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Ranked play mw3 highrise god spots

Ranked play mw3 highrise god spots


Here's how to instantly improve Modare 3 with three secret tips. If you want to flank your opponent's spawn without jumping through the windows, you can climb on top of this ladder. After doing that, get on this ledge. And then run and jump you can land on the other side of the window you can either hold this and wait for them to push, or you can just break the glass and then you're in their base if you're on this side of the map you Can Hold Your Flank by jumping into the office and looking through the left Windows there's a ton of different ways to get up to top third my favorite and the most consistent is from these barrels, jump on the generators and then jump again as you're backing up once you have that ledge of course you can cut right and then jump up to top third from here another way to get top third from this lip you want to run and jump onto the railing, before turning around and strafe jumping, catching the ledge there keep in mind that you can go all the way out on this ledge to hold their left windows and you can do the same thing on the other side watch the right Windows be careful if you find your way up here this entire oil tanker can explode so if they send nades up at you just remember that that's behind you and you might want to reposition.

On either side of the top third, you can also fall into the lip beneath you. And play this corner here. If you're playing, be propane on control and get a four wipe. You should know that you can jump and mantle the sign; you can full sprint along the top of it before getting to that raing and doing that same jump we were talking about earlier.

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I promise you, if you get top third, you are winning that round of control, so it's extremely important to know all the ways to get up there. Another one from Green, of course, is jumping up onto the railing here, and then you can run along, just like we said earlier, faster mantle onto Green. Is this one on the right side?

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Remember, you can crawl here and watch the cross from the left street to the elevators. This is good for search and asroy, to know exactly how many opponents have crossed towards the left Street at green fence you need to know that there's a ledge on these AC units here if you jump on top and then Crouch down it gives you a great head glitch that looks over top blue top heli in the right side of the map what you should keep in mind is that if somebody is working the outside of the map to flank they're going to show up at about right here so if you're playing this heet strictly for the purpose purposes of watching flank don't overexpose, yourself to somebody that would be working that outer wall run hug a little bit tighter left and force them to push up a little bit higher before they can fully see you, all Ledges on these AC units are able to be head glitched so regardless of where you're trying to fight from you can crouch on them.

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I like to crouch here and headit this center part; that way. I can look toward the left window. Right Windows mid windows and then the same thing on the other side a common spot is to hop on top of these barrels and head glitch B bomb need to be careful because there's an invisible, barrier around the helicopter that you can't shoot through so make sure to distance yourself a little bit from the helicopter before you take shots and even if the barrels are blown up you can hop on this part or hop on this side and look towards the right Windows this is a nice head glitch that looks over right windows and mid windows inside crack Shack you can actually get on these generators by first jumping on the ledge, and then jumping up towards the generators you can jump again to get on the top one but you do have to crouch once you're crouched up here you can fully strafe left and right across the entire backs side of the wall if for some reason you're trapped in crack Shack this is a great way to get an off angle on anybody pushing in if you're tired of people hitting this outer wall run and jumping up to flank what you can do on this side jump over the wood planks if you angle your camera down, you can fully see.

cod ranked play

Anyone jumping up onto the scaffolding, just be careful, because you can get wall bangs through that if you're trying to hit the outer wall. Run as fast as possible; as long as you clear blue, you can jump from here. And land that way; make sure when you're running that you're facing the wall. Before jumping up top the reason you want to face the wall is because these parts of the map stick out and they'll push your body off so if you're facing forward you see how my body goes to the right a little bit if you do that too fast you actually will get knocked off the map so make sure you're facing either to the left or to the right as you're running and you'll be just fine if you end up on top of these, you can still run across them you just need to face them what I like to do on Search and Destroy is hit this left side first check that head glitch we were talking about earlier and then I can wait here and either jump up to check green fence or wait for somebody to push into top blue from this side you can make that wall run a lot faster by jumping off and mantling.


Just be careful because that's obviously a little more risky than just crossing and dropping down you can ALS, also slide underneath this if you're trying to get extra sneaky before jumping up when we're talking underground there's a lot of different spots you need to know one of them is that this plat exists some people don't know that you can stand up on here lay down watch the blue flank you also have right side underground from here so there's a lot of information from the spot if you're pushing from this side, you can hold their entire left windows at a nice off angle you can even tuck yourself further into the corner and force them to push up before you take the gunfight a lot of people don't know the best way to get to this spot.

highrise god spots

Where you can Crouch have a head glitch on top heli as well as being able to stand up and look right windows or on the B bomb, you don't have to look too far left or too far right; just jump and catch it head on, and then you mantle straight up. You can also hop on this lip right here, which allows you to crouch and watch the flank on both sides of the underground.

You can also just straight-up jump to that line if you need to. You have to strafe a little bit, but you can catch it just like that, and then even from here, you can hop on that spot that we were talking about earlier if you turn around. And mantle this crouch here. This is a nice way to see top heli, mid-push right street, and right windows from B bomb if you mantle this and then cut left.

MW3 Ranked Play How to Get Better in MW3 Ranked Play, get ready for modern warfare 3 ranked play TODAY with best MW3 Ranked Play Gods Spots, Nade Spots, and MW3 Ranked Play Callouts. Hope you enjoy! Call of Duty Modern Warfare III.
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