News - How To Get Better Aim Warzone 2 Fast. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks



So in today's Warzone 2 tips and tricks article. I want to show you how you can go from having the aim of a paraplegic toddler with no thumbs to being able to take off a flyer a hundred yards and leave the ball sack unnecessarily. In Warzone 2, you can have the best position and the best movement in the world, but if you cannot hit those shots, none of that matters, and you will not be able to get any wins.

That's why in today's article, I want to give you the best tips and tricks for how to improve your aim in this game. Now the first thing I want to talk about is suppressors. To be suppressors, for the longest time we have always used suppressors in Call of Duty to keep us off the minimap, and this has now transformed over into war zone 1 and, to a lesser extent, war zone 2.

Everyone and their mother are using suppressors in Warzone 2.


However, one thing that has changed when it comes to Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 as a result is that suppressors give you significantly more power. More visual smoke means if you're trying to push out to those longer distances, you're not going to be able to see your targets, and therefore your aim is going to be completely off because of the amount of smoke that is blurring your vision.

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So when it comes down to it. I would seriously suggest that if you're fighting in longer-range engagements, maybe sacrifice by popping up on the minimap occasionally for being able to have that much better visibility.



at range because it is going to help you hit your shots so much more in the long run. now the next thing I want to talk about is your sensitivity.

There are a hundred different articles on how to choose the right sensitivity for you, and some people are even telling you which sensitivity to choose as an example. I play on a six, but that works right for you, so you need to choose the sensitivity that works right for you. The best way to find this out is to jump into a custom game on Modern Warfare 2 or even the pre-game lobby if you do not have Modern Warfare 2 and just practice and see which sensitivity feels right for you; you want to be able to have the most amount of control, but you also don't want it so low that you can't actually turn it on.

Sensitivity multiplier

If someone creeps up on you, the nice thing is that you're able to change one setting that is going to help you to no end, and that is your ad sensitivity. Multiplier. If you change this to about 0.8 What this does is mean that your ads are now reduced to 8 while you're aiming down sight, which means that you'll have full mobility when you're running around at hipfire, but then as soon as you add and you need to be pinpoint accurate, your sensitivity is going to slow down, giving you much finer control. This has helped me to no end in hitting those longer shots, and even when you're in close quarters, this is going to help you.

Jump aim

Jump aim

greatly, and now another thing that you can do that is really going to help your aim is being able to shoot, jump, and aim at the same time. Now, for a lot of people, they'll be using things like scuff controllers or, like myself, an elite controller.

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These have paddles on the back of the controller, which means that I can use my fingers to jump while still maintaining my finger on the left trigger so I can aim, as well as use my thumb to aim while I press that jump button. This is really helpful in a lot of situations because it means you can jump around corners and shoot people, or you can jump into what's called a "mid-gunfight," meaning that if someone is aiming at your head, they are now going to be shooting your chest or stomach, which will give you those vital extra milliseconds that you need to win that gunfight.

Bumper jumper

Now, if you do not have a scuff controller and you do not have these puddles, what you can do is go into the settings and change your button layout to bumper jumper. This means that you'll be using your bumpers to jump rather than having to remove your thumb from the analog stick and press one of the buttons.

This will give you so much more freedom in how you approach gunfights, and it can really give you a tactical advantage and improve your aim to no end. Now Another thing that you want to take note of is going to be your aim assist now, obviously. Aim assist varies from person to person; some people are going to prefer Black Ops, some people are going to prefer the default, but at the end of the day, if you're using a controller, you need to be using aim assist.

Aim assist

Aim assist

But what a lot of people don't realize is that a big portion of what aim assist does is called rotational aim, assist, or left stick aiming; this basically means that you're going to get rotational.

In your aiming, if you are moving with the left stick, whether you're strafing from left to right, moving forward to back, or just walking forward, if you have an enemy in your sights, the rotational aim assist is going to kick in, meaning that you'll be able to track them so much easier. I'm showing a clip in the background now of me standing still and aiming with the rotational aim, the assist not kicking in, and then the aim assist actually kicking in, and you can see that the difference is dramatic.

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This means if you're in any medium or close range gunfight, make sure you're moving whilst you're shooting, and you'll get the maximum amount of help from the aim assist possible. For those of you who don't know. I have spoken about this at great length in previous articles, but if you haven't watched my Modern Warfare 2 tips and tricks articles.

I will briefly go over it again for you today. Centering is basically getting into the habit of keeping your screen exactly. In the high-traffic areas of where you're going to approach, for example, if you're coming around a corner, don't be looking at the ground; if someone pops around that corner, you're going to end up there; you're going to be ready.

What is centering

What is centering

Therefore, you're going to win a game where the TTK is already super fast and you're probably going to die.

However, when you approach a corner instead of looking at the ground, have the center of your screen, even if you're not aimed down sight exactly, where an enemy could be. If you're always centered and thinking about where enemies could pop up from, you're always going to be ready, and therefore you're going to win a lot more gunfights, and your aim is going to improve drastically.


For those of you who don't know. I'm currently engaged in a ridiculous slot bet with my brother-in-law whereby he's going to slap me hard in the face if I do not hit 50, 000 subscribers by the end of the year. That's it from me today; I'm an average Joe

best warzone 2 tips

In this video, I'm going to show you how to get BETTER aim in Warzone 2. 0 DRAMATICALLY! If you're looking for tips and tricks on how to get better aim in Warzone 2. 0, then this is the video for you.
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