News - Call Of Duty Warzone 2 The Game That Plays You. Angry Rant

angry rant

I'm your host, Shorty Index, and we're playing Modern Warfare 3 2023 Edition on shipment, and we're going to be dropping an 80 kill game here with a decent KD, so enjoy the show. Here's the thing we all know: Call of Duty is Call of Duty is a military first-person shooter where you get to run around the map and you get to kill a bunch of other people who want to do the same thing.

We're all secretly psychopaths, inside of our own minds, because all we want to do is decimate another person's kill-death ratio and absolutely obliterate a lobby, making every little kid cry. Sadly, we no longer get to do that because of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 2023. Edition is very soft, so everybody who's upset about things goes inside their own private lobbies, and all the rest of us don't get the talk because of an AI bot.

Call of Duty really is truly a game that plays you, eh, remember when you used to go to the old Blockbuster, or you used to go to EB Games or GameStop and you'd buy yourself a game so you can go home and play that game Lose Yourself within a weird world, a fantasy world, or maybe inside of a self-shaded world, become a Formula 1 race car driver or a soldier running around in Call of Duty, but no matter what the game was you were playing a article game you got to sit down on your couch, relax, and play a nice solid article game experience.

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Well, that was before the people over at Activision decided that we didn't get to play our games anymore. No, now that Call of Duty plays you, you no longer get to play Call of Duty. There of Duty plays you there's so many systems within Call of Duty that actually manipulate the matches and manipulate you into doing things that Activision wants that now we are no longer playing Call of Duty.

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Call of Duty is the game that plays us, whether it's the fact that it's $900,000. Yes ladies and gentlemen if you want to go to the item store and spend yourself some hard-earned money on a skin that everybody else can see but you can't you get to look at their hands so really you're buying a skin for the hands but you don't get to preview what the hand looks like nope that would be too simple, instead you get to spend 30 bucks on a skin that everybody else gets to enjoy you're literally paying you stupid idiots for a skin where everybody else gets to look at it you're paying money so everyone else has a different game experience, not you get to look at a hand not even both hands the left hand only unless you're using melees then you get to look at both hands and if you're only running around with weapons that are melee then you need therapy, badly.

But that's not where the game stops. You no, then we have eom. There is nothing like the Army getting upset about people getting killed. I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I bought Call of Duty, the game where everybody just shoots each other. I really thought it was Pony Cuddle Fest 7, but boy was I shocked when I got home and heard the gamer words that people say, You think that's it?

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no, there's more. Call of Duty Activision will also make sure that you cannot talk in the lobby unless you're saying positive things, so unless you want to sit inside the game and actually speed up love and world peace, you can't talk and you can't say anything negative. You can get banned for talking about transmissions.

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Because what's a short word for transmission? if you know you know so if you say that you are working on that well then you're going to get banned because that word's too close to a different word, you want a trash talk because that was in gaming for many years you won't be able to do that either cuz the AI bot does not want anybody to get their feelings hurt and people that have hurt feelings won't spend money in the item store, maybe you want to talk politics maybe you and your super intelligent friend who likes to St stick Twizzlers up his nose want to talk about politics well guess what you can't do that either cuz the AI bot's listening and even an AI bot has political, beliefs that lean one way or another based off of who created him isn't that crazy it's almost like we saw the same thing happen with Twitter but hey what do I know I'm just a person who's being played by a article game, but wait there's more.

cod mw2 2023 review

The game will deliberately put you against a bunch of people wearing skins, and those people that are wearing skins are going to be way better than you, and they're going to crap on you, so then in your brain you go, maybe if I go buy that skin. I'll be able to be as good as those people who crapped on me.

Well, guess what? When you go buy that skin, you're going to do well for a couple games because you did what the game wanted you to do, and then when you go to your next game, guess what you're going to get screwed up. Yeah, because it's all about casinos and manipulating you into spending your hard-earned money on a game.

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Remember, everything in this game does not matter, and when the next Call of Duty comes out, more than likely it's going to go away. Modern Warfare 2019, anyone? Yeah black Ops: Cold War. Yeah another one where they didn't carry over that's crazy, man but there's still more man you thought this was over the game's not done playing you yet imagine you wanted to go play the free to Game Mode war zone yes ladies and gentlemen war zone is a free-to-play game that requires a totally separate game to be purchased, so you can do good in the free-to-play version of it War Zone's as PID to win as it could possibly get as long as you spent $70 on the latest Call of Duty then you my friend will do just fantastic, inside of the world of war zone why because that game that you downloaded that said free to playay war zone is actually completely reliant on the fact that you paid for the latest Call of Duty so then you can go inside of the multiplayer and level up your guns within multiplayer so then you can go back to war zone and be able to buy your loadouts which then will then give you an advantage on anybody who's too poor to buy the actual game why because screw poor people, they don't matter.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is the only game that you don't play but the game in fact plays you! From SBMM and EOMM and pay to win skins you are never really in control of your experience in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3. Music. Artist - Lucjo.
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