News - Level Up Weapons Fast Warzone 3. Lock Down Edition

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If you want to level up war zone weapons fast, make sure you are not doing it the wrong way. In today's article. I'm going to show you the fastest way to level up your guns in War Zone and War Zone only, not multiplayer or zombies or anything like that, so you guys can stop leveling up your guns slowly and get back into the action with you and your squad as fast as possible.

One of the only weapons left that I don't have fully leveled up is the 9mm. Damon right here, so I'm going to equip this, and I'm just going to put it here. Hopefully, let's see, I'm just going to put random attachments on it. I think a 20-round mag is enough. You know, anything fire rate here, do some fire right there, some damage range bullets there you go, and then I don't know, just random attachments who really care.

I feel like we'll be fine either way; it's a pistol. What can go wrong? Let's just see what this looks like in the firing range. Go into the firing range. All right, it looks good to me, and before we get into this method really quickly, the one thing that you're going to want to have in this method is decoy grenades and then resupply.

best way to level up

On your perks, these are the perks I'm rocking with these decoy grenades and that ride Shield just to have my back. And now let's get into it. So as we're landing in here, you can see that we are on Vond, and we're going to be playing lockdown quads for this method. So the first thing that you absolutely need to do is, when you get into the game, click Start, and then click L3.

And you go to pop your double weapon. XP and you can see right now that I have 25 minutes left on a remaining one that I just recently used for a different gun and then obviously this Damon is a level 13, out of 21 which is going to be very important for the sake of this article to show you that this method does work because I'm sure you've seen the short form of it but now of course I want to give you tips and tricks that actually work and you can see it happen in real time so you just know I'm not lying to you and that I'm a trustworthy, sour so what we're going to do is when you land in here instead of me talking and yapping about what I should be doing is going for as many kills as possible throwing some decoys around why not so get some pregame kills here My, this gun is not very good.

coach crowder

100 XP, though, will be taken. My we're just world starring and we got some decoy distracts but yeah get all the XP, that you can possibly get in the pregame Lobby because again as that double XP is counting down it's very important for you to get as much xp as possible so we got a few kills and now all you're going to do for this method is play some objective and what I mean by that is if you were on any of these points right here on your map you are gaining XP, by the second, so we're going to go to B right here my teammate's marked B and all you want to do is get on that objective stay in that objective throw those decoy grenades as much as possible and get as many kills as possible to make it happen so what I'm going to do immediately I'm getting shot at my.

coach crowder cod

It is getting really mixed up really quickly. Okay, so we're throwing decoy grenades everywhere; there's mun boxes everywhere, and this is a very hectic game mode but a very fun game mode, especially so, as you can see here, we're already at level 14. And I'm getting XP every couple of seconds here while I just sit in the objective and throw my decoys, plus 150 there we love that and we're just going to sit here and continue on to do our objective gamep playay and look for some Muni boxes on the way here too if we can so there is just no help out of my teammates right there not the end of the world because you also get the respawn in this game mode and as you can see I respawned really quickly because the more kills that your teammates get the better for you so I'm going to land over here where it seems a little bit more safe, so we're going to stay here and just sit on this again throw some more decoys around because why not and just keep looking at the center of the screen with those plus 200s and all those kills that we can possibly, get.

coach crowder mw3

These guys are throwing grenades. Some good grenades out of these guys, Wait. It would also be a little bit easier if I were using a gun that wasn't as bad, so as this article is going on, you're going to see that I'm not using the best weapon. I'm not playing with a squad with comms, and I'm probably not going to get too many kills because I'm obviously not going to fry the lobby with this pistol.

Take all that into account, and you'll probably be able to do a little bit better than I will in this article and still probably get more. Levels because of that, so I'm going to land on the special one right here, and we are going to get as much time as we can and throw some decoy grenades out. And we're already at level 15, so we're getting plus 200s everywhere.

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We're loving this. All these boxes are probably going to have Muni boxes, which we like too. We're going to pick up the PA, hit the refill, and now you can see that all the points have now rotated, so these points are rotating. All that means is you have to go to a new set of new set of points which is super easy, but we're going to get into the water, and we're going to start hitting those rotations I'm going to pull out.


I deserve it. I get it. I'm just going to go to the point here, where my boy is, and just cap some more points. Never mind, he's going to die. Now that we're on C, we're throwing some decoy grenades. Here, we're getting looked at, we're getting shot at, and we're getting just everyone. What is going on?

This is the craziest game ever, and I can't defend myself. I don't like it here. Now that we see our teammates are doing some work over here, we're going to get back to this point and shoot these guys contesting, baby. Free kills, free kills free kills Make sure you are keeping this gun out while you're on the point so you're getting all of this XP.

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And as you're waiting on objective 2, look at the bottom right of the screen. You're going to let that resupply do its job. That's why that perk is really important, so you can continue. Throw your decoy grenades now; we're already at level 16, so that is three levels very quickly with very few kills and very minimal effort.

Level Up Weapons FAST in Warzone 3! Lock Down Edition. Coach Crowder shows you how to level up your weapons as fast as possible for Warzone 3.
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