News - Best Tips To Improve At Dmz Warzone 2. 0 (dmz Tips & Tricks)



All right, first up on this tip, I'm really just going to be calling.

Utilize your insured slot

Recovery runs

Recovery runs

I Call this recovery, run Sometimes you go out there, maybe you have your insured slot weapon on, or maybe you just have some of your best gear and you go out there and things don't go your way. You either get eliminated by an operator, or a whole series of AI or bots come and just mow you down once you've died.

You're going to have a one-plater on, and you're not going to have a medium or large backpack, so I definitely recommend diving into collecting. Now, the real idea behind this is that you will make your future runs much more successful. It's very difficult to survive on one plate, and of course, it's really hard to stow any items if you are using the default backpack.

Contraband weapons

Contraband weapons

Cheval additional run, or for future runs in general, next up: We have contraband weapons now, but without them, you can find yourself in quite a predicament in a lot of different situations, maybe. If you have a bad run and you lose all of your stuff, you're going to want to be able to go in with something, so it is important to x-fill with an extra weapon in your backpack or even as a secondary when you are x-filling successfully in general.

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So what I like to do is, when I have a medium or large backpack, maybe I eliminate a divider. That's carrying a basnev; maybe I'll put that in there, or even an RPK. Of the weapons that the enemies typically drop, these are great weapons to put in your bag or stow as a secondary, so that way, when you exfiltrate with them, you can kind of just unequip these and keep them in your contraband.

That way, you're not really running into situations where you have to jump in with your fists because you just don't have a viable weapon available. I think this puts a lot of people at a disadvantage, as maybe you go through a few runs and find yourself getting eliminated, but when you do have those successful runs, it is really important to just carry or stow.

Any weapon that you may want to use as contraband, even in the future, is as simple as one of those weapons that the AI will drop when you eliminate them early on. I think a lot of people forget to do this, and later on they just end up having no weapons available on their contraband, which essentially makes getting started without anything a lot more difficult. I think having at least a couple of contraband weapons, whether or not they're the best possible options, would be extremely helpful in those recovery runs that we were just talking about, and this next tip might be one of the most important.

Buy extra plates & self revive

Buy extra plates & self revive

I call this "extra plates and self-revive." Essentially, you've had one of your recovery runs, you've got your three-player equipment, you've got a large backpack, maybe you're running in with your insured weapon, and you just have a lot on the line in the run that you're in.

It really benefits you in any run, for that matter, to just save up a bunch of money or rack up a bunch of money as quickly as possible and get yourself to the nearest buy station or shop. Sure, you fill most of your inventory with those extra plates, and if you do not already have a self-revive from a previous x-fill, you need to save up enough money for one of those as well.

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I believe it's $7,500, so at minimum, if you don't have to sell for Vibe, you're going to probably want around $10K. If you do have a software budget of five, maybe 2500, a few thousand extra can be utilized to buy plates and put you in a very good position. If you have a ton of plates and you have the sulfur vibe, you'll be in a lot less danger.

If you're in a squad and you guys don't have those extra plates, the three plates aren't really going to do a lot for you, especially if you have no way to plate once you take damage. In a lot of situations, if you don't have the ability to self-revive, you might actually get knocked down and get injured.

Safe exfils & squad hunt trick

Safe exfils & squad hunt trick

Safex, bills can be done in a couple ways if you guys are feeling like you need to get out and you're really worried about the x-fill, itself, a.k.a. Landing the other part of this is the hunt squad contract; now this is where that final x-fill comes into play, and the majority of my x-fills—I think I have around 150 x-fills—and over 50 of those are in the final x-fill now once you get to the point in the match where you are basically going toward that final x-fill.

I always take a look at the map now, at the last few x-fills, at the last point before the final Expo, and the final x-fill is really where this is going to matter the most. You will want to look at the map for the Hunt Squad contract, which has a little skull on it; there are absolutely none of these on your map.

Either the final person or the final squad If we knew that there were no hunt squad contracts, we could basically plan for that engagement, and you can even make sure you're the first ones at that final X fill and plan that engagement accordingly. In a lot of these situations, where there were squads left over and we knew they were coming, we were able to eliminate them pretty much immediately and exfiltrate safely.

Also read:

On the other side of that, obviously, if we knew that there were no hunt squad contracts, we could kind of just chill and play it safe, make sure the AI doesn't eliminate us, jump in that helicopter, and take that final X-ray to safety.



Now, these are what I believe to be the best possible tips to help you not only improve your experience in the DMZ but also overall improve as a player. Hopefully, this will help you on your journey, and hopefully some of them are new to you, even if some of them are some that you might have heard before.

That's going to wrap things up for us here. I look forward to seeing you all at the next one.Peace.

Best Tips To Improve At DMZ In Warzone 2. 0 DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I'm sharing the best tips on how to improve not only your experience but personal skill level as well. Thank you all for the support and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.
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