News - Hunting For Our First Solo Warzone Win Games 2&3


Skill issue i don't know, so sadly, game two ended in an even worse position as we finished 72nd. In the lobby, damn, like I said, we're going to feature two different kinds of play styles, so let's move on to the game. Three now coming into game three we're going to go in with a different strategy land in where we know it's going to be hot but move a lot slower and take our time and try to learn, some stuff, figure out how the map Works figure out how players play in more A hot area that's my thought process here so keep that in mind as we go through this after hiding in a corner to avoid all the loud gunshots we then load onto the plane after watching the super awkward cut scene while the cut scene plays out I do have to say I am well aware that my aim is not nearly as good as it should be inside war zone I'm still having an issue with like switching from Hardcore, over to, war zone where you have about 450, 000.

killed by streamer

Health I'm not really I often find I stop shooting before I need to stop shooting I also find that everybody I go against has like ridiculously, good aim like they're able to track like a pebble in the sky as it falls and I know I'm not there yet I know it'll come in time the more I practice but we're not there yet what I'm focused on for the first little bit probably the first 15 20 games of solo play is just learning the map if we get a win that's good if we don't I'm not upset about that either we're just learning how to play as a solo, but like I said our game play is to land hot and just kind of listen and watch we're not really trying to go for kills here we're more trying to see how people play inside of a hotter Zone cuz when you play quads often people move in groups of four I wanted to see how people play in well solos.

Sadly, we're only going to see one player, though upon landing, we do immediately get shot at, which was kind of reminiscent of old Fortnite when you landed on a tilted tower, so I just ran for my dear life while plating up. The reason why you won't see me drop hot a lot is that I don't like to die immediately off-spawn.

metaphor the streamer

I want to live and at least be able to figure out where I am first and then go and fight so you won't really see me drop hot very many times, but sometimes you have to just get used to it, but we might do it a lot more at the beginning of our playing style for solo wins. I also picked up a guardian at some point, and I just randomly threw it down in the middle of this alleyway.

I was like, Maybe it'll do something. I don't even know what a guardian does. I've barely seen it inside of multiplayer, so I don't really care about it inside of the actual war zone. Eventually, we're going to work our way into a building where we are going to make our home for the rest of this game.

modern warfare

Now that I went into game three with the best intentions, I really wanted to learn how people move, but sadly, there's no audio, so I can't hear anything. Literally i can hear nobody running around at all times inside this very busy city. There's people everywhere I hear gunshots but I hear zero footsteps, but I know I'm not alone on this side of the city cuz I saw multiple people land there, and because of the building that we chose to make our little like learning spot we don't see anybody except for one player more on them in a minute, even though our intentions are to learn here we're actually going to accomplish nothing which is kind of par for the course this is also another reason why I don't land hot I don't like the feeling that I have while I'm here I feel like I have to look everywhere at the exact same time because war zone is so fast to kill even though it feels like the health when you're shooting somebody is a million when you get shot it feels like it's 2 seconds, it feels faster than hardcore when you're getting shot is what I'm getting at, while sitting here I'm absolutely, terrified and I'm sure like a veteran war zone player.

Experienced the same thing when they first started playing War Zone. You've been terrified for your damn life the whole time. It's a lot of stress to know that if you die, that's it. It's over back to the lobby, back to waiting 10 minutes to get into a game, back to watching that guy talk about the helicopter.

modern warfare 3

Back to the go-lo-cut scene, back to waiting while people shoot a million guns around you. There's a whole lot going on; really, you just don't want to die, man. You just want to live for as long as possible. I just want to live man I just want to while sitting on our new home balcony we're going to sit here like the rat we are, and we will eventually see somebody and we're going to snipe him and take him out I don't run into a lot of snipers inside multiplayer so I was really shocked that it killed him in two hits but maybe that's a bad sniper I don't know fun in the goog though I'll be joining you soon, all right with our first kill done in this game we are now ready to start well sitting here for a while I'm going to be honest with you I don't really know how to move in these hotter zones there's too many levels for me to look at and I know I will get used to it in time and players probably sit in relatively the same Spots I'm just going to have to learn like I did everything else.

modern warfare 3 2023

TDM when you first started playing in multiplayer. You had to learn the maps, and eventually players started to sit in the same spots and use the same camping spots, and, you know, play the exact same way every time. So my theory, whether right or wrong, is that the war zone will play the same; there'll be the hot spots; there'll be the hot camping spots; there'll be the places that people normally sit, and we're going to have to learn that slowly throughout the game.

The biggest issue I'm having with the war zone is that the games are not very long. Now let me explain before you get into it. What I mean is that when you play quads, you move as a team, so you're only going to see certain points in certain buildings, and if you play with a team that's really aggressive, you're going to run past a lot of these, and if you play with a team that camps, you're going to live in one building for a long time.

modern warfare 3 slow gameplay

In 25 games, I had both ends of the spectrum, where one I could barely keep up and the other one I was like, Are we going to ever leave this building? Unless it's a multiplayer map that I've already seen within multiplayer or played before in previous cods, I don't know 90% of what I'm looking at.

I don't know what buildings you can go into and what buildings you can't go into. I don't know if there's a tunnel underneath me or a tunnel above me. I don't know if you can fly. I know nothing. I'm doing my best to learn the map as best I can. Maybe what I think I might need to do is just pick a spot and land there over and over again until I get good at that one location, and then start branching out from there, because a lot of the time I'm very lost.

Also read:

I don't know where the repel spots are to zip line up to roofs, as you saw in the elevator. I don't know where there are tunnels that allow me to travel to different locations, which I found in one of my quad games. I found this random tunnel that took me, like, a way across the map. Certain buildings become strongholds, and they are all locked up.

I Did I Poll To See If You guys Wanted Warzone Content As Well As Rant Content And You Guys Said Yes. You Can Tell By My Gameplay I Am A Little Out Of Touch With The Warzone Game Style. We Get Some Kills We Die, We Then Win The Gulag And Then Die.
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