News - How To Get A Nuke Warzone 2. 0. Complete Tutorial



That's right, there is a tactical nuke in War Zone 2, and in this article. I'm going to guide you through exactly how to get the nuke, going over the requirements, how difficult it is, and how it looks in game. Any of us assume that to get a nuke in War Zone 2, there was going to be some sort of Easter egg quest, but before you can even get the nuke, you need to get a certain amount of Warzone wins back-to-back, that being five wins in a row.

That means you need to win five games of Warzone back-to-back without losing a single one in between, and you also have to watch all of the end credits with all of the players until the very end for that win to count. Once you've won five games on your sixth game, that will start the nuke process, and a massive shout out to the team that got first in the world for the war zone 2 nuke being Stella.

Moves Over Marked, and Wagnificent. Show them some love on YouTube and touch channels because these guys are absolute war zone demons in your sixth game of War Zone.



After the five wins on your screen, you'll see Champions and Quest available for asking. You should check your attack map for a new Champions Quest; there'll be a few of these scattered around the map in different locations, which will be highlighted by a gold wall zone logo.

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Only your team will be able to see this, and obviously you're going to want to try and get that as early into a warzone game as possible, but once you pick it up, the Champions Quest will be initiated. With the objective of destroying the war zone. A, nuke You'll notice under the minimap there will now be a new bar saying to locate the elements, with the countdown timer being till the end of the game being around 26 minutes.

cod warzone 2 nuke

There are four total circles, meaning there are four little mini parts of the nuke you're going to be collecting within the war zone game, with the far left revealing itself pretty quickly by giving you a circle on the map where you want to go, and you'll locate that first part. Once the players pick up that first piece, you'll see a prompt on the screen saying that the Valerian was acquired and a tracking device has been activated, which places her as the mother of several almost-wanted contracts.

On that player, everyone in the lobby will be able to see exactly where that player is at all times. As soon as the first part has been picked up, you'll see that the circle next to it will start filling up, which will then reveal the location for The second part of the nuke, this element being pu, whenever you're picking up one of these items, it's going to be stowed in your backpack as one of the main items that you're going to have on you, and you're going to want to make sure that you have space for it, but the second item is plutonium, which emits deadly radiation while you're carrying it.

how to get a nuke in warzone

Not only do players near you get this radiation effect, but it also hurts you, the player who is holding it. You're going to very slowly be ticking down in damage, so you're going to make sure that you're repairing your armor constantly; otherwise, you genuinely will take all of your health down and you will go down.

Now, it doesn't seem to be just you that gets affected by this if you're in, say, a helicopter, for example, or a vehicle with your squad. That will also slowly damage the vehicle as well, which is insane once you've picked up the plutonium. You will now see the third circle will pick up with the third element spawning somewhere nearby.

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This third element is called tritum, and when you have this on you, it scrambles the radar for you, and for any players that are near you, this makes it really hard for you to find enemy players because your radar is constantly being scrambled whilst you have this item on your person, but the next prompt will pick up showing that you have all of the elements and now need to wait for the bomb site to be revealed.

how to get a nuke in warzone 2

When it says to wait for the bomb reveal, you've got to wait at least five minutes of in-game time. The bomb site will be revealed now, while you're waiting for these five minutes to tick down. As soon as all the elements are picked up, you'll see another prompt where a jailbreak event will happen.

Essentially, we'll be bringing the entire lobby back to life, and they will all know that a nuke is about to happen and have ample time—at least five minutes—to try and kill all the players that have those nuke items so that they can plant the nuke themselves once that time has passed. There'll be a new prompt on the screen saying, "Bomb site revealed: deposit elements," and a bomb plane will be flying overhead with a nuclear symbol on it, dropping the bomb site somewhere on the War Zone 2 map.

Once you get yourself to that bomb site, you'll want to go ahead and interact with it, and it's going to put all of those nuclear items that we've just collected and defused into an armed state. The new you then need to hold your interact button while you're going to be planting a bomb that is going to be arming.

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Once that is complete, there will be a nuclear-armed message appearing, where there will be a countdown from two minutes until.



the nuke goes off in Warzone, so for that length of time, any player can make their way to that site and defuse it before the two minutes are up, so you have to do your best to try and defend that site so that no one defuses it in this world's first nuclear war. From Stella, you can see that pretty much no one in the lobby knew what was going on, and the best way to survive this is to just hide inside of a bathroom because, as you can see, there are only 10 players left in a very tiny circle, but the quicker you grab all of those parts for the nuke, you can get ahead and start doing this as quickly as possible into the war zone game so that you are nuking it a little bit earlier on into the game rather than in one of the very last circles as we see here, but once the timer counts down, you've got a message with "warzone devastation, imminent" and, ladies and gentlemen, the reaction from Stella says it all.

how to get a nuke in warzone 2.0

You get a "Champion Domination" message for the victory rather than the standard "Victory," and you see the Malmazra map covered in red nuclear. With the nuclear cloud behind them as well as showcasing all the players in the squad that manage to activate the nuke in that game, not only do you get massive bragging rights for nuking the whole lobby, but you actually unlock some rewards.

For getting a nuke in War Zone 2, you unlock a weapon charm and a sticker reward for launching a new one. So here we can see the Boombox charm, there's the weapon, which contains a sort of nuclear icon to almost insinuate that's part of the nuke, and then you have the radioactive nucleus sticker on the weapon as well.

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