duty. Are you guys more interested in small maps, or do you actually like the medium- to large-sized maps in this game?

I'm always curious to see what people prefer within this title. You know, no hate. Obviously, you guys enjoy what you enjoy, but it's just. I want more variety in the game. You know what I'm saying. I feel like there's so much variety when it comes to small maps, and if you're camo grinding, there's a lot of variety for you to go through, so I don't know that that's just my personal opinion, but as always, if you enjoyed it, leave a like; if you hate it, leave a dislike; don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell.

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