News - The Season 1 Reloaded "update" Broke Call Of Duty Warzone 2 And ( Angry Uncensored Rant )

angry rant

So to cover the crap game and the crap update, we're going to watch crappy gameplay on Derailed, where it goes to the time limit. Why because nobody moves inside of this game. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's January 17th, and you're getting season 1 reloaded. Oh, we've been waiting for that for a while, haven't we?

Yes, we have. You know, the developers have been working on it for well over a year now because they only give us remastered crap, barely touch the game, and actually update nothing. So what were we supposed to get in Season One? Well, we were supposed to get to rank game mode, but we're not getting that.

Basically, they just said, You know what? Actually, we didn't work on ranking at all. We've just been sitting here with our thumbs twirling around, and we didn't actually do anything, so you're not getting into ranked mode. Suck it, but we did update the item store. They decided to break all of War Zone by making it so you can't even get your load out; if you do, you'll be stuck in a fetching data loop where you can't even activate it.

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I'm sure we've all seen the clips. I'm not going to go steal it from somebody else's freaking page; I would have gotten it myself, but I can't even log into the game because I'm stuck in a fetching data loop. But yes, ladies and gentlemen, they somehow decided to not even quality test anything; they just pushed this crap out and said, You know what the Call of Duty player base is?

and they'll take anything we give them; they're peasants; they're scum; they're useless; all they're good for is being a bank so we can keep cashing our check and getting sloppy toppy on our second yacht while our wife watches, high five Eiffel Tower I'm not going to go in and do as much of it as eight THS did; eight THS would take a while, but you know what?

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He's him, and I'm me. I'm going to come at this from a different standpoint I just think it's incompetency. At this point, I think it's deliberately trying to tank the franchise so they can give us something else in Black Ops 5. There is no way they released this, broke it, and didn't test it. They couldn't find a nephew to sit down with, so they just logged into Call of Duty and gave the new freaking update a test.

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They couldn't find anyone. Like, even they could have gotten a homeless guy off the side of the road, given him a croissant with some ham on it, and said, Hey, can you check this out? and that toothless homeless guy would have said, Hey, this game isn't worth it. I'm not even playing this. We take that sandwich though; at this point, it's just straight incompetency.

It is absolutely the lowest number of people working on this game. There is no pride, there's no integrity, and there is no actual amount of [Goddamn, give a damn when they come to releasing this stuff]. There is no way they would push this out. Put their name on it, slap their seal on it, and say, This is what I'm happy to be working on.

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They have to play on an older patch instead of the new patch because the new patch is so broken that they can't even log into it and can't even play it. They didn't do anything that they said they were going to do; they didn't bring you rank; they didn't Nerf the guns; they said they were going to Nerf; they didn't buff the guns; they said they were going to buff; they didn't fix the Lotus; they didn't make War Zone 3 better; they didn't help with matchmaking stability.

They didn't help with the ping; they didn't help with latency. They didn't help make any of the actual changes that we needed. Then these absolute morons think you're so stupid. Yes, you, the Call of Duty player, are so stupid that they can say launch to delay due to unforeseen circumstances. The Modern Warfare 3-ranked play will be delayed while we investigate a newly discovered critical issue.

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Feel bad for us. We're only a multi-billion dollar company, and we're only 3, 000 developers, and we worked on this reloaded thing for like, literally, 17 minutes. We copied and pasted a bunch of assets and then broke everything that was already in the game. Feel bad for us, and then they go Our teams are working to solve this issue and launch Modern Warfare 3 rank play as soon as possible.

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As soon as we fix every other thing that we broke and massively made terrible inside of this game, if you needed any more proof that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 was a DLC to Modern Warfare 2, then this update is what you got. Modern warfare has reloaded, More like modern warfare [__] It's all up, man.

It's so annoying. I'm trying to be positive. I'm trying to switch the channel Direction and move it towards a more positive angle and bring you guys more positive content cont but then this kind of [ __ ] comes out and I'm like my God, the entire reason that I started this channel was because of the fact that I got tired of playing this broken absolute [ __ ] atrocity, of a article game and I got tired of it so I decided to make a YouTube channel where I then could relay that to you guys and we could build a community around, people who genuinely just want what's best for Call of Duty but even I yes me a guy who genuinely loves Call of Duty and has actively said that in multiple articles that I wanted the Call of Duty game to succeed I'm now sitting here going like what the [ __ ] am I rooting for here What is this?

cross platform

This is terrible. I can't even load into the damn game right now; it'll be fixed soon. Our teams are working on it to solve the issue and launch Modern Warfare 3 soon, you guys. Up everything, how do you mess up everything? You messed up the war zone. You messed up Modern Warfare 3. You messed up rank play; you didn't Nerf and buff anything; you messed up the campaign; you messed up everything.

A fetus fresh out of their mother's womb would have been able to know that this launch was not good. Like, did one person sit down and try it? Did one person? I demand to know if one person sits down and even remotely tries to play this game because some people can't get into the game. Other people can get into the game but can't get their online profiles.


Other people can get as far as getting into the War Zone menu can't load into it, or the multiplayer menu can't load into it, and then other people can get into a game. The second that they try to play the game, I don't know play the game the game crashes and they die. Weird I think the ghost of eight was right; they're not hiring somebody for the best person for the job they're just hiring somebody for the job.

You could just walk in and be like, Hey, I need to pay rent next week, and they're like, You're hired. You can sit down right here and just hit control, alt f4, and just see what happens—I don't know—and then just go through this folder and just delete random things and see where we go, but if you touch that [__] store.

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Hope You Enjoy The Video! The Season 1 Reloaded "UPDATE broke the entire game and I'm pissed off about it this is just at this point blatant incompetence. Connect With Shorty On Other Platforms.
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