News - How To Instantly Improve Warzone 2 Ranked Play

A great push on the Search and Destroy offense is to slide into P1 and jump on top of the golf cart, looking down at anybody pushing up the hedges. You will get there at about the same time, but the problem is a great off-angle to combat, which is to hug this right side of the esus once you're up on this ledge, and you'll actually get a head glitch on that person right there and that person alone.

modern warfare 3

That way, you don't get a team shot from anybody watching over the teammate from the back burger or anything like that. If you're playing hardpoint, there are actually ways to contest P1 by lying down in this corner here or in this column here. And a way to combat that, usually with an AR, is just shooting through the bottom part of this column.

It takes a little bit with the SMG, but with the AR, it's a lot easier. It kills anybody that's hiding behind that column-grabbing time in P1. Also, if you're in the top third and you get information that people are crossing to the bomb site, you can sit here, which gives you a nice high glitch over the Windows crossing over to the bomb site. You also need to know that if you catch anybody in the elbow, as you see on my screen right here, that wall is able to be wall banked through this wall with an AR, and this one with a sub, as you see through this wall.

Ranked play mw3 nade spots terminal

Ranked play mw3 nade spots terminal

Here, tip number two is the nade spots; the same spot that we talked about earlier in the top third does have a counter.

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If you're working a bomb site, what that requires from the dreams or jewelry side is lining up with this line here, jumping, and sending. Here's what that looks like from the kill cam: jumping and sending so that it lands top third right on anybody that's going to be camping there. If you're pushing the plane, let's say on defense and find out that somebody's camping at this reception desk right here.

modern warfare 3 ranked play

All you do is cook the nade, have it bounce off of this lady's face, and then they're dead. Find yourself under the plane, knowing people are pushing reception, bounce it off of that forehead, and then it's landing at the person at reception. Now, if you find yourself in the plane and the opponents have taken control of the B site, a lot of times the power positions over here are in this corner to watch over anybody planting and then head glitching the hedge here, looking over mid-looking back esies, or playing somewhere around here.

One thing I like to do from underneath White is to just cook a nade and then send it through these windows up at the top, and it takes care of anybody, or at least gets them weak, or at least gets information on anybody that is there. From the kill cam, this is what it looks like: really easy, nade.

Just go straight through that window, and then we'll get anybody hurt or weak that's playing that side now a great nade spot for P1. This works on both hardpoint and, of course, Search and Destroy. Once you clear this golf cart head glitch like we were talking about earlier, all you have to do is cook a nade and then bank it off that left side of that wall.

modern warfare iii

It'll land and kill anybody or get anybody weak that's pushing into it. P1, now from the kill cam, it's very consistent in terms of bouncing off, which gives you a great angle towards anybody pushing that side of the map and the same nade, but oppositely, it's important to know how to nade anybody that's playing the hedge head glitch.

What I like to do on offense is slide over here, send first a stun to the left side of the hedges, then cook the nade, and it bounces all the way down that left side and takes care of anybody head glitching. Hedge, another very simple nade but a good one to know.

Ranked play mw3 callouts terminal

Ranked play mw3 callouts terminal

Tip number three is pretty much going to traverse the map, going over all of the callouts, so that y'all can keep up on day one. This is Hedge esys top third white ramp bom back plane cockpit, elbow reception dreams jewelry, or P2 security book.

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I'll be going one by one through every single ranked play map, even the new ones that get added, so stay on the lookout for those, and I will catch you next time at

MW3 Ranked Play How to Get Better in MW3 Ranked Play, get ready for modern warfare 3 ranked play TODAY with best MW3 Ranked Play Gods Spots, Nade Spots, and MW3 Ranked Play Callouts. Hope you enjoy! Call of Duty Modern Warfare III.
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