News - Everything Wrong With Call Of Duty: Warzone 2. 0

I would like to know that it will only keep you from canceling a reload if the magazine is fully out of your weapon. Next, we have a big one, and that is the sheer difficulty of reloads in War Zone 2. First, there's no cash during the late game, and it makes it feel almost impossible to get your teammates back.

If you can get your teammates back, it usually takes five to ten minutes if there's not a safe cracker or Intel contract lying around for you to grab, but then of course those are likely to be guarded by enemies going for free eliminations on top of there being no cash. Buy stations are further apart, making it so that even after you grab the money, it's going to take an additional two minutes to find a buy station, which again is pretty much guaranteed.

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I can't tell you the number of times I've looted dozens of chess pieces while trying to resurrect a teammate, only to still have nothing and die because I'm alone at that point. I'd rather just leave and find another match, and after all that to get a teammate back, you can also only buy a certain amount of items at a buy station.

However, I think a solution for this would be to add a spin minimum to basically reset the buy station. This means if you and your team want to buy two UAVs from a single-buy station, after buying the first UAV for four thousand, you could spend something like another six, making a total of 10K, and the UAVs would refill.

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They could even just increase the price of the UAV to ten thousand dollars, but at that point it would make it less accessible overall and could slow the pace of the match even further, especially for the lower-skilled players to complete the bad section where we have the poorly made pinging system.

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In the original war zone, the pings would match the color of the player that pinged it, but now they're all the same color, and that's chosen by your neutral color in the color customization panel in your settings, so it makes it really difficult to know who's pinging and overall more confusing than it needs to be.

The last part of this article was actually relatively short, and while the problems within this section shouldn't need much explanation as to how to fix them, they're the biggest reason most players are going to stop playing within such a short time. So as for Warzone 2's ugly side, to start things off, we have the kill feed.

While there is currently a kill feed in the game, it doesn't work most of the time, and when it does, it only shows half of what's actually happening. It also never shows team wipes, which are supposed to show in the center of your screen when you eliminate someone, but that also tends to not happen half the time.

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Next, we have cheaters. While we're seeing fewer cheaters than we did in Caldera and definitely less than there were in Verdanska, cheaters are still in War Zone 2, and somehow they've even figured out how to make boats. Yes, the vehicle's meant to be in water, fly across the map, and run people over if the cheaters weren't enough.

All platforms, especially the PC, have seen an unbearable amount of crashes. For PC specifically. I know from first-hand experience that in every other game when playing in a party, it's almost guaranteed that one of the players on your team is going to crash, and you're either going to have to back out or fight the rest of the match without them.

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This has been the biggest problem for me, and personally, I think it's the reason most creators are turning away from the game. All they would have to do is give a temporary fix for this while they continue investigating. The issue causing it is the lack of a join-back feature. This would allow players who've been removed from the match to rejoin and either pick up where they left off or, as my recommendation is, have it where their loot drops to the floor upon exit and they become purchasable at the buy station for the next three minutes.

After the three minutes have concluded, they can no longer rejoin the match. Moving on, while glitches in some scenarios aren't necessarily bad, the speed at which certain glitches are being fixed and others aren't is pretty annoying to start with. To me, that's pretty disgusting, and if there's one thing I'd like to call them out on, it has to be that they genuinely "do better." I know that we want to make sure people have something to do while playing, but worrying about whether players were able to get their guns leveled and attachments faster than more pressing matters is wildly frustrating on the consumer side.


It already takes forever to level up these weapons. Put your developers to work on the things that need fixing. Next, we find ourselves looking at Warzone 2's missing features. The first of which is the double XP timer, which, to begin with, we were already being scammed on because this still counts toward the double XP time while in the lobby, but now we don't even get an actual timer.

The sad part is that this was already a problem in Modern Warfare 2, and as time goes on, I'm starting to think they've done this on purpose. Past not being able to save your own custom blueprint for a weapon, that has to be the single most frustrating thing about the new gunsmith. Knowing that I can put five attachments on a weapon and then tune each of those attachments to a specific decimal point and then not be able to save that to come back to later is honestly the worst oversight I've ever seen in a article game.

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A game that was just nominated for the best audio design of the year for its multiplayer and campaign counterpart. I'm baffled at the non-existent footsteps in this game, which, while the game already has a field upgrade to muffle your footsteps, seem not to matter because they don't make any noise anyway.

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This is a problem after the launch of the game. I am literally blown away that this is a problem after the launch of the game. Just say it's a beta for the love of God, and we would have forgiven you for a lot of this, but, good Lord, okay, I'm getting a little hot-headed here. I'm sorry, this is the most I swear that I'll be upset, and, finally, here's a list of removed quality of life features that were in the original war zone but somehow have not made their way into war zone 2.

First, an advanced heads-up display that would show the items in your team's inventory as well as your edited loadouts while you're waiting for the match to start. Lootable, perks Lootable redeploy tokens lootable Gulag, tokens being able to toggle your gas mask so that it only works when moving overall, and like I said at the beginning of the article, the game is incredibly.

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Fun I know many people like to say this is the honeymoon phase for the game, and some are even saying they're already over it, but personally, after playing the original War Zone for so long, this game just feels like a breath of fresh air, and we needed that. Yes, but truthfully. I'm just hoping they get things together and do it soon because for all the fun I'm having in Warzone 2 right now, it's just being matched with a lot of negative feelings due to the problems they've allowed to pass through the cracks, and yes, don't worry.

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