News - Best Way To Take Down Streaks Warzone 2. It's Not The Raal



for now, we're going to be talking about the fastest and most effective methods of taking down kill streaks in Modern Warfare 2. This is something I found some pretty surprising results with.


Partially because it's a fairly common streak to see and it's also quite deadly, so you typically do want to get rid of it right away; it's not the type of streak you can just ignore, and partially due to the fact that it's just a really consistent streak for testing.

I can choose the exact placement of it, and I can control my range values, so we make sure that we have apples-to-apples testing here, and when we take a look at the launchers against Savitol, you can very clearly see they're just not the best option. In fact, with several of these, you don't even spawn in with enough rockets to take down a vital from full health without also putting some bullets into it to finish it off.

At best, we're looking at like 15 to 20 seconds total to take it down, and that might not seem like a lot, but when you start to see the results of my other testing, this is way, way too slow. So, at least when it comes to taking out streaks like a vital, launchers are absolutely not the way to go.

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I will say that with lock-on launchers like the Pilaf, for instance, against a UAV, it is a good option because it just takes one rocket that you can lock onto, so you just fire and forget about it, and it will take that down, whereas shooting it with bullets may be a bit more difficult, especially if you have to lead your target due to the slow bullet velocity.

Lmgs (base tests)

Lmgs (base tests)

With that in mind, the next obvious choice would be LMGs. LMGs tend to have a really large magazine capacity, they tend to deal a decent amount of damage, especially over range, and they also tend to be fairly accurate, so you can get those shots on target without spraying all over the place and missing a bunch of bullets.

So, I went ahead and did the base testing with these LMGs with no ammunition attachment or anything like that on them. These are just the base versions of the guns, and as we can see here, most of the LMGs are great at taking down a VTOL in roughly seven seconds, give or take a little bit. Although it is worth noting with the hdr56 and the 556 Icarus, it is going to take more than 100 rounds, and our maximum magazine capacity is 100 rounds, so you have to factor in the reload time there, and when you do that, are not going to be your best bet, so eliminate those two from the equation. If we just focus on the other LMGs, the Rel is technically the fastest at 6.9 seconds, although for the other LMGs they're really not that much different, and therefore all of these would be excellent options for taking out a VTOL.

Armor piercing vs incendiary ammo

Armor piercing vs incendiary ammo

Now, taking that a step further, I did want to test armor-piercing as well as incendiary weapons to see which one was better.

I have done this testing in the past and shared my results already, but we'll do it again since this article is dedicated to it and, quite surprisingly, incendiary. gives you more damage against vehicles and score streaks, and it allows you to take them out faster than armor piercing, so as a result, we're going to be focusing primarily on incendiary here, although keep in mind there is a downside to this, and that is a significantly slower bullet velocity, which may make it more difficult to shoot a really fast moving streak like a UAV for instance.

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So armor piercing may be your best bet for a UAV, but for something big and easy to hit like a VTOL or an Overwatch helo, or a gunship incendiary, is going to be your best bet, and this is what all of the LMGs look like when using incendiary; with all of them, you no longer need to reload, so that brings the HDR56 and the 556 Icarus into viability at least, and once again, the Rel MMG is killing faster than all of the others at about 4.3 seconds. although, again, they're all killing really, really quickly, so it's not like the route is so much better than the others; it's just slightly better than the others, and then finally, with this.

Anti-armor field upgrade

Anti-armor field upgrade

I wanted to do some testing with the anti-armor field upgrade, so this is kind of like stopping power in Modern Warfare 2019, but it only works against vehicles.

And streaks and armor, and with this, it does help more than armor piercing and it does help more than incendiary, so it's going to take the least number of shots to kill out of all of these, but the big downsides here are obviously that you have to actually earn that anti-armor. field upgrade, so you have to wait till it charges up, and another thing is you have to load it into your gun, which requires a full reload, and when you add that to the timer, it's now significantly slower, although if you do hear that an enemy is calling a streak and you immediately start to load these in to get ready, then it doesn't really matter all that much.

I just wanted to point out there are some clear downsides here, and you can't necessarily compare these perfectly with Insanity Area or Armor Piercing because those are just immediately on your class and they are there all the time.

Best combination

So, most importantly. I wanted to look at the true potential, the absolute best time to kill, that you can get with an LMG versus a VTOL, and this is by combining incendiary and anti-armor ammunition.

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If you do this, you can take down a vital with a rail in just 28 bullets, which is not very many, and that takes just 2.9 seconds, which is insanely fast. That is crazy fast considering the amount of time it may take to earn a veto and the amount of effort it takes to earn one of those. Somebody can take it out of the sky in less than three seconds, which is pretty crazy, however.

Lmgs aren't the best??

Lmgs aren't the best??

It turns out LMGs aren't actually the best method for taking out these streaks, and we can get even faster than this with the battle rifles. With these, I went straight to using incendiary ammo, and obviously we do have to use a larger magazine, which we only have access to on the SO14, the Lochman 762, and attack V.

Battle rifle comparison

We're going to eliminate the f-tack recon from this simply because we can't get like a 50-round drum magazine on it, but I found out of all of these, the SO14 kills the fastest at 3.16 seconds, just using incendiary ammo, which if we compare that to the Rel, that one kills in 4.32 seconds with incendiary, so this is noticeably faster than the route at taking out streaks, and it's also worth noting it's still very accurate and easy to control, so it's great at being able to hit those streaks effectively as well.

Today I wanted to take a deep look into taking down enemy Streaks in Modern Warfare II to see which method is the fastest and most effective overall.
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