News - Warzone 2 Has An Incredible Nuke Quest And We Did It

how to get a nuke in warzone 2

A couple of days before War Zone 2 released. Call of Duty officially announced that there was a secret way to get a round-ending nuke in a match of Battle Royale, and when people figured out that it wasn't as simple as getting 30 kills without dying. I don't think anybody would have guessed how you actually have to do it and also the level of rewards for it that you can acquire upon completion.

If you hadn't heard about this already, the requirements are pretty insane, making it incredibly hard to pull off, and once you've completed the requirements, you'll unlock an insanely difficult secret quest. Things first, well, you've got to win five games in a row; I'm not kidding, and with Warzone 2 being a much more difficult game than Warzone 1, this will be a tall order for the majority of the player base.

If you want to attempt this, my advice would be to get a solid group of people together and do this in quads, and you have to play for the win rather than getting kills and moving around the map without a care in the world. A great place to drop is the stronghold building here in the northeast of the map, as there is a high chance of getting a white chest at the top here with 20 000 dollars.

warzone 2

It's setting you up with four loadout guns from the buy right at the start of the game, and it's just a case of being careful to look where the circle is going, maybe getting a couple of Intel contracts, playing positioning, grabbing your loadout, and only taking fights that you absolutely have to win in war zone 2, which is much more about positioning than High Ground as well as teamwork than individual skill.

So you win that first game, and then you have to do it four more times after that, so you'll need to dedicate a good few hours to this as a full team, of course, and concentration is key. use Vehicles Help each other out and try not to get impatient; you're playing for the win, remember now. If you manage to complete this incredible feat and win five games in a row on the sixth match, a special contract will spawn in the game at three different locations; it's called The Champions Quest, and you've got to pick it up super quickly within a minute or so or it will despawn.

warzone 2 nuke

When you pick up that contract, a new hood element will appear on your screen on the left, prompting you to locate the three elements of a nuclear bomb, and then one by one these will spawn in on the map, showing you roughly where they are, so you'll go to the location and pick up the first element, which is beryllium.

And then the next one will spawn the element plutonium. Go and find it, and then the third element, tritium, means that whoever is carrying these elements has negative effects on them too, so just constantly taking damage and doing damage to those around them, as well as a scrambled minimap, and the person that's carrying beryllium will be visible permanently.

warzone 2 nuke how to

After a short period of time, a nuclear bomb site with an empty case will appear on the map, and that will be delivered by a plane that drops it and it parachutes from the sky, and now you've got to take all three elements to that case and install Them and then on the nuke, and if you manage to do that, a two-minute timer will count down during which anyone in the lobby can attempt to defuse it and stop it from going off, but if you manage to explode the nuke and stop people from diffusing it, you will win the match, you'll get a cool cut scene, and you'll unlock one of the most awesome operator skins in the game.

The appearance, as well as a nuclear weapon charm that is radioactive, a sticker for a new quest emblem, and a new quest calling card, all of which will be incredibly rare to have as this challenge is very difficult to complete. If you fail your first attempt and stick with the same squad, you should have three more attempts, as each person will be on a five-win streak and get one attempt each.

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So keep that in mind if you stick with the same squad: 4 attempts in total. Of course, if you're doing this solo, one attempt is all that you'll get. So, we managed to get the new quest today. It was my first attempt, and I was playing with Benny's broken machine and tactical Brits, who are all fantastic players, had some experience with this already; we did the five wins together on The Quest and are going to show you the highlights of our successful run now so you can see how chaotic it can get.

warzone 2 nuke quest

Let's see if we can get that. Do you reckon that you'll ever attempt this or give it a miss? I think it's time to build something new here. We go, boys; let's do it. Can I see what it looks like broken? Let's go see if you want to open it. Jack there, it is beryllium acquired, all right, all right, let's go there we go, and it begins, all right, everyone else, let's go be using Sour Village.

Perfect if all three of them spawn here, we can take the stronghold. There you go. Jack, there you go, okay, here's the plutonium; do you want to grab it? Yeah, that's doing damage to me right away as soon as you picked it up there, okay, teaspoon. Over at the cemetery, I think, yeah, it's right there.

I've got two guys on me. Yeah, just keep moving. Keep moving one down god willing, I'm going to go. Jack's scooping you, and I think you're so present. I'm in trouble here. He got me, but I'm going to have to bail. I just got caught out there. I've got gulag, jailbreak Okay. Wicked, it's in the gas station, gas station, no, that's why I got you to wait, so the elements have dropped on the floor now, sorry, but we've got the elements inside, and that's what counts.

I'm just going to hold it and wait for you guys to come back. Yeah, let them kill each other. Yeah, because we can get the gear out of that building, Jax, if you lock it down. busy with the airstrike, maybe okay, let's just keep this calm; this is good. We're in a good spot, Grenade Pressing. Again, cover the kneading.

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I'd be lucky to get a nose up here. They're coming in, they can beam it, they're trying to grab it, and I'm half-armed and I've got nothing. They're pushing from the east as well; okay, we've got the elements about now at least; how long do we have to wait for this? It's not too long. They're coming in with a nice airstrike, and one is spinning down Monday.

Our vehicle's gone. Are you finished? Sorry, we've got the cargo truck. It's all going, the one on the back. I'm running out of place here, boys. You've got a plate box right here, and if you're lucky, you can stay in a corner, like one corner, trying to cover stairs with Jack. Those elements should go back up and go and arm them.

It's not really that far away, hey? Lucky's taking the elements through it now, and then he's going to install them. Stay on the roof. I'm going to position it, yeah. Precision, it i'm ready for the hole. Watching the stairs he's down, that's nice. Yes, okay, guys, I've deposited all the elements.

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I got my first Nuke in Warzone 2 and the quest for it was actually amazing. Let's take a look at it now.
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