News - The 3 Best Weapons Dmz. Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0 Dmz



So I think if you want to try something different, you're looking for some really, really lethal options as you try to solo the DMZ. I absolutely don't think you can go wrong with any of these three choices, but let's jump in and have a look. So first and foremost, the three weapons that we're going to be looking at primarily are the Chimera, which is an assault rifle of course; then we're also going to look at the TAC V, which is a battle rifle; and last but not least, my sniper option.

I use the signal.

Honorary mention

50, now first and foremost, before we dive into detail on those three weapons, I do want to give a shout out to a weapon that you can actually pick up in the DMZ. Now most of the time, if you have a low round where you've just been knocked out, obviously, you might be going in with a contraband weapon or you might go in bare-handed, and you should be looking for a replacement weapon that you can start farming your way back up to your insurance slots.

Now, most people will say that you should absolutely be looking at lmgs, more specifically the rbk, simply due to the fact that it is so ridiculously efficient at dealing damage and that overall the floor rpk in the game is really good. However, I present you with the M4, which comes from the Tier 3 elites, the heavy-plated elites that you fight oftentimes around objectives as well as HPTs.

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This is a two-slot, or rather two-attachment, M4. But it is silenced due to the fact that it has the Broadhead 3DP on there, and then it has a laser on there as well, which is essentially visible as long as you're not aiming down sight at this thing. shreds, so I highly recommend dragging as many of these out with you as you can, so you can usually have a staple of them ready to go so that you can go in a low round and you can use this.

Trust me, if you haven't used these yet and you've just been running with rpks and lmgs, give these a try. You are going to be pleasantly surprised.

Chimera assault rifle

Chimera assault rifle

So we're putting the first slot, and primarily the gun that I use the most frequently is, of course, the Chimera, and what really can be said about the Chimera that hasn't been said already is that it is an absolute shred monster. It chews through enemies, whether they are AI or players.

it chooses to eat them relatively fast, it is ridiculously fast, it is ridiculously fast, it is ridiculously fast, it is ridiculously fast, it is ridiculously fast, it is ridiculously fast, it is ridiculously fast, it is ridiculously fast, it is ridiculously fast, it is In exchanges with lmgs, or m4s, or something like that, if you know what you're doing, you can absolutely knock people out with this weapon, and when it comes to the actual loadout and what you want to be looking for in terms of attachments.


What I've settled on is using the Custovia dx9 as the muzzle, the 10 inch SA Phoenix as the barrel, the VL key vlk, and the Laser 7 milliwatt as the laser, and I like the Slimline Pro due to the fact of it giving like a nice clean visibility, and then last but not least you because this thing fires so fast you do want to be giving yourself additional mat like rounds here so you want to be slapping in a 45 round mag now, in terms of your tune this is really you can you know the sky's the limit here obviously.

Since this will be your primary weapon, you want something that is fast to aim down the sight. You also want something that has decent stability when you shoot with it because this could very well be your sniper support weapon. So in the case of your tuning, always try to prioritize things like aiming down sight and aiming stability.

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Bullet velocity and things like that increase the range of this weapon are useful but not as useful due to the fact that you get a relatively extreme jitter when you're trying to shoot over 50, 60, or 70 meters with this weapon. That's not to say you won't be able to challenge people and kill them with it, but nonetheless, it can be a little bit problematic, and they can probably outgun you with something that's a little bit more accurate, so absolutely treat this as an assault rifle that is essentially like a submachine gun on crack. You won't go wrong with this, Shreds, and I suppose that there is a very big chance that this is going to get nerfed when we roll into season two.

Taq v battle rifle

Taq v battle rifle

Then we get on to my second insured slot, which is, of course, the attack V, which happens to be a battle rifle now. One of the reasons I have a battle rifle in here is because they are ridiculously efficient in the DMZ.

When I'm chewing through plates on enemies, this is essentially my weapon that I oftentimes take in when I know that I'm going to be focusing on PVE. I'm going to be doing like a hard piece of, you know, going in somewhere tough, going into a stronghold, or something like that. I'm just going to be killing a lot of AI, and so this is absolutely my weapon.

Rip the plates off of AI, and let me be clear: It's no sludge when it comes to killing enemy players either. When we're looking at the attachments on you, I am of course using the Polar Fire S as the muzzle to give myself a silence profile. I use the FSS OLV laser as my laser. I use the SCSR07. As my eye is now here, the sky is the limit.

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You can pretty much pick whatever you want to go for. I know the Aim OP4 is also very popular, but I really like the clean aesthetic of the S8 SR7. Then, I've opted to use high-velocity ammunition in this, which just means that my bullets are able to travel further. I get some additional range on this, and it absolutely claps a lot harder.

And then what you do here is you put the 50-round drum on here. Now, usually, battle rifles have a small magazine size, and so you have to choose your shots very wisely with this. This removes that consideration from the game because, with 50 round drums in here, you can lay waste to a whole battalion of AI, and you will not have a problem now.

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When you are choosing this particular setup, you're only going to have three pieces that you can tune, but once again, you want to be focusing on the maneuverability of the weapon, the mobility of the weapon, so if you can give yourself additional aimed on side speed that's good any, kind of like stability to.

call of duty warzone 2 dmz

I mean, this weapon is super accurate by default and does not have a bad recoil, but giving yourself some additional stability will absolutely work out here. When we look at the optic gear once again, you can see aiming for aimed, On side speed, and then last but not least, I think this is the one that I haven't had open yet again.

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