News - Easy Solo Mall Rat Mission Completion For White Lotus. Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0 Dmz


I'm going to share some general tips as well as show Shay how to actually get into the mall, and hopefully you can get this mission done easy peasy lemon squeezy. First and foremost, the mole in question is actually over here on the map, at the Saeed City mall, but what is also worth noticing is the fact that the parking arcade to the right of this location of the mall also technically counts as part of the mall, and any enemies or players that you kill inside that parking structure will also count towards the credit of this particular mall.

Mission This is especially important due to the fact that you need to hunt the three enemy players down, and so this gives you more opportunities now, first and foremost, how you actually get into the more all there are two ways you can either go through the vents like I'm doing here right now, which gets you, you know, into a die-hard AKA John McLean style and you can go through the events here you can start battling these enemies inside you as well as get access to players that might actually be inside farming these mobs at a time.

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The other way in which you can get into this is through the parking structure, which I just referred to. If you go all the way to the top of this parking structure, you will actually have a way in which you can cross over to the main building, and you can again go through a sort of like an insert into the building via an event, and that also gives you access to the top floor of the small building.

cod dmz

Once you are inside, you are going to fight some elite enemies, so definitely pack some extra plates and have a decent weapon that can take down these armored enemies really fast, especially with the recent update to the aggressiveness and strength of the enemies in the DMZ. This area is super challenging, so be sure to be prepared for that; otherwise, you will lose all of your progress if you get like 15 or 16 or 17 kills and then get dropped inside the small, and you're basically going to have to start all over again.

A good recommendation here would be a strong liquid and some explosives. Things like that: you don't have enemies running around with shields here, which is a good thing, but you do have heavily armored enemies with LMGs, themselves as well as shotguns. This is a good way for you to ensure that if you get into a gunfight with somebody inside them all, they'll allland, you'll run away from them, and they'll give chase, and you know these traps are there.

dmz mission white lotus

You can crouch and walk through Underneath Him, and they'll come running through them and basically kill them. This is actually how I got my very first kill in the mall, and the other two I had to work for and actually shoot at people, so definitely keep that in mind and try to do that now. The other thing that I can also suggest is that you keep an eye out for this area.

The Sam site sprouts onto the parking structure. Sam's site is also going to make agents, a.k.a. Easy It took a while to finish this because I just had to wait forever to get the final player, kill however. Any people were hanging around a Sam site or something like that, so this one might take you a little bit of time, but with some perseverance, some patience, and possibly some sneakiness, you're definitely going to get it done.

dmz missions

That's going to be it for the article. In this more admission, it's one of the more challenging ones due to the fact that you do have to fight other players and also due to the fact that it's limited to a specific area that you have to kill them, so definitely perseverance. And patience is the key here, but trust me, you can do it.

If I can do it, you can definitely do it. It's just super important to me that you have a fantastic morning, afternoon, and even wherever. You are in the world, and until the next article, cheers!

Also read:
EASY SOLO Mall Rat Mission Completion for White Lotus | Call of Duty Warzone 2. 0 DMZ.
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