News - Easy Solo Espionage Mission Completion For Black Mous. Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0 Dmz

black mous espionage

Missions are where it's at, and more specifically, today we're looking at a mission called Espionage for the black mouse faction in the DMZ. This mission tasks you with finding the cat poppy farmer's house, using a key to unlock it for house looting, finding a specific laptop in this house, and then taking that laptop all the way down south in the map to a specific day drop where a root kit is placed on the laptop.

You then have to bring the laptop all the way back to the house again and plant it there. I will cover all of the tips as to how to accomplish this and explain exactly each one of the steps so that you can get this mission done. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy now. First and foremost, the city poppy farmer's house requires a key to get into it.


Now, there are two ways that you can get this key. You can either get it via RNG from any one of the containers or enemies that you kill in the game, so it's possible that by the time you get to this mission, you might have actually found this key already, which is great if, by the time you get to this mission and you have to do it but you do not have this key, there is, in fact, another mission for one of the other factions that you can do that guarantees that you got a key as a drop now this is Robin Hood, which is one of the White Lotus faction's tier 3 missions, so if you haven't done yet, you will get a specific poppy farmer's house key, which you can then use in this specific quest.

Mission So just a quick disclaimer here before we jump into the details any further. I did this mission solo, but I can highly advise you to find a team that you can do this with simply due to the fact that there are so many things that can go wrong in this mission and which can consequently cause you to not be able to reattempt it.

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What I mean by this is the fact that you need this key to get into the poppy farmer's house if you, of course, die. While you're trying to attempt this mission, you will lose that key, and you'll have to actually find another version of this key somewhere, and since the only way to do that is rngs because you've already completed, for example, the Robin Hood mission, that can obviously cause some frustration.

cod dmz

AI, or players trying to poach you. This mission involves a lot of driving and travel, and a lot of things can go wrong during that time, so I just wanted to give you a heads-up on that now. As for the location, the city poppy farmer's house: this actually sits about NW of the city cave complex in a circle of houses that you can see on the map right here.

Once you get into this area, you kind of find the house with a little bit of loot, and as you get there, you can pop the door open; this has a fair bit of loot and some guns inside it, but specifically what you're looking for is the politician's laptop. You can simply grab that, and then you're ready for phase two of this mission now.

Phase two involves you grabbing a vehicle because there's going to be quite a distance that you have to travel, but traveling south along the map all the way over to Alsaman Cemetery, but more specifically, what you're looking for is the Dropbox close to Symmetry, so the Symmetry about north, east sort of above it, you will find a small little village with a fuel station, and there is a dropbox location; it's one of the six dropbox locations on the map.

dmz mission black mous

and this is the one that you need now once you get to Symmetry. Don't close the Dead Drop screen. What will happen is that as soon as you put it on there, the audio will come on, and a person will say that they've successfully installed the rootkit now at this point in time after they've said that you need to loot the laptop out of the Dead Dropbox again into your inventory, and that will be the next step.

If you close this day-drop screen, it is possible that the laptop gets swallowed up, or, you know, consumed, or something like that. I didn't want to test this to see if that was the case, so let this be your warning to absolutely watch out for that. So keep the Dead Drop screen open; you don't have to close it, and you'll immediately get the audio telling you that the rootkit has been installed, meaning the laptop's now ready to go get planted again.

dmz missions

Grab it, and then you're ready to go. Then, moving on to the last part of the mission, we're almost done. You're going to take the laptop and drive all the way back up to the north of the city to Poppy Farmer's house. You're going to put it back in the corner, exactly where you found it originally on the PC.

For me, I did this by walking to the corner and pressing F twice, which is my activate button. I'm sure you can use whichever button you have configured as the one that you use to activate things or press buttons, and you will put the laptop down. That will complete the third part of this three-part mission, and it will give you the final credit, and you'll be done adding.

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I had a huge amount of fun with this mission because it was so harrowing and it was so crazy imagining the things that could go wrong, but all in all. And that's going to be it for the article. I've created a whole bunch of these articles. Than that, it's just super important to me that you have a fantastic morning, afternoon, and evening wherever you are in the world, and until the next article,

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EASY SOLO Espionage Mission Completion for Black Mous | Call of Duty Warzone 2. 0 DMZ.
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