News - Easy Bombing Run Mission Completion For White Lotus. Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0 Dmz


But that's simply due to the fact that these kill streaks are 12K a pop, which would mean that you would need about 72K worth of money to be able to buy all six of them and then successfully exfiltrate with Exfiltrate. I attempted this several times and mostly got about four to five kill streaks' worth of money before I would either run out of time on the specific deployment or I would run into players who would undoubtedly ruin my attempt at gathering this huge amount of fortune.

That was until I came across the city cave complex, and that has since solved my problem with this particular mission. I've gone back a couple of times to verify that this is, in fact, the case, so let me explain once you get to this actual area itself. These enemies are quite tough and plated up, so this area is generally not congested with other players, but at the same time, it is also something that you tend to avoid due to the sheer amount of angles that you can get attacked from.

If you check around in this area, you'll notice that there is a cave complex that you can enter into that, essentially, has three exits: the one that you go into from the actual cave complex side, and then this has the two different areas that pop out around it, but the main reason why we'd want to go in there is because, for some reason, the loot chest within this cave complex has a huge amount of kill streaks, which actually pop out of them now.

dmz mission white lotus

Out of the four times that I've run this in a row just to verify and make sure that the information is correct, and each time I was getting an average of four kill streaks from an accumulation of these chests inside here, in two of the cases I actually got five kill streaks, which meant that the only amount of money that I had to raise to buy additional kill streaks so that I could have my six and X full trade out was either 12K or 24K, which is a much more accomplishable task than, you know, over 70K, in fact most of the time the enemies that I was able to kill inside the cave complex as well as the additional things that fell out of these chests was more than enough to cover the cost of those two kill streaks.

easy bombing run mission completion for white lotus warzone 2.0 dmz

The other benefit of this area is that oftentimes there's an exfiltration spot or one very close by, which means that you also lessen the danger that you could potentially run into while there. You are moving your six kill streaks into your backpack and getting on the plane and emigrating now. To clarify, you have to be carrying all six kill streaks out with you, so unfortunately it's not a case of being able to use some of them and then having some used and some carried out with you.

This was also something that I experimented with, so you do actually have to have all six kill streaks on you. You can have one specifically on you and five in your backpack or something like that, but you do have to have all of these on you when you actually exfiltrate out of the mission. Some general advice for the area and the cave complex itself is to come prepared for various gun fights with reinforcements, as well as chunky enemies that are present within the cave complex.

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That's not including the enemies that are outside Gathering, the entrances into the cave, or the different helicopters that land and drop additional reinforcements into the kit. Nonetheless, move slowly from one side of the cave to the other as you're looting from Chase to Chest, and don't be scared to retreat backwards and essentially engage from further away due to the tight quarters within the cave.

This is where enemies in the DMZ are at their most dangerous. Of course, we know the AI is not that fantastic at long distances, so this is the preferred way in which you should pick them off, but when you're inside the cave, you're going to have tight corners and you can have enemies running around with shotguns and lots of armor plates, so take it slow and move through the area meticulously.

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While eradicating all the enemies, just to make sure that you don't get halfway through, you've got your three or four kill streaks, and then you get double-blasted by some with a shotgun, and you essentially have to start all over. As mentioned, the cave is kind of like a circle with three exits, so it's also quite difficult to get yourself boxed in, so definitely keep your head on a swivel and be ready to back out in case you get pushed by a reinforcement wave from one of the sides of the cave.

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Once all of that is said and done, good luck with the exfiltration. I hope you complete this mission. It's just super important to me that you have a fantastic morning, afternoon, and evening wherever you are in the world, and until next time, Cheers

EASY Bombing Run Mission Completion for White Lotus | Call of Duty Warzone 2. 0 DMZ.
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