News - Easy Solo No Rushing Mission Completion For Legion. Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0 Dmz


This mission is tasked with taking a specific LMG, the second Mg38, with two specific attachments all the way over to the al-Malik terminal at the airport and killing 10 enemies as well as three reinforcements. Helicopters now While this task does seem fairly simple, there are two things that I'm going to address in this article: first of all, the exact way that you should configure your LMG to make killing these choppers as easy as possible because that's really the problem with this mission, and then, as a second part, exactly how you should kill these choppers or the perfect circumstance to make sure that you get credit for the kill, so hopefully I can get you to get this done easy peasy lemon squeezy.

So first things first: As mentioned, you will have to complete this mission within the terminal area, so anywhere in the area that is designated as the AL Malik terminal, aka the airport, should be fine; most likely, the easiest way for you to do this would be on the runway since you can have long firing lines on the helicopters as they come in to drop off the enemies.

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Now, specifically, the way that you should configure your Mg38 There are two attachments that are mandatory; they have to be on the weapon, or you don't get credit. The first one is the 150-round box magazine, which is in any case a good idea since you are going to need a shitload of rounds to down these choppers, and secondly, you also need the sauce key under the barrel.

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Now, for the 150-round magazine: I think you have to have the level of the weapon at about 15, and I believe for the under-barrel, your lmg needs to be at about level, so you're going to have to put some levels into your lmg before you're even able to attempt this now, the other piece of crucial equipment that you should add to your loadout is I.

Have a Polo fire muzzle on here as well as a Cronin mini-pro, which is really not that important, and you can really put anything else on there, but I absolutely suggest that you put the 7.62 incendiary ammunition on you as well. You are able to down these helicopters by shooting them without the incendiary rounds, but it's going to take almost a complete 150 bullets hitting with all of them to actually down a chopper, whereas if you're using the incendiary rounds, it's going to take significantly longer.

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Less rounds to drop these choppers, and it's going to make it a lot easier for you to accomplish the three kills of these new reinforcement choppers that you need to do, then on to the second part of the article, which is how to make sure that you get credit for the actual kills of these choppers because unfortunately, that is something that has happened to me, but I've also seen other people complain about it, and that's the fact that they kill these choppers and blow these choppers out of the sky, and you don't get credit for it on the mission now.

and specifically, for me, I had to kill. I had to blow up seven of these choppers until I was finally able to get the three credits that I needed for the mission, and I've been seeing a lot of contradictory things. Advice online as to what exactly is the right way to kill them that necessitates you actually getting the reward for it now I've been seeing some people say that it's only the small choppers that give you credit and not the big ones.

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I've been seeing people say that no, but you have to kill the helicopters before any troops get out of them, versus knowing you have to kill them after the troops get out of them. Either one of those giving the credit I've also seen the fact that people say that using incendiary ammunition is actually illegal.

dmz missions

Fire, you know, lights that drop on fire for a little bit after the bulleted, and if that fire, if that incendiary effect actually kills the chopper, then also you don't get credit now, as you can see in the footage that is running in the background right now. None of that is actually true, but on the other hand, I can't really tell you exactly what it is that produces the kills and gets this in.

One of the kills you can clearly see is where I shoot the helicopter and it gets damaged to the point where it's actually burning and it's going to explode. I don't put the final bullets into it, and it actually explodes by itself as it's flying away, and I get credit for that. In another case, I actually put a shitload of bullets into a helicopter before any of the troops were able to get out, and I get the credit for that.

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In other cases, the ones for which I didn't get credit were similar situations to that, but, for some reason, the kill didn't occur, so unfortunately, this is going to be something that you're going to have to kill more than three of the helicopters that the mission card wants, but I can tell you that out of the seven times.

I blew helicopters out of the sky for this mission. Use the exact loadout that I showed earlier in the article here. I used obviously the 150 rounds because you have to. I used the sauce key on the barrel because you have to, and I used incendiary rounds because I wanted to put fewer bullets into a helicopter and get it to explode, so I can guarantee you that out of the three times when I did get credit.

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I was using that exact loadout, so even if you have to kill multiples of these choppers, at least you know your loadout's the right one. Now, two last pieces of advice that I want to give are: Sometimes a Samwise spawns in this area; in one of the clips, you'll see where I actually ended up. When capturing the Samsung, what you have to be careful of is that the Samsung will actually shoot at these helicopters if they come close by, and of course that could shoot the chopper out of the sky.

easy solo no rushing mission completion for legion warzone 2.0 dmz

They're terribly inaccurate, so most of the time they miss, but sometimes they hit, and of course you're not going to take credit for that, and you're going to waste a helicopter that you could have blown out of the sky. My second piece of advice would be where. You actually engage these choppers from you'll notice in the footage that I'm using a tower that sits kind of like to the back of the runway next to one of the hangers -- this is actually the tower that's right next to where the side usually spawns, so you can climb up onto that and it gives you a fairly decent sort of vantage point over the entire runway as well as the buildings that are attached to the runway, and if choppers come and drop in sometimes they'll sort of drop off on the roof of those terminals or right next to them.

EASY SOLO No Rushing Mission Completion for Legion | Call of Duty Warzone 2. 0 DMZ.
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