News - Easy Solo Supply Drop Mission Completion For White Lotus. Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0 Dmz


Missions are where it's at, and today we're looking at a mission called supply drop, which is for the White Lotus faction in the DMZ. This mission basically turns you into the grocery mommy, and you have to go around the map finding three different item types and then also deposit them at three dead drops, or actually two separate drops in the DMZ.

I'll share some tips as to where you can find an abundance of these items so you can get them gathered up as soon as possible, and I'll also share the right location of the two dead drops that you should be using to get rid of these groceries. Hopefully, we can get this mission done easy peasy lemon squeezy, so starting us off with our grocery list, we have 30 tubes of toothpaste as our first item now, just a quick preface.

Here I am recording this article after the Season 1 Reloaded patch dropped, but I finished the mission before the patch dropped, and why is that an important fact? Because in the patch notes it mentions that more common items, aka items like toothpaste, will now be found in smaller amounts in the wild, and so that could potentially affect your gathering potential for this now.

call of duty easy dmz missions

I kept an eye on this in the last couple of days since the patch dropped, and honestly, it still seems as if medical cabinets and mirror cabinets are inside bathrooms, Are your best bet. If it's got a cabinet like this, there's a chance there's toothpaste in there. Now, one quick other note I want to make is that remember that you don't have to do all 50 tubes of toothpaste in one drop.

You also don't have to use all 50 tubes of toothpaste in one drop. This can be chipped away at over time while you're working on other ones, so don't let that be the hurdle that keeps you from attempting this mission, because you can really take this step by Which Way once you have enough toothpaste in your inventory and you are ready to make a dead drop?

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The day drop location that you're looking for is the marsh day drop, which means it's this day drop location right here, which sits at the service station within the movie marshlands, which is just south of El Majra City, so drop all of your toothpaste in there. You can stack this up in inventory so you can actually fill up on it; my suggestion would be to hit a whole clutch of houses nearby.

call of duty warzone 2 dmz

By the marshlands, all the way going up like this, and then essentially just bringing them back to the dead drop, and you're good to go. Next up, we have bottles of purified water, 18 of them, and 25 canned foods. Now, coincidentally, these two go to the same day drop location, which is this day drop location inside.

Al Majra City, and you can also technically gather these from the same sources, so keep looking at the map here; of course, this is the day drop. As mentioned, you have two burger places in close proximity to each other in Al Mazda City, one being here and the other being there, as well as this area with a whole bunch of fridges inside and a whole bunch of money as well, so you can be farmed quite efficiently for purified water, which is in the fridges, as well as canned food, which also tends to spawn in the fridges, in all three of these locations now, just like with the toothpaste, you can absolutely.

cod dmz

You can find this in other places on the map, but after searching, these three areas in Al Mazda City are the most efficient because of their close proximity to the day drop so you can quickly bring it and also because there's such a huge amount of fridges in them nonetheless. You can go driving around the map; there are other burger joints all around the map, which will have just as many fridges, and you can get from them as well as from service stations with those little shops that are attached to them; you can oftentimes find purified water as well as canned food on the shelves there; and then, last but not least, we also have supermarkets, which dodge the map as well.

These are oftentimes also in close proximity to these service stations, and those can also have these items on the racks. I do want to give a personal shout-out to this villa area in South Bay as well. When I did the article on the wine bottles, the vintage wine bottles, and all of that, I featured this location as well.

dmz mission white lotus

It has a huge amount of fridges within it as well, and you're gathering these, which tend to, for some reason, not be looted or looked at by players. So absolutely swing by here as you're passing through the map and you're gathering these up. I guarantee you will find some purified water or some canned food, or maybe some of both, once you get enough of those gathered up—the purified water and the canned food both.

Of those as mentioned, go into the Dead Drop in Al Mouser City, and you are one step closer to finishing this mission and moving on to bigger and better things, and that's going to be it for the article. I have created a whole shitload of these mission articles, so go ahead and check out the previous ones.

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It could be that I've already covered the mission you're looking for; otherwise, do mention it. I'll bump it up the list, and we can see if we can't get you sorted faster. Either way, it is super important to me that you have a fantastic morning, afternoon, and evening wherever you are in the world, and until the next article, Cheers.

Also read:
EASY SOLO Supply Drop Mission Completion for White Lotus | Call of Duty Warzone 2. 0 DMZ.
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